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Colin Sylvia- Complaints, Congratulations and Comments


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Hearing that he was laughing after the game worries me. Is his head in it? I can't see the funny side of yesterday, especially when Sylvia missed a set shot in the last quarter that would have provided us with a nicer lead and a bit more confidence.

This must be Sylvia's last year at Melbourne if he doesn't step up and assert himself on games. We can't afford to keep players like him on the list who don't give enough in match situations.

I think we just missed our opportunity to trade Colin IMO.

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Oh please, get your hand off it, all of you.

It is absolutely normal and common for players immediately after a game to have a chat and a laugh. It blows off nervous energy (ESPECIALLY after a tight game) and helps to make sure there are no lingering poisonous feelings after a rough spoil, or a heated exchange or sledging.

May I point out the key words - 'after the game'? Or is that too subtle a distinction.

And FFS, it's a pre-season game. Maybe some of us have pumped it up as something big and special, but I'd be dissapointed if it wasn't just a step in preparation for the footy department at Melbourne. We want to peak during the season, yes? Or have you all decided that 'four wins or less' is the way to go and the pre-season is the only time left to actually try to win?

I worry sometimes about the enthusiasm on here for knocking the players beyond all proportion.

yeah well he shouldv blown nervous energy off after kicking the goal that wouldv givin us victory,he didnt seem care and it pisses people off, the fans wernt laughing after the game,so why is he.
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Hahahaha!!.....Theres an eerie silence in here.

* Tumble weed rolls by*

colin sylvia - BFD!!! he will never be a match winner, has no spark or the x factor (look at sir cale as an example) but he'll have a great life.

he's good looking, built like the proverbial and loves to party - spearmint rhino here we come!!

trade? he's NQR, won't chase, is slow and not worth a cracker - you don't reckon the club didn't try? thanks heavens we've seen the last of CAC - the worst recruiting guy on the planet.


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I remember another occasion was watching a few of the boys coming off the field after one of our amazing AAMI stadium performances, laughing with the opposition. Hate it

You've got no idea what was said to him though... what if Cameron Stokes said he'd punch his head in? That'd make me laugh, whether i'd just suffered a loss or not.

One of the hawthorn players could have easily said "You'll be out of the league this time next year Sylvia" (& wouldn't be too far off the mark) but being a professional athlete brimming with self-belief would make this seem laughable.

My point is: Its silly to get angry if you have no idea of the context.

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colin sylvia - BFD!!! he will never be a match winner, has no spark or the x factor (look at sir cale as an example) but he'll have a great life.

he's good looking, built like the proverbial and loves to party - spearmint rhino here we come!!

trade? he's NQR, won't chase, is slow and not worth a cracker - you don't reckon the club didn't try? thanks heavens we've seen the last of CAC - the worst recruiting guy on the planet.


Exude my ignorance for one moment. But when did the MFC try and trade Col?

I think I remember Collingwood(??) being interested once, and iam sure they would have turned him into something worth watching, but your right when talking about the time being up. (I cant believe i have been sucked into talking about trading players prior to R1)

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I was more concerned with things during the game than after, although I know how annoying it is to be feeling gutted as a supporter, and seeing bonhomie amongst the gladiators.

In particular (and would welcome comment as to whether my observation is correct) half way through the last quarter as a Hawthorn player was steaming through half back, Col came at him from the side and just in front of him. He had "Big Hit" written all over him; accelerated, tucked the shoulder in and delivered a fair cruncher just at the point of kicking. Trouble was, the Caroma player got the kick away.

My take was that if Col had've directed the same energy toward a smother, his hands would have arrived at the scene about a metre before the tucked shoulder, the ball would probably have been knocked down, and the ball would have stayed in our zone, etc., etc.....Not smart, sated Col's blood lust rather than giving an advantage to the team.

Did anyone see that, or did I not see it right?

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I was more concerned with things during the game than after, although I know how annoying it is to be feeling gutted as a supporter, and seeing bonhomie amongst the gladiators.

In particular (and would welcome comment as to whether my observation is correct) half way through the last quarter as a Hawthorn player was steaming through half back, Col came at him from the side and just in front of him. He had "Big Hit" written all over him; accelerated, tucked the shoulder in and delivered a fair cruncher just at the point of kicking. Trouble was, the Caroma player got the kick away.

My take was that if Col had've directed the same energy toward a smother, his hands would have arrived at the scene about a metre before the tucked shoulder, the ball would probably have been knocked down, and the ball would have stayed in our zone, etc., etc.....Not smart, sated Col's blood lust rather than giving an advantage to the team.

Did anyone see that, or did I not see it right?

Nope you got it. He just doesn't play the percentages at all. You could almost say he plays for himself and not the club.

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Hahahaha!!.....Theres an eerie silence in here.

* Tumble weed rolls by*

I dont know why I am put up as a Sylvia fan (I am not) and even more bizarre I am not sure why you're gloating.

I have bumped thread "A sight for sore eyes" where I have stated in October 2008 that Sylvia is an average footballer, no trade value with a question about his football smarts. Try post # 15.

I further note that you were glad we did not trade him as "Clubs know his value". FFS. Any chance you might still see "value".

Why dont you and your cowboys do a search on Sylvia on the Forum and look horns with Y_M and BBPowell who are actually pretty chuffed with the skill and class of Sylvia.

As I have lamented here often, Cooney aside, the Class of 2003 is proving to be one of the most ordinary drafts ever. Sylvia is one example of it. He was pathetic yesterday. I am not sure when his contract is up but a few non efforts like that could see him out the door quickly. Or do you still see him with "trade value"?

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His lack of judgment after the game (HTF could he laugh?) matches his lack of output on the ground.

2 years ago, I led the trade Sylvia fr Wells campaign (although this was not, admittedly, a strong campaign). Who here today would not do that deal?

Fast forward to today, I would trade CS for a decent boot studder - and yes, I know they all wear moulded soles these days!

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I dont know why I am put up as a Sylvia fan (I am not) and even more bizarre I am not sure why you're gloating.

I have bumped thread "A sight for sore eyes" where I have stated in October 2008 that Sylvia is an average footballer, no trade value with a question about his football smarts. Try post # 15.

I further note that you were glad we did not trade him as "Clubs know his value". FFS. Any chance you might still see "value".

Why dont you and your cowboys do a search on Sylvia on the Forum and look horns with Y_M and BBPowell who are actually pretty chuffed with the skill and class of Sylvia.

As I have lamented here often, Cooney aside, the Class of 2003 is proving to be one of the most ordinary drafts ever. Sylvia is one example of it. He was pathetic yesterday. I am not sure when his contract is up but a few non efforts like that could see him out the door quickly. Or do you still see him with "trade value"?

HEAR! HEAR! or is that, HERE! HERE?

bravo, rhino, eloquently put - one thing that i will pick you up is that mclean might yet prove his worth - at least he gives a f***!


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His lack of judgment after the game (HTF could he laugh?) matches his lack of output on the ground.

2 years ago, I led the trade Sylvia fr Wells campaign (although this was not, admittedly, a strong campaign). Who here today would not do that deal?

Fast forward to today, I would trade CS for a decent boot studder - and yes, I know they all wear moulded soles these days!

Distance Demon's e-mail would apply to your first sentence. How dare Sylvia smile and laugh post match? Shame on him.

I would not be boasting about that trade. It was stupid then as it is now. Why would NM trade a fit talented but inconsistent player in Wells for a OP crippled non performer like Sylvia? You must think other Clubs are completely daft. Beggars belief. You may as well have suggested Sylvia for Judd or Hodge!

Sylvia's medical history and limited output at MFC guaranteed he had zilch trade value at any time in his career.

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Sylvia will finish top5 in the 2009 B&F. He does bleed for the club and a NAB cup match inst worth much in the scheme of things. He hasn't blitzed yet but like has he been fit. Reserve judgment until the last week in 2009 when we have finished our season.

So long as he bleeds for the Club Jack then his crap performances are just dandy! :rolleyes:

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I don't want to bag a player in the pre season but him laughing after the game was the last straw. Sylvia is a joke he can't kick, can't jump, for a bloke who is suppoesed to be a great overhead he rarely takes one, poor decision maker not overly quick and extremely lazy. Melbourne are to blame for this he has continually got a game when his form didn't warrant it now you have a player who always thinks he will play in the seniors no matter how bad he plays. It is now time for him to be dropped unless he is in the best for at least 2 of the next 3 practice matches. Sylvia is not a forward he misses far too many goals and he is not fit enough for the position that we need filled and what he was recruited for in the midfield. I would be amazed if he was to turn his career around cause ATM he is just another Fiora.

Well said totally agree

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Oh please, get your hand off it, all of you.

It is absolutely normal and common for players immediately after a game to have a chat and a laugh. It blows off nervous energy (ESPECIALLY after a tight game) and helps to make sure there are no lingering poisonous feelings after a rough spoil, or a heated exchange or sledging.

May I point out the key words - 'after the game'? Or is that too subtle a distinction.

And FFS, it's a pre-season game. Maybe some of us have pumped it up as something big and special, but I'd be dissapointed if it wasn't just a step in preparation for the footy department at Melbourne. We want to peak during the season, yes? Or have you all decided that 'four wins or less' is the way to go and the pre-season is the only time left to actually try to win?

I worry sometimes about the enthusiasm on here for knocking the players beyond all proportion.

It's all about being a promecial.

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colin sylvia - BFD!!! he will never be a match winner, has no spark or the x factor (look at sir cale as an example) but he'll have a great life.

he's good looking, built like the proverbial and loves to party - spearmint rhino here we come!!

trade? he's NQR, won't chase, is slow and not worth a cracker - you don't reckon the club didn't try? thanks heavens we've seen the last of CAC - the worst recruiting guy on the planet.


Do not get me going on CAC

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People need to get a grip. How can you hold a player responsible accountable for your own expectations that you have placed on him?

Further to this, we all should know the type of player Colin is by now. We know that he has struggled with fitness and form for his entire career. He is just 1 of a senior AFL list of 40odd players trying to make a career of it. So, he had a bad game (we think). Does anybody here know what his roles were? Watching the telecast made it virtually impossible to make out any system in our forward line and define a role thta Sylvia was filling. Was he a leading forward? How many shots at goal did our other leading forwards get? Was the delivery up to scratch? Why were the Melbourne forwards consistently out numbered when the ball hit the deck? So many variables and people here take the soft option and slag on Sylvia.

It's laughable, the hyperbole about this player on this site. From all reports he has had an excellent pre-season and people here want to condemn him on 1 performance this preseason and a career ravaged by injuries. Injuries he had when we selected him.

Now, people are going to say, "I saw him laughing with the opposition just after a loss...." Well, once again, what was the context? Anyone? I admit it probably doesnt look great to most ardent supporters but it's hardly a hangable act, particularly after a Mickey Mouse NAB Cup game. If you ever get a chance to see the players up close before, after or during games have a look at Sylvia and then tell me he doesnt care.

Finally, if you still want to assassinate his character then just remember one thing, is publicly slamming a player befit the crime of playing poorly/laughing in a NAB Cup game?

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Sylvia will finish top5 in the 2009 B&F. He does bleed for the club and a NAB cup match inst worth much in the scheme of things. He hasn't blitzed yet but like has he been fit. Reserve judgment until the last week in 2009 when we have finished our season.


There ya go. ;)

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To everyone on here, give sylvia a break. It is one game after having seasons out due to injury. If in round 6 he has done nothing then start to have a go but give him time to get back.

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Look on the positive side, the club identified that we have an issue with mid size forwards and crumbing forwards, so they drafted a few players that can play that role. Over the past 3-4 seasons there has been no pressure on certain players to play well to retain their spots, that is changing. If Col and Newton can't see that the club has young forwards just waiting to take their spots they will be gone as soon as their respective contracts are up. Look at Maric, Jetta, Watts, Blease, Strauss, Jurrah and add in Morton who will spend time up forward, as these guys improve the pressure on Col will force him to improve or play for Casey. IMO that is what building a good list is about creating pressure from underneath to force players to improve.

Saying that it is one preseason game, he has 3 more to find form for round 1 and by mid year we will know a lot more about Col's ability and I have confidence that he is a good player, no match winner but a good footballer.

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To everyone on here, give sylvia a break. It is one game after having seasons out due to injury. If in round 6 he has done nothing then start to have a go but give him time to get back.

I think the issue is not the game he played but the way he conducted himself immediately afterwards. OK its a preseason game but it was a very important game for the club. He should have been hurting, a quick hand shake and then off the ground to reflect on the loss. Just my opinion.

Its good that we finally have a list that if he is not performing a younger player should be putting pressure. So time will tell!

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