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Would Emma Quayle make a good recruiting manager?


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No she has had a decade experience second handing the comments of others who can and do recruit.

I'd back Todd miles before Emma.

in fairness i have been informed that she puts in the yards herself and watches a fair whack of TAC


in fairness i have been informed that she puts in the yards herself and watches a fair whack of TAC

Great she has an opinion.

I dont see her with a strong football bakcground that would give her any special insights.

Its exactly analogous to Old 55 saying we should have Michelle Grattan as Prime Minister because she watches a fair whack of parliament.


Great she has an opinion.

I dont see her with a strong football bakcground that would give her any special insights.

Its exactly analogous to Old 55 saying we should have Michelle Grattan as Prime Minister because she watches a fair whack of parliament.

and have a journo run for parliament and knock the incumbent prime minister out his seat...ohh wait that did happen (i know i know - it didnt last long)


Great she has an opinion.

I dont see her with a strong football bakcground that would give her any special insights.

Its exactly analogous to Old 55 saying we should have Michelle Grattan as Prime Minister because she watches a fair whack of parliament.

No, what you're saying is that Wayne Swan (Todd Viney) would make a good Prime Minister, since he's involved in politics. I don't think he would, since the job is very different. Clearly a professional recruiter would be the best option, but between a former footballer and a current recruiting journalist, I'd pick the latter. Having a football background doesn't mean anything. Do you think Garry Lyon would make a good recruiter (or coach, for that matter)? It's the same thing.


Having the BEST recruiting manager should be our aim

Dont care about gender age or race


Clearly a professional recruiter would be the best option, but between a former footballer and a current recruiting journalist, I'd pick the latter. Having a football background doesn't mean anything.

....And a professional recruiter would have a football background..... :unsure:


Emma has certainly built up a reputation over the years, but can anyone throw some light on her famous first round draft selections over say the last 5-10 years?

Also how they have performed. ie Elite.. Average.... Serviceable .....Below Average....... Didn't Play


....And a professional recruiter would have a football background..... :unsure:

Define "a football background." If you're referring to having played football at an elite level, Clearly Emma's not the one to go for, but not every footballer would make a good professional recruiter. So obviously there are other factors to consider.

I'm sure Todd Viney can do the job, but that doesn't mean we should hang on to him forever. I would prefer a recruiter who's had a history of success as a recruiter, and while neither Emma Quayle nor Todd Viney fill that criterion, Quayle's background is closer to it than Todd's, in my opinion.


Define "a football background." If you're referring to having played football at an elite level, Clearly Emma's not the one to go for, but not every footballer would make a good professional recruiter. So obviously there are other factors to consider.

I'm sure Todd Viney can do the job, but that doesn't mean we should hang on to him forever. I would prefer a recruiter who's had a history of success as a recruiter, and while neither Emma Quayle nor Todd Viney fill that criterion, Quayle's background is closer to it than Todd's, in my opinion.


I merely used your term "football background". If you want a recruiter that has had a history of success then he/she must have had a background in football. So its does mean something. And a background in football does not extend to merely writing about. And I would have thought playing and coaching it would give your a far greater depth of insight than anything you can pick up writing for the masses in daily paper.

We could go for Mike Sheahan. He has some time on his hands. And he did barrack for MFC as a child..Hmmm


The job takes a few skills in being able to spot and lure talent .

Luring could be the hard bit if we continue to play weakly.

A big fat gut and a lying son are a bonus .



I merely used your term "football background". If you want a recruiter that has had a history of success then he/she must have had a background in football. So its does mean something. And a background in football does not extend to merely writing about. And I would have thought playing and coaching it would give your a far greater depth of insight than anything you can pick up writing for the masses in daily paper.

We could go for Mike Sheahan. He has some time on his hands. And he did barrack for MFC as a child..Hmmm

You don't become the best journalist in your field by simply "writing for the masses." I assume you're a lawyer, but regardless of your profession, you probably respect the amount of work it takes to become knowledgeable in your field. Emma Quayle's field is quite specific, and she would have an extremely-well developed sense of the recruiting landscape.

What she might not have is sheer footballing experience and knowledge of the coaching system, and that's where she'd fall down. But I would back her ability to spot (and, crucially, have her sources spot for her) young talent from all around the country. Emma Quayle probably has more contacts in Western Australia than Todd Viney, and in a country as large as ours, its the ability to gather and filter information that sets a recruiter apart. I don't see why Todd Viney would be particularly good at that, since his football background is as a coach and player.

Given that our game-plan has specific requirements, Emma Quayle would be able to use her contacts to identify a field of potential recruits and develop an acute sense of where they would likely go in the draft. Todd Viney probably has no real ideas about where other clubs might take players in the draft, but I'll bet Quayle does. That's one quality that is essential to being a good drafter. If you know what the other guy rates as good, then you can develop alternatives in case the player you want is gone. On the other hand, if you want to pick up a player, but you know the other clubs don't rate him very highly, then you might forego that player in the hope of picking him up in the next round. These are all things that someone with a well-developed set of contacts in local leagues around Australia would have. I honestly believe that Emma Quayle's contacts are better than Todd Viney's, and that's why I'd go for her over him.


I can't see how you could possibly be a recruiter without having ever played or coached a match.

And FWIW, the best in the business at phantom drafts was Matt Burgan before we plucked him from the jouro pool. If we were going to do something as outlandish as hiring a journalist to do the job of a recruiter, we could've done so without adding to the MFC employee head count!


Let's get her on board.

Silently of course.

She can tip us off about other clubs' selections and we can pay her in a brown paper bag.


Great she has an opinion.

I dont see her with a strong football bakcground that would give her any special insights.

Its exactly analogous to Old 55 saying we should have Michelle Grattan as Prime Minister because she watches a fair whack of parliament.

That was not the best analogy, that analogy would be suggesting for Emma to nominate for the draft herself.

Michelle Grattan would probably make a decent beuracrat working behind the scenes of politics to put specific politicians in there place. Which is the political version of Emma working to put players in there place (Demons list).

Regardless if she becomes recruitment manager or just part of the team, i feel her contacts and knowledge would benefit the Dees with recruiting young players.

Not that Viney dosn't have a few cards up his sleeve however, I am sure his been to quite alot of junior matches watching his son play. Young Jack can tell his old man which team mates are d$@kheads and which ones make good leaders on field. If only young Jack was running around on the field with T$ to give the recruiting team the heads up.


All this says to me is we need to poach a goddamn recruiting manager ASAP.

I'd back in Quayle over TV unfortunately, but I'd back Rendall over both.


What she might not have is sheer footballing experience and knowledge of the coaching system, and that's where she'd fall down.

That a pretty yawning gap in this game.

And its not just about "contacts" in the game that makes a good recruiters it the ability to judge and evaluate talent for yourself rather than rely on hearsay and 2nd hand knowledge. And a lack of footballing experience and knowledge is a critical factor. And you dont understand the drafting system if you think people TV are not aware of other Clubs movements. They are more likely to know than the journalists.

I can't see how you could possibly be a recruiter without having ever played or coached a match.

And FWIW, the best in the business at phantom drafts was Matt Burgan before we plucked him from the jouro pool. If we were going to do something as outlandish as hiring a journalist to do the job of a recruiter, we could've done so without adding to the MFC employee head count!


That was not the best analogy, that analogy would be suggesting for Emma to nominate for the draft herself.

Michelle Grattan would probably make a decent beuracrat working behind the scenes of politics to put specific politicians in there place. Which is the political version of Emma working to put players in there place (Demons list).

Regardless if she becomes recruitment manager or just part of the team, i feel her contacts and knowledge would benefit the Dees with recruiting young players.

Not that Viney dosn't have a few cards up his sleeve however, I am sure his been to quite alot of junior matches watching his son play. Young Jack can tell his old man which team mates are d$@kheads and which ones make good leaders on field. If only young Jack was running around on the field with T$ to give the recruiting team the heads up.

You even quoted why I made the analogy and yet you still misrepresent it.Amazing

And I not sure having his son Jack with the inside gossip is a big advantage but clearly you are taken with that.


That a pretty yawning gap in this game.

And its not just about "contacts" in the game that makes a good recruiters it the ability to judge and evaluate talent for yourself rather than rely on hearsay and 2nd hand knowledge. And a lack of footballing experience and knowledge is a critical factor. And you dont understand the drafting system if you think people TV are not aware of other Clubs movements. They are more likely to know than the journalists.


You even quoted why I made the analogy and yet you still misrepresent it.Amazing

And I not sure having his son Jack with the inside gossip is a big advantage but clearly you are taken with that.

You are an educated poster who consistently provides rational arguments, yet still you come off as colossally disrespectful. Amazing.

It really is difficult to read your posts, simply because you're so rude to other people. It's really pretty intolerable.


You even quoted why I made the analogy and yet you still misrepresent it.Amazing

And I not sure having his son Jack with the inside gossip is a big advantage but clearly you are taken with that.

being positive and mentioning something is not being taken by it. It is simply adding to the thread.

Have some respect and dont be so rude please.


I'd say Emma Quayle is an excellent, even the preeminent, recruiting journalist.

I can't think of anyone I'd rather have reporting on the recruting processes and upcoming drafts.

'The Draft' was a nice read too.

Her ability to communicate effectively with people within the pretty tightly managed recruiting sector is quite a skill... Quayle may actually be better suited as a 'recruitment system manager' for the AFL... hell, she'd be the only person in AFL HQ who listens to the stakeholders on a regular basis...


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