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Caroline Wilson's descent into gutter journalism


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After closer study if what we read is true then I'm [censored] off with Connolly and his best mate G. Lyon who no doubt advised him. Melbourne needs to take it's medicine here if it is indeed at fault. Pretty disgraceful behaviour by Melbourne board if allegations are true. If it means we lose Viney then so be it.

Melbourne will re-build from this rubbish and hopefully all is true about what you guys say about Neeld. Neeld can re-build the club. Melbourne will do it's penance and move on from this. For the better!

And what if they're not true?

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What's that suppose to mean? Ron? Range Rover?

Is this Ron or an alias of Range Rover? Perhaps both?? Get the Mods to check his IP?? Ron/Rangey you are so full of it. Just for the record have spent the past 22 years exposing the likes of you and supporting the very people you obviously feel so superior too. (Working girls in Patpong)

Lots more to life and Thailand than Hookers Ron/Range...Find yourself that special person URGENT!!

ALSO...stop hiding behind Will Ferrell! He's a real character and doesn't fit your posts.

I don't expect many regulars here would think Range Rover and I are the same person, which for the record we are not. I am more than happy for the mods to confirm this.

And I find your avatar name, 'thaipantsman', to be very bloody basic. I find what you have said above to be ironic in the extreme, as your Demonland name seems to me to be quite misogynistic.

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Why? If there's truth to it, I agree we should take our medicine.

If not, I want the issue dealt with and the record set straight. And for Wilson to also come clean with her agenda.

Fair comment Ron..If this is the case she would have egg all over her face and her career as a serious Journo would be under severe threat. Andrew Bolt has got away with writing complete crap for years. People still read it. People still believe it.

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Fair comment Ron..If this is the case she would have egg all over her face and her career as a serious Journo would be under severe threat. Andrew Bolt has got away with writing complete crap for years. People still read it. People still believe it.

TPM actually Bolt was sued successfully just recently. There just may be a god - if all is revealed in our favour she will get her just deserts. I think we have forgotten about Healey and Sheahan and how they are connected to this in the first place. Would love to be a fly on the wall at the Healy family Christmas lunch.

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I'm not a renowned DL poster, but I felt compelled to share my thoughts.

Like most, the weight of media hyperbole, anecdotes and mudslinging is having an effect on me. However, rationally, I think tanking is impossible to prove, is against the AFLs interests, and if 'proven', will have further ramifications (other teams, betting, ADs job, legal action). My main concern is that the AFL's actions are often governed by public opinion and PR, as opposed to the facts. If we go down, we go down fighting and will bring others down with us.

I have known the vice president, Guy Jalland, on a personal level. Guy is an incredibly shrewd operator with a brilliant legal mind and many connections. Guy is passionate about the Demons. If this issue results in a legal showdown, I am confident that we will be expertly led.

Edited by Dr Opkick
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The afl cant take jack viney off us. Why punish a kid who dreamed of playing at the same club his dad played at. That would be a stupid punishment. Jack did nothing wrong.What happened had nothing to do with him. Anyway I reckon Megan would be down at the AFL in a heartbeat and she'd let them know.

Interesting tweet from sports reporter Glen Mitchell

I wonder how many career strikes Melbourne CEO Cameron Schwab needs before no club will touch him. The man has serial problems with ethics. Obviously Cameron had issues at freo as well. WAsnt he with us when we rorted the salary cap. Seriously why could we just land a Brian Cook type CEO.

Also Jon Ralph put out this tweet tonight.

Demons player went on: "There was nothing (Bailey) could do. The club had a plan. Dees player in the H Sun today on going to Bailey asking not to tank any more: "Players had meetings & asked him what was going on. Yet the reported player said we were never told to lose.

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TPM actually Bolt was sued successfully just recently. There just may be a god - if all is revealed in our favour she will get her just deserts. I think we have forgotten about Healey and Sheahan and how they are connected to this in the first place. Would love to be a fly on the wall at the Healy family Christmas lunch.

hope so LS...

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I wonder if this mystery player will come out with more stuff. Im wondering if its a brad miller or paul johnson type. A player that wasnt a superstar player for us and was mad at there axing.

Also Schwab has been very quiet on twitter. I wonder how the workplace morale is at the club.

Edited by dees189227
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Ron...RR whoever you are...If not true then Caroline has some explaining to do for stressing us out tonight!!

If some or all of what she claims is not true she will also need to find a very expensive lawyer, to defend her in the courts.

Tonight's vendetta from her, states rumour and innuendo, as fact with none of the word "alleged" in front of the "facts"

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I have known the vice president, Guy Jalland, on a personal level.

Agenda! Agenda! Everything you say is invalid!

Seriously though, there was a point where the AFL and MFC's interests were aligned. I think we may have passed it.

It's truly shocking that we handled this so poorly that we have been found out during an investigation that was undertaken by an organisation that didn't want to find anything.

Pleased to hear the Jalland is considered by some to be a shrewd legal operator but it is hard to have faith in him when he is clearly an incompetent board member.

Edited by Hazyshadeofgrinter
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If Melbourne go down for this there may be no Melbourne to rebuild, only a fool would believe this will make us stronger. We will lose sponsors and have great difficulty attracting new ones, no one will want to be involved with the club, as is is we are hanging in by a thread.

This is a media frenzy and it looks uglier by the hour, made only worse by the dick wits that have it in for Schwab and Connolly, some of whom are former board members and officials that nearly sent the club down the gurgles in the first place.

There are agendas and paybacks galore here and don't think that the majority on here are fooled by the [censored] they spin about it being for the good of the club, it's all about them, their ambitions and getting back at Schwab/Connolly.

The more frenzied the attacks by the media the harder the AFL will hit us, they have to make it look like they are in control and Dimwit has to save face, he will ensure we play most of our home games in Darwin if its possible.

I am not a huge fan of Schwab he's a bit slick for me but I'll stand by him as long as he's the choice of the elected board and until that changes neither will I, now is not the time for payback, you do that in the privacy of the board room If you get elected.

'Robbie' love your posts and love your passion for the club but the board made a very bad decision here, I have nothing to payback except for what I believe are people in charge who are bad for the club and need to be moved on ASAP, the only thing they've done is screwed the club that I passionately support. If that is an "agenda" so be it.

I may be wrong but so far I think all the crap we have had to endure probably says I am close to the mark.

The decisions that have been made have also ensured that there is no way known this would play out in the privacy of the board room.

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I become a member in 1998 to support the club after its failed merger with Hawth (look at what Hawks have achieved after failed merger)

Our club continues to go through very unstable periods with Gutnick which was amazing to see Daniher take us to the 00 GF and play in 6 final series out of his 10yrs

We copped fines for exceeding the salary cap, constant unstable boards, terrible training facilities at Junction oval,very low membership,treatment of our brownlow meadlist & poor handling of Daniher who should have been shown more respect, and racking up a 5 mill debt by 07 with an ageing list that played in its last finals game in 06.

Then come along Jimmy who seemed to galvanize the right people & clear our debt thru the wonderful & loyal members!

But still we saw rumblings within the club with player/footy dept issues that resulted in 186 & coach sacked

During this period we obtain many early picks from what many say from tanking which if all true damaged the already fragile culture of this footy club. This was made evident from Brock...hate him or not this is a guy who donated 10k for debt demolition & since then has seen a exodus of senior players who once spoke highly of club loyalty... If true you have to question as to what coach/footy dpt would sell out installing losing into a playing group over getting few extra picks & on top of that see those players leave or delisted!

Neeld along with new coaching deemed many of these senior players to be of no use for the future success of the list lets hope so.

Why cant we get it right?

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Three things i'm really sick of - firstly, the ability for these online articles to change their wording on a minute by minute basis. Writing is a dead art, get the articles right first time instead of revising them on a hourly basis to get the facts in there. Secondly, stop publishing the same material under a different heading. Drives me crazy saying "i've already read this".

Finally and most importantly, for the love of God, stop publishing photos of meathead McLean in a Melbourne guernsey. Every time i see him now i think of burnouts, parents with AIDS, a truckload of pimples, and a sour taste in my mouth. I'd rather not think that way while looking at the Red and the Blue.

We should let Caro run out her own rope as far as she wants. Let her make as many unfounded allegations, misquote's, bold assumptions stated as facts and back it up with hysteria and bluff. Then hang her with her own bloody noose that's called defamation. We could own The Age, which isn't worth much these days, but would still allow us to stop drivel being pressed into print and slowly but surely raise the standards of journalism again. She is a terrible excuse for a journalist and will be held to account!

Interestingly, after round 12 of 2007 "Caro" made an incredible statement on Footy Classified. It was simple and well informed, "Carlton will not win another game this season." With 10 weeks still to play in the year, Caro stated with as much certainty as the sun would rise in the morning that Carlton won't win. What the AFL should do is interview Caro to get her statement, then follow up with Brett Ratten and then Melbourne coah and former Carlton assistant Mark Riley to gather facts and roll-over on their now former employer. Afterwards, charge Caro for perjury for stating false fact and ban her from any AFL game for life.

Keep in mind that after the 2007 season, Tony Libratore came out against his former employer Carlton and stated his case for an investigation. Reinterview HIM! Mark Riley was rewarded for his win over Carlton in the Kreuzer cup with an Assured Assistant Coaches role with Carlton. Get to the bottom of THAT! Interview former players, because it was a game where the players were clearly complicit.

It's time to even the score Ladies and Gentleman. Gloves are off and that's right... "The truth hurts!"

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I wonder if this mystery player will come out with more stuff. Im wondering if its a brad miller or paul johnson type. A player that wasnt a superstar player for us and was mad at there axing.

Also Schwab has been very quiet on twitter. I wonder how the workplace morale is at the club.

The mystery player! who cares? it's not a player that will sink us unless he comes out with proof to say the coach told the players to throw the game.

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And Range/Ron..Basic can be good?

What planet are you from?

Getting back to the substance of this thread, it was not all that long ago that Caroline Wilson was giving it to us about the lack of process employed by the club in appointing Neeld. It was aggressive and unreasonable. I recall arguing with you (and others) about this issue at the time, and about the worthiness of Mark Neeld.

Neeld, in my view, has been a superb appointment. That's all conveniently forgotten now, and the media has seemingly thought it time to enliven another anti-MFC angle, one which I had thought had been dealt with by the AFL several years ago.

And that's why I am concerned about what's happening here. There appears to be a continual anti-MFC agenda at play here.

To my mind, we have endured far too much as a club to roll over and lose players and picks that are, in my opinion, rightfully ours. I don't see how this is spin.

I drive a BMW 1M.

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Thankgod Mark Stevens has written about the Kruzer cup on the h/sun website. Im glad Carlton has been bought back into the spotlight. Interetsing to hear J Ralph on radio today talking about WC and the media were onto them so Worsfold had to strat winning otherwise they owuld be spoken about. As Andy Maher said today I hope there isnt a Brock McLean in every football club.

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The mystery player! who cares? it's not a player that will sink us unless he comes out with proof to say the coach told the players to throw the game.

Junior was Captain and he knew nothing of it. Lets hope its a blow up!

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I for one am happy to finally be getting an insight into the rift between the players and the administration. Tanking makes sense as that divisive issue. Caroline Wilson is doing her job (and well). She has obviously spoken with at least one person the this 'vault' meeting, or is being backgrounded by someone with knowledge of the investigation - possibly with the idea of turning up the heat to get everyone feeling that the truth coming out is a foregone conclusion, and so spilling the beans. If you were a journalist you'd write the same story. She is not some idiot ex-footballer on SEN.

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I become a member in 1998 to support the club after its failed merger with Hawth (look at what Hawks have achieved after failed merger)

Our club continues to go through very unstable periods with Gutnick which was amazing to see Daniher take us to the 00 GF and play in 6 final series out of his 10yrs

We copped fines for exceeding the salary cap, constant unstable boards, terrible training facilities at Junction oval,very low membership,treatment of our brownlow meadlist & poor handling of Daniher who should have been shown more respect, and racking up a 5 mill debt by 07 with an ageing list that played in its last finals game in 06.

Then come along Jimmy who seemed to galvanize the right people & clear our debt thru the wonderful & loyal members!

But still we saw rumblings within the club with player/footy dept issues that resulted in 186 & coach sacked

During this period we obtain many early picks from what many say from tanking which if all true damaged the already fragile culture of this footy club. This was made evident from Brock...hate him or not this is a guy who donated 10k for debt demolition & since then has seen a exodus of senior players who once spoke highly of club loyalty... If true you have to question as to what coach/footy dpt would sell out installing losing into a playing group over getting few extra picks & on top of that see those players leave or delisted!

Neeld along with new coaching deemed many of these senior players to be of no use for the future success of the list lets hope so.

Why cant we get it right?

Who is the one constant in all of this?

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And what about CC in the box? Not the sharpest tool in the shed either. I think some people have their heads in the sand and will be in for a rude awakening - surely there will be sanctions. Hopefully they are limited to CC and DB. I also hope the AFL investigators are lining up interviews with the Blues coaching panel from 2007 just to be consistent in all this.

.....but that really would test their integrity, which thy lack.
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