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The Window


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The flag window has been maintained.

I wrote when he-must-not-be-named left that these future picks will put our window back a year or two - with Clark providing a massive forward line presence I believe that the window has now shifted back to where it was.

The game is won or lost in the middle but a Clark-Watts-Jurrah-Howe forward line has repercussions down the line that make life easier for a few people - including midfielders looking into the forward line.

It would be good to see the club spend some of the comp currency on a Josh Caddy, but waiting for this draft next year is fine too and will help us build for our time.

I am not saying we will be top 4 next year but I am saying that we have managed to maintain what I thought was pushed back, and it feels good.

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It feels so good to finally have that big bodied FF we have been desperately needing. Drafting all these youngsters lately, while I believe in all of them- there is no size down there, we get pushed off the ball too many times and the opposition can get it out of there too easily.

Now with a focal point others can feed off Clark. He doesn't even have to dominate- his mere presence will lift the forward line. Bloody handy player to boot.

God forbid Jamar or Stef go down with an injury we have an extremely competent back up now. Exciting times!!! Go Dees!!

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I've always said that 2014 is our year. And I still think we are on our way there.

But I still can't wait for next year. I really hope it won't be the disappointment that was 2011. So so disappointing.


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I fully expect (and maybe I'm building myself up for a fall here) that 2012 will be the antidote to 2011. I'm not suggesting for a second that we'll win the flag, but I fully expect that our boys will put in a performance worthy of the faith that we as supporters place in them, and one which will not erase, but at least ease the pain of, 2011. As rpfc says, window still intact!

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Rather warm fuzzy and positive there Rpfc :)

On a serious note i didnt for a minute think Scully's departure hurt us at all, but then I have my views on that and theyre not shared universally. I do concur that the picks have forward value and that as such a time element as you describe enters the mix.

I think the window wasnt open before but for many and varying reasons. What Clarks arival does is open it, not so much reopen it. I think we were all sold a pup in recent years, albeit a pup we were willing to buy, that it was all about to start ( at last) . It wasnt. We can see that now in hindsight. The problem was essentially the wrong , design, frame , sash and glazing were in place. The error was found in time and new materials ordered, and now delivered.

To continue the analogy , a little building is still required but its more finessing now than a total renovation. We're so used to false dawns now that when the sun does actually rise we dont trust it.

Theres a whole different feeling about things this time. We will probably know only when we see the lads run on a field and play. There of course is the danger that we all feed into and proffer the same illusion and by so grant it a faux legitimacy. There does seem to be a particular difference currently in that much of our past efforts have revolved around the idea of tilling some field , sowing some seed and hoping the weather is kind to us and that things will grow in due course as all fair drops ought to. What I see now is a different approach. Instead of 'we need a tree so lets nurture a seedling' we have gone and got a young sappling . Instead of a semi barren soil oversewn and composted with generic fertiliser we now have a purpose built green house and ground staff to spare ( all but). Were not using anecdoctal methods but the appliance of science.

In other words were getting professional about it, amateur hour has passed.

Thats what I see as different, thats what I see suggesting a different outcome in the making. Time will judge.

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The flag window has been maintained.

I wrote when he-must-not-be-named left that these future picks will put our window back a year or two - with Clark providing a massive forward line presence I believe that the window has now shifted back to where it was.

The game is won or lost in the middle but a Clark-Watts-Jurrah-Howe forward line has repercussions down the line that make life easier for a few people - including midfielders looking into the forward line.

It would be good to see the club spend some of the comp currency on a Josh Caddy, but waiting for this draft next year is fine too and will help us build for our time.

I am not saying we will be top 4 next year but I am saying that we have managed to maintain what I thought was pushed back, and it feels good.

It will still be two years away before we start winning more than losing, next year will not be much better than this maybe 9-10 wins and not as much thrashings

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It will still be two years away before we start winning more than losing, next year will not be much better than this maybe 9-10 wins and not as much thrashings

do you honestly consider that after al lthe improvement soff andf on the fiield together with another more preseason and better fitness monitoring that we'll only be a 1-2 win better team as compared this year ??

Personally I see 11 wins at worst after all we'll probably get to play the Dwarves twice .They will be give-me's

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It will still be two years away before we start winning more than losing, next year will not be much better than this maybe 9-10 wins and not as much thrashings

After a long hard pre season, there is no excuses any more...the Team & Club must improve...

Ever since G Lyon walked back in there..the place has sharpened up.

We have the talent to make the 8 next year....the application will determine which position.

It will be 5 years since the 2007 implosion...that's long enough.

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Great day for the club. Shows what being out of debt means. We must never get into serious debt again.

Infnity and beyond...

I dont think the Clark signing had anything to do with being debt free. When we did have debt we still at or close the Salary cap.

After a long hard pre season, there is no excuses any more...the Team & Club must improve...

If I had the time I would search for your similar " no excuses" post from 12 months.

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I dont think the Clark signing had anything to do with being debt free. When we did have debt we still at or close the Salary cap.

Seems our CEO would disagree


Club CEO Cameron Schwab revealed the club’s debt demolition program helped build a war chest to help attract top talent – despite losing Tom Scully to a once-in-a-lifetime offer from GWS.

“Very proud of the way everyone at Melbourne have worked together to attract some outstanding talent to the club,” Schwab tweeted.

“Melbourne spent the last 3 years rebuilding the business model to give ourselves the chance to compete for talent. Now the work starts."

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We'll know this club has made strides when it doesn't need a media blowtorch or a 'backs-against-the-wall' spur to come out and get their hands dirty.

It'll just be assumed, week after week after week, that when you strap on a red and blue jumper you are prepared to hurt and be hurt for the duration of play.

The window will open but first comes the change in mentality.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we don't do as well as people think we will next year.

Why? History.

Ross Lyon came to coach a side in 2007 that was 14-8 in 2006, and only won 11 games. This was because he was creating a new structure to what was there previously. This takes time for the players to break old habits and create new habits. You will remember that Lyon had to drop Dal Santo and Milne because they didn't play the new style.

It wouldn't surprise me if history repeats.

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If I had the time I would search for your similar " no excuses" post from 12 months.

The number of posts next to your name suggests otherwise ol' Rich.

You never stop sniping do you?

Seems our CEO would disagree


Club CEO Cameron Schwab revealed the club’s debt demolition program helped build a war chest to help attract top talent – despite losing Tom Scully to a once-in-a-lifetime offer from GWS.

“Very proud of the way everyone at Melbourne have worked together to attract some outstanding talent to the club,” Schwab tweeted.

“Melbourne spent the last 3 years rebuilding the business model to give ourselves the chance to compete for talent. Now the work starts."


Edited by stevethemanjordan
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I wouldn't be surprised if we don't do as well as people think we will next year.

Why? History.

Ross Lyon came to coach a side in 2007 that was 14-8 in 2006, and only won 11 games. This was because he was creating a new structure to what was there previously. This takes time for the players to break old habits and create new habits. You will remember that Lyon had to drop Dal Santo and Milne because they didn't play the new style.

It wouldn't surprise me if history repeats.

Absolutely right. There will be a few stubborn horses among them who refuse to be dragged to the Neeld trough. That'll affect performance in year one but that's okay ... part of the weeding process.

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Those that refuse..will not play..it will I sense be quite simple. He'll know these beffore the season proper.

Not for a moment suggesting a road without pitfalls but I certainly believe there will be strides taken from here on in.

How many bumps ? Pick a anumber :lol: Who will be stubborn ? Im feeling Neeld already has his ideas. B)

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Those that refuse..will not play..it will I sense be quite simple. He'll know these beffore the season proper.

Not for a moment suggesting a road without pitfalls but I certainly believe there will be strides taken from here on in.

How many bumps ? Pick a anumber :lol: Who will be stubborn ? Im feeling Neeld already has his ideas. B)

Frankly, I can only picture a few who won't be a problem...

That's probably over-stating the issue but most of our players just don't have the discipline to play hard footy for 120 mins let alone play to a structure for 120 mins...

I'm sure our senior players will be a great help with their buy-in - it should be an enormous influence over the group...

My teeth were so clenched posting that last line I almost chipped a tooth...

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Those that refuse..will not play..it will I sense be quite simple. He'll know these beffore the season proper.

Not for a moment suggesting a road without pitfalls but I certainly believe there will be strides taken from here on in.

How many bumps ? Pick a anumber :lol: Who will be stubborn ? Im feeling Neeld already has his ideas. B)

I think we all know who they are and I'm sure Neeld will be more interested to see how they apply themselves against - for example - a West Coast away rather than a GWS at home.

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Rpfc..I can see where your comig from in terms of the fruit having been spoilt a littel in terms of influences to date. But I am going to take the view that many are still there to be moulded. Theyre young in the main and with better mentoring and coaching will come good. The younger ones are more likely Id think to take to teh new regime. We al knwo its the old guard that will be resistant. Fotr reasons I cant fathom I actually sense Sylvia might take to Neeld like a duck to water. Col might serve a no nonsense type better.

I see differing types emerging.. those that cant change simply because they havent the skilss or ability or nouse to, and those that are just stubborn (read stupid ) Irrespective...they will get to know pine splinters very well.

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Seems our CEO would disagree


Club CEO Cameron Schwab revealed the club’s debt demolition program helped build a war chest to help attract top talent – despite losing Tom Scully to a once-in-a-lifetime offer from GWS.

“Very proud of the way everyone at Melbourne have worked together to attract some outstanding talent to the club,” Schwab tweeted.

“Melbourne spent the last 3 years rebuilding the business model to give ourselves the chance to compete for talent. Now the work starts."

All payments are through the salary cap and we always paid to the top of the salary cap when we were in debt. Where the debt bites is in the funding of facilities and coaching and other non salary cap areas. Its clear the money we did not commit to Scully some of it went to Clark.

Awfully good spin and chest beating comments by Schwab.

You never stop sniping do you?

*Cough*...A tall accusation from someone of your stature.

I not surprised you would slurp up the first bit of spin without much thought.

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't do as well as people think we will next year.

Why? History.

Ross Lyon came to coach a side in 2007 that was 14-8 in 2006, and only won 11 games. This was because he was creating a new structure to what was there previously. This takes time for the players to break old habits and create new habits. You will remember that Lyon had to drop Dal Santo and Milne because they didn't play the new style.

It wouldn't surprise me if history repeats.

But there are "no excuses" this year....

It will be fascinating to watch

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I knew Rhino would comment here! If debt demolition had not been responded to by the supporters there is no way we would have landed mitch clark or dave misson.

With the salary cap and being in debt we would have remained alive but only just.

Clearing the debt has made us a player again, hopefully serious at that.

It is 5 years of rebuild come 2012,thus the excuses do not cut it anymore.

Keep digging Rhino!!

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I knew Rhino would comment here! If debt demolition had not been responded to by the supporters there is no way we would have landed mitch clark or dave misson.

With the salary cap and being in debt we would have remained alive but only just.

Clearing the debt has made us a player again, hopefully serious at that.

It is 5 years of rebuild come 2012,thus the excuses do not cut it anymore.

Keep digging Rhino!!

I sense he misses the point that teh talent is also off the field, in the likes of Misson and full coaching . that sthis helps influence a candidate . This is al lpart of the package players look at now, not just the money but the FD structure, how they will be supported and mentored/coached etc.

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I knew Rhino would comment here! If debt demolition had not been responded to by the supporters there is no way we would have landed mitch clark or dave misson.

With the salary cap and being in debt we would have remained alive but only just.

Clearing the debt has made us a player again, hopefully serious at that.

It is 5 years of rebuild come 2012,thus the excuses do not cut it anymore.

Keep digging Rhino!!

You have changed the goalpost again WYL. Well done.

If you read my posts, Clark is not the issue. How do you know what Misson and Clark would have done? Sorry if I take your comments as rock solid.

Clearing the debt saved us $600,000 a year. Its big win. Does it make us a " player"? Well Ah...no! We still need to become financially sustainable operation. We are no where near that

Any thought that the players might find it difficult to adjust to Neeld's game plan and style? Ah but that's right there are "no excuses"!!!!

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