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I heard they had a council meeting last night from a news report concerning the Methane Gas problem - Do you know or have you heard if their was anything raised at all with respect to the Mfc last night?

Do you know or have you heard if their was anything raised at all with respect to the Mfc last night?

A couple of things as I understand it:

• a couple of questions from the public about whether the MFC project at Casey Fields could be abandoned or deferred, and redirecting the money to assist people affected by the methane issue

• a question from a Councillor about whether or not MFC had signed up with Council

• some comment from a Councillor about MFC personnel being involved in a fund raising activity run by 3 of the Councillors who supported MFC.

It still seems a bit odd MFC haven't managed to actually secure Casey as their VFL team...surely they would have been on to this by now. Am i missing something?

Very odd indeed, particularly as there were some obviously premature comments about MFC moving to Casey Fields which spooked the horses and Sandy and St Kilda jumped into bed together, and now MFC and the Scorps don’t seem to be able to get it together.

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There's been a shed-load of trouble at the Casey council over the proposed financial arrangements with Melbourne.

And just now an email arrives, the gist of which is: "The Casey deal went to [censored] last night."

What did this email allude to.. Forget the gist..what does it refer to ? What sort of source does it quote. Without casting apersions.. why should we take any of this as gospel ?

can you enlighten ?


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There's been a shed-load of trouble at the Casey council over the proposed financial arrangements with Melbourne.

Only 3 (sometimes 4) out of 11 Councillors were against MFC. There has been strong support for the financial arrangements, and for the community partnership program proposed by MFC to secure the Council's support.

And just now an email arrives, the gist of which is: "The Casey deal went to [censored] last night."

No decision at the Council meeting last night!

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Theres always been a small tribe of @#%*!'s against the idea...their perogative I guess.. but nothing new here

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I strongly believe that MFC will do a better job than St Kilda would ever have done in engaging with the local community. To some extent it has to - its future relies on getting a strong geographic support base

Says it all

When your swimming for your life you tend to get a bit earnest in your efforts !!

and its very much sink or SWIM !! ;)

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I would be absolutely FURIOUS if the Casey Fields deal fell through! :angry:

In fact I think there would be serious legal consequences if this did indeed happen. :blink:

However, as far as I know everything is going a head (slowly but surely) and as Dean Bailey said the Demons side will be training there in a month's time.

All that needs to be done is the finishing touches of the agreement and the alignment with the Casey Scorpions VFL team. While the whole fiasco about the methane gas has been very concerning and I am greatly effected by this by having friends living in the area in all honesty it has nothing to do with the MFC setting up a training base at Casey Fields.

I guess if there's any 'suing' to be done, it would be Casey taking on MFC.

From what I hear, MFC is wanting to jump ship because now it has decided it will be 'too hard' to deliver all the community programs they promised to deliver in return for the ratepayers of Casey spending all that money on improving the facilities for them. I don't understand why they couldn't have worked this out sooner, unless it's just an excuse for something else.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I want MFC to come, but if they aren't going to live up to their side of the bargain, I don't want my rates dollars being wasted on them.

A little bit like a kid finding out there is no Santa Claus really. Very sad today.

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I guess if there's any 'suing' to be done, it would be Casey taking on MFC.

From what I hear, MFC is wanting to jump ship because now it has decided it will be 'too hard' to deliver all the community programs they promised to deliver in return for the ratepayers of Casey spending all that money on improving the facilities for them. I don't understand why they couldn't have worked this out sooner, unless it's just an excuse for something else.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I want MFC to come, but if they aren't going to live up to their side of the bargain, I don't want my rates dollars being wasted on them.

A little bit like a kid finding out there is no Santa Claus really. Very sad today.

Just right at the moment...exactly what HAS Casey spent in Melbournes favour ?

Seems much ado about nothing at present..a bit of he said she said etc.. I might wait to see what really is going on.

and there IS always a Santa Claus !! ;)

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Dees reject Casey speculation

MELBOURNE Football Club has rejected speculation its move to Casey Fields is in jeopardy.

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Just right at the moment...exactly what HAS Casey spent in Melbournes favour ?

Seems much ado about nothing at present..a bit of he said she said etc.. I might wait to see what really is going on.

and there IS always a Santa Claus !! ;)

Hey, I had to respond to the assumption that it must be Casey that is stalling the deal! My little bird told me that Casey has been keen to get this deal on paper, but it has been MFC dragging its heels, now MFC are having second thoughts. Dean Bailey can say anything he wants about training out here, but he is not in charge of the club and will not get much of a say in a business decision like this.

As far as Casey is concerned, it will happen - there have been several votes on this issue, and the decision has gone in MFC's favour, so the Council is bound to follow the decision that has been made. Council cannot back out unless there is another vote, and there wasn't one last night, so if the deal is shaky then it clearly has nothing to do with Casey. Put it in the context of state/federal government, if the legislature passes a law, the public service has to act within that law. Same thing for councils. Our Council has decided to do a deal with MFC, so it will be done unless MFC don't want to do it.

I would be happy to be wrong (or if my little bird was wrong) but unless MFC does another 180, it looks like it "aint happening folks".

And there is no Santa, or Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny, or anyone else nice out there today. On top of a crap day, someone pinched the last of my milk from the work fridge, so I couldn't have my afternoon coffee. So I am VERY CRANKY!

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Hey, I had to respond to the assumption that it must be Casey that is stalling the deal! My little bird told me that Casey has been keen to get this deal on paper, but it has been MFC dragging its heels....

That's as I hear it too.

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Well it appears the Dees are just negotiating the finer details of the appearances in the Community they have to do, as it will cost the club a bit of money. The club should take as much time as it likes, as this deal is for 30 YEARS.

Either way we will start training there in the first week of November, no doubt about it.

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Well it appears the Dees are just negotiating the finer details of the appearances in the Community they have to do, as it will cost the club a bit of money. The club should take as much time as it likes, as this deal is for 30 YEARS.

Either way we will start training there in the first week of November, no doubt about it.

There's no doubt the Demons will start training at Casey Fields in November - with or without agreement with the Council. MFC can come to an agreement with the Scorps in the short term.

However, without an agreement with the Council there won't be any extensions to the facility, and it'll be back to the Junction Oval during the season for the next couple of years (it would have been anyway for 2009). And no gym and coaches' offices for the pre-season training periods.

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Dees reject Casey speculation

MELBOURNE Football Club has rejected speculation its move to Casey Fields is in jeopardy.

Thanks for putting up the link belzebub59.

I actually sent an Email to the Melbourne Football Club yesterday to ask them ro "explain themselves" in relation to what is going on with Casey Fields. I'm a bit disappointed that they haven't responded to me yet. <_<

Either way I have faith in Chris Connolly, the Melbourne Football Club and the Casey Council sorting things out with this 30 year deal.

I just wish things would happen a bit quicker but I think that BOTH the Melbourne Football Club and the Casey Council realise that the long-term benefits far outweigh any of the short-term negatives.

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Sounds like MFC got a little overexcited with the community work and have know realised the cost over 30 years is too high. Professionalism has never been our strong point. Let's just hope they can sort it out soon as some concrete needs pouring. Suzanna, you seem fairly sure that the deal is off, what do you make of the Leader news item? I'm seeing a long term agreement being nutted out between a council (never the speediest people to deal with) and a footy club that lacks the professionalism and financial resources to wrap this deal up quickly. Combine this with some over ethusiasm and you're going to have to wait a while for results. Fingers still crossed and beginning to hurt!

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Is Cameron Schwab analysing the finer detail? I'm sure he's calculating the costs and weighing everything up, along with the board. The best intersests of the club are currently under consideration. I'd rather everything be considered than jump into something that will come at a great cost for our club. Its a difficult period. Answers will come, but everyone has to realise when critical issues are in progress, it takes time and careful consideration before making announcements such as Casey.

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Is Cameron Schwab analysing the finer detail? I'm sure he's calculating the costs and weighing everything up, along with the board. The best intersests of the club are currently under consideration. I'd rather everything be considered than jump into something that will come at a great cost for our club. Its a difficult period. Answers will come, but everyone has to realise when critical issues are in progress, it takes time and careful consideration before making announcements such as Casey.

Yep. Its very important that our great club be very pragmatic about such a major undertaking at this critical time in its history.

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Sounds like MFC got a little overexcited with the community work and have know realised the cost over 30 years is too high. Professionalism has never been our strong point. Let's just hope they can sort it out soon as some concrete needs pouring. Suzanna, you seem fairly sure that the deal is off, what do you make of the Leader news item? I'm seeing a long term agreement being nutted out between a council (never the speediest people to deal with) and a footy club that lacks the professionalism and financial resources to wrap this deal up quickly. Combine this with some over ethusiasm and you're going to have to wait a while for results. Fingers still crossed and beginning to hurt!

The CEO of Casey has sent an email (quoted by the Leader) stating that MFC are rethinking their position. Chris Connolly denies it. However I think it is very telling that the contract has not yet been signed. Why not? It's been weeks - a couple of months even - and yet it hasn't been signed. It's not like we had a finals campaign to concentrate on is it? First the inexplicable delays in signing the contract, now this - did MFC ever intend to come to Casey?

All the reasons for MFC wanting to come out to Casey in the first place still exist - if they stay isolated in Melbourne, they will never expand their supporter base because who lives there? Most of the people living in all those new high rises are either young trendies or retirees. Our club needs to get into the hearts & minds of children. They won't do that without going to the 'source'.

A major soccer club will be relocating to Casey Fields - yet an AFL club seems to be having a problem committing. Demetriou wants to spend squillions of our dollars trying to force AFL into rugby states, yet is happy to lose ground in Victoria. All those littlies who could have been converted to Melbourne will now be exposed to soccer - let's face it, if Mum has her way she will push junior into a 'non-contact' sport instead of football. We need an AFL team here to ensure that footy does not lose ground to soccer. I want it to be Melbourne because I am Melbourne, but at this point, any club will do. Don't think if Melbourne pulls out that we won't chase another club. Eventually we will find one with the foresight to see the value in having a base in an area with so many young children, and a ground that you won't find anywhere else in the suburbs (better playing surface than Telstra Dome, even if we don't have enough spectator seats).

The issues around training are still valid - our boys deserve to train for football on a FOOTBALL field, not a cricket pitch. How do you practice kicking for goals if there are none? The arrangements that the club has had to date clearly haven't been working - we need to put down some roots somewhere, not be gypsies.

I just think it's time for the Club to take a deep breath, and look at what they stand to lose by pulling out now. In addition to what I have already mentioned, if they pull out now they stand to lose a lot of respect. A lot of people have been talking them up, both in the foreground and the background of negotiations, and to pull out now after so many people have put in so much effort just makes people think they are a bunch of time wasters. Maybe they never really intended to come out to Casey after all, maybe it was all just a negotiating tool to get a better deal in Melbourne. That's the sort of thing people are starting to wonder.

I don't want MY club being remembered as being like that - it's time they stood up and earned some respect in the community by doing what they said they were going to do. When a player does something improper - the clubs & AFL come out yakking about 'showing leadership' and 'doing the right thing'. It's about time this club followed through and did what they tell others to do.

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Suzanna. I find it very difficult to disagree with any of that :) lol. I am still finding things at Melbourne rather frustrating. Even more as they seem to be want ing and seem to be saying ..and seem to be doing all the right things....and yet ..I see NOTHING concrete as a result. I do understand that sometimes even with the best and real of intents things can get bogged down in the minutae. My gut however says this isnt one of those occasions.

Melbourne DOES need a home. Melbourne also needs a future identity..and those two parameters are NOT necessarily the same cut of the jib!!

There was much hullabaloo about team-Melbourne and its associated benefits. and we've all seen that flushed down the tiloet. However a similar situation of sorts could develop with possibly synergies between teams located out at Cranbourne. To be sure we all have to realise that the undertaking is generational in its kind and if a few more weeks of tinkering are required to get it right, then so be it.

However..if this club of mine stuffs up yet another golden opportunity due to stupidity, ineptness and amatuerish abilities.. then I might just have a long hard look at why I even bother following this club. It needs to show us all it is both capable and can actually stand for something..Or is the MFC just the biggest bag of Wannabe, gunnabes couldabeens ever !! I hope not.

Im starting to wonder..and its been a long long time since I have before :huh:

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The CEO of Casey has sent an email (quoted by the Leader) stating that MFC are rethinking their position.

My reading of the article that quotes the CEO's email and Melbourne's response through Chris Connolly doesn't suggest that at all.

I don't envy Connolly having to deal with municipal officers and town planners in finalising the agreement. There's so much politics and double tal always going on and Chris is such a down to earth honest bloke. He's no doubt tearing his hair out having to deal with the situation.

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My reading of the article that quotes the CEO's email and Melbourne's response through Chris Connolly doesn't suggest that at all.

I don't envy Connolly having to deal with municipal officers and town planners in finalising the agreement. There's so much politics and double tal always going on and Chris is such a down to earth honest bloke. He's no doubt tearing his hair out having to deal with the situation.

Hmmm. Do you think the politics and double talk might be coming from more than the council? I can't say too much without revealing my source (and yes I know everyone says that and it sounds really condescending, but that's the way it is and I can't help it) but the way I hear it is the club was nitpicking over tiny irrelevant issues which had nothing to do with the deal itself, and that was holding up the signing of the final contract. The council is keen to lock in an AFL club - remember Melbourne is the third club that has been approached - and is not the party that is dragging their heels in final talks. The council wants to sign the contract ASAP - remember it takes time to build a building, so they want to get started now rather than later.

The problem for MFC is that council elections are less than two months away. If they don't get the deal signed soon, there's a danger that the incoming council might not want the deal. What if some of the councillors who supported the deal lose their seats, and the new councillors don't think it's such a good idea? If MFC are serious about this deal, they will sign the contract NOW.

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Hmmm. Do you think the politics and double talk might be coming from more than the council? I can't say too much without revealing my source (and yes I know everyone says that and it sounds really condescending, but that's the way it is and I can't help it) but the way I hear it is the club was nitpicking over tiny irrelevant issues which had nothing to do with the deal itself, and that was holding up the signing of the final contract. The council is keen to lock in an AFL club - remember Melbourne is the third club that has been approached - and is not the party that is dragging their heels in final talks. The council wants to sign the contract ASAP - remember it takes time to build a building, so they want to get started now rather than later.

The problem for MFC is that council elections are less than two months away. If they don't get the deal signed soon, there's a danger that the incoming council might not want the deal. What if some of the councillors who supported the deal lose their seats, and the new councillors don't think it's such a good idea? If MFC are serious about this deal, they will sign the contract NOW.

Thanks for letting us know what is going on Suzanna.

Interesting to hear that Council elections are two months away! I think there is a good chance that a few councillors, including the Mayor are quite worried because of the whole methane gas fiasco that has caused a lot of angry residents. Although, that unfortunate issue (which does effect a friend of mine) is not related to Casey Fields which I think is about a 10 - 15 minutes drive away from that area. I'm sure the Melbourne Football Club will hopefully sign the agreement with Casey Fields before that time. I realise it is a MASSIVE decision for both parties. 30 years of commitment. Many marriages don't last that long! Plus the alignment with the Casey Scorpions VFL side has to be worked out as well. However, I'm confident that the deal will be signed pretty soon!

I along with many others, just hope the Melbourne Football Club hurry up too! <_<

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