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I'll ask again :P

...or did you simply feel the need to rebut the view that the Sandy partnership has been a success for us?

I will try to put a persepctive on this that ought answer this , as I see it.

Personally I think affiliations between AFL and VFL clubs are at best a marraige of convenience..at worst.. an ugly convergence of folk who might have met in a bar with too many beers clouding the logic.

This is not a sinister or cynical view..just very pragmatic. They ( affiliations ) are invariably at crossed purposes. AFL teams are trying to develop players and/or get some run time in their players to bring them up to scratch to AFL level to play AFL..in positions that suit the AFL team. This happens at a very perfunctory level at best. It always willdo as the VFL teams are trying to win..not play baby sitters. The VFL teams will, and rightly so pick teams to suit their cause not that of their affiliate partner. Team AFL may want Johnny to play 2-3 quarters to get soe run in his knee/leg/whatever..to get a kick or two near goals to get his 'spirit" up..to find his mojo etc. .Tean VFL sees this as a liability as it fights its nemesis for a place in finals and so either plays him safe of put his in their ressies etc.

Yes a very simplistic example..but short of listing every possible variation it serves to show that ultimately the requirements of teh AFL aren't that well served. The logistics of tehaffiliations are inherently flawed. We only have them as its CHEAPER, purely and simply.. Teams with a bit more dosh dont !! Witness Geelong and Collingwood. Their VFL teams exist solely as a rung on the ladder to their ultimate purpose ..AFL.

So the answer to the question..how should they run is essentially impossible to answer ..they are at corssed purposes. The VFL team is bound to come out of it better as it suddenly has recourse to a bunch of players it would never have the resources normally to entertain. Sandy did this very well and managed to win Premierships. We did nada apart from some token fial appearances..never in danger of damaging the history books or occupying the engravers time )..again I say they easily won out of this relationship.

There is the distinct possibility that a Melbourne - Casey setup may offer dividends but ultimately they will be more off field per se than on it. i.e The development of a supporter base as well as some beneficial infrastructure.

Its still gong to be a marraige of convenience...just possibly this time without the beer goggles !!

Ive no grievance with Sandy.. Ive enjoyed watching them as i did many many years ago when I lived in the area and it was a short hop skip and jump to TBO. I must confess like many Ive probably enjoyed some vicarious success via them as we certainly had none. Good lucky Zebbies. ...Better luck Scorps !!! ;)

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Casey fields on TV tomorrow for the Casey Scorpions v Coburg game.

I know it clashes with MFC game, but set the recorder.

There might be a bit of chatter about MFC, the new development etc.

If there is some chatter on Casey Fields and Dees I hope you post it on here.

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Just got to check out the recording. The ground looked in really good nick on tv (it is in real life as well). Thye match was a pretty high standard, with the Scorps going down by 1 point to Coburg. The Scorps gave them 5 goals headstart in the 2nd quarter, but came back well....hit the front by a couple of points and then squandered chances increasing the lead by points to 5 points, only to see the ball go down the other end and Coburg get a goal.

At half time the Mayor, Janet Halsall, did a boundary line interview and said:

• the City of Casey is looking forward to MFC coming out to Casey by about November this year

• they’ll have pre-season and a regular weekly training spot

• the Council is also looking forward to the community benefit program involving MFC with junior and senior footy clubs, primary schools and local businesses

• the facilities involve an extended gymnasium, and office and admin facilities for MFC

• the project was worth $2.1 million with the Council putting in $1.2 million

• Casey is the fastest growing municipality in Victoria, with 235,000 people and 38,000 school aged kids (of which many are keen on football).

Ross Booth finished up by saying that there is an additional $600,000 for terracing on the outer side of the ground.

Seemed very positive, and the Council (community) obviously looking forward to MFC's arrival.

Good to see the Mayor at the football supporting the local VFL team.

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From today's media conference following Cameron Schwab's appointment:

"Melbourne's a unique footy club in that it grew out of this ground [the MCG] and not out of a suburb, so the solution for this club will be a unique one as well," Schwab said, adding that the MCG "must be at the heart of Melbourne's future", while acknowledging the "terrific opportunity" Casey Fields also represents as a training base.

Still no official announcement by the Club about Casey Fields; maybe awaiting Cameron Schwab commencing duties in October. ;)

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From today's media conference following Cameron Schwab's appointment:

"Melbourne's a unique footy club in that it grew out of this ground [the MCG] and not out of a suburb, so the solution for this club will be a unique one as well," Schwab said, adding that the MCG "must be at the heart of Melbourne's future", while acknowledging the "terrific opportunity" Casey Fields also represents as a training base.

Still no official announcement by the Club about Casey Fields; maybe awaiting Cameron Schwab commencing duties in October. ;)

Urgent Memo to Cameron.. That ground's not ours anymore. That situation is what started the whole rot

Quite frankly if the club cant get its head around this then its an even more uphill battle than at present.

yes we need a 'unique ' solution..well ..isnt every circumstance deserving of its own solution.. but the MCG in itself isnt it.

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Urgent Memo to Cameron.. That ground's not ours anymore. That situation is what started the whole rot

Quite frankly if the club cant get its head around this then its an even more uphill battle than at present.

yes we need a 'unique ' solution..well ..isnt every circumstance deserving of its own solution.. but the MCG in itself isnt it.

So are you saying that the future of Melbourne is the Testra Dome? A strong relationship with the MCC is integral to this Club's future, as it holds the key to a large percentage of our supporter-base. We can't appeal to Melburnians the way the Cats, for example, can appeal to people from Geelong. Therefore we have to ensure our relationship with the group that owns the ground we walk on every weekend remains as positive as it can be.

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So are you saying that the future of Melbourne is the Testra Dome?

Strange I never mentioned that ground.. ..but please..invent things !! The point being is where as once upon a time in a time decades ago..the MCG was Melbourne..only Melbourne..and thats exactly as alluded how we grew..form teh ground.. But we no longer have that as OURS....we share.. We often come second or third fiddle to other tennants. Yes I agree ..shore up and indeed mend any rifts with the MCC lets get all fuzzy etc.

But how does this in iteself magically cure anything.. It goes back to identity..who or what are we..One we were the MCG Team..now we a re one of many..doesnt quite have the same sting does it ? it may help a bit towards branding.. but thats not where the people are going to come from.

The MCG is a furphy in some respects.. it has the reality of a "fog" i.e you know its there..it gets you in when its in the mood.theres great atmoshere , but when its goes..its empty..quiet..like any ground. Its a silent sentinel to our lack of real ground roots identity.

The MCG is the MCG for the MCC..its just a footy ground to eveyone else.. It no longer has that territorial fear it once had for other clubs.

I often here this bandied about ..the MCG is central to the future..the CBD is our heartland etc.

Come closing time the real heart of the City goes home..those who are left are very small number by comparison.

Any solution has to be far far more than just pinning your hopes that ground by the Yarra.

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Urgent Memo to Cameron.. That ground's not ours anymore. That situation is what started the whole rot

Quite frankly if the club cant get its head around this then its an even more uphill battle than at present.

Don't bother sending that memo to Schwab, he's well aware of that :P

Any solution has to be far far more than just pinning your hopes that ground by the Yarra.

...and that's why we're going hard at Casey, and why we argued for a 30 year presence in the area when it came to the contract renegotations post-Stynes' ascension.

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My thoughts go towards how much he embraces the future of Casey as compared to any

"Uniqueness" of the MCG !! He after all is Johnny come lately to this.. Hopefully the tenet of his words might change with time :)

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My thoughts go towards how much he embraces the future of Casey as compared to any

"Uniqueness" of the MCG !! He after all is Johnny come lately to this.. Hopefully the tenet of his words might change with time :)

Everything I've heard from Schwab today suggests he's singing from the same sheet as Stynes when it comes to Casey.

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Casey wants third ground action

well this nearly slipped past. That the AFL is looking at a third is no news.. That Casey is right behind it being it is ( possibly )

again the thick plottens a bit !!

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Casey wants third ground action

well this nearly slipped past. That the AFL is looking at a third is no news.. That Casey is right behind it being it is ( possibly )

again the thick plottens a bit !!

:D Yes. The thick plottens. Being a huge growth corridor it would be neglectful by the AFL to dismiss casey's proposal. Dees to establish the foundations and 'should' get the best of deals having been seen as the foundation AFL club within the area of Casey. ;)

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Guest melbman
Casey wants third ground action

well this nearly slipped past. That the AFL is looking at a third is no news.. That Casey is right behind it being it is ( possibly )

again the thick plottens a bit !!

Hey BB

Do you think Melb should have/push for some sort of ownership in any "new" ground that they may play on/help develop through patronage in a home ground capacity? The Dees helped build the G but get very little nowadays from the asset in terms of its true value. If the Dees support a ground out at casey and don't own a part of the asset may we find history repeating itself down the track?

Edit: I guess my point is that casey is currently a suburban ground and we would enhance that with our presence and it would be worth more as a result, should we have a slice of that increased value? After all very few people renovate the house they're renting cos someone else gets the capital improvement

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Well..its a good question there Melbman..

You would have to think that in all these stories and reports that only the surface ever gets scratched and that there are always more elements to them than we as Joe Public are privvy.

Whilst we all sit here type, pontificate and bullsh!t on there are undoubtedly bak room shenanagans delving into other scenarios in greater detail.

That the AFL in keen on a third ground has obviously been news for a while..but surely news to some ( whos job it is to be in the know ) for quite a whiles longer. Casey is quite forward thinking. It knows its sitting on a time bomb of opportunities and is trying ..for all parties..especially residents to extract what ever it can to beneift and increases the living standards. Sometimes other items of infrastructure are easier to lobby for if you have more building blocks upon which to base a case. A Stadium would al but gaurantee a station nearby..and so it goes on..maybe that line reopens to Nyora..and the various flow ons etc..topic for another time.

Melbourne have obviously seen some ( hopefully much ) merit in tying some strings to Casey. I honestly think this is what WILL save the club eventually..stil I digress. Back to the notion of investment. It strikes me that from recent effots teh clubs MFC operate are distinct underperformers come the CASH component. Youd think one might be liquidated and used elsewhere.

A ground..and how to go about it ..from a Melbourne perspective. I dont htink we wil lever have a ground that is 'actually ' ours..i.e we have primary equity. However we may do well to invest in some capacity into any improvements to Casey Fileds..if..and this is the BIG "IF".. they were definitely in the serious running to secure the ground ( Casey Council that is ) for AFL games.. I.E The boutique Stadium we have all discussed.

By entering into role of Primary or equal tenant ( preferably primary ) then you have access to more of the gate.. and littel things like signage etc. ( Al ot of money comes form signage ) This is where we get screwed at the G.. Collingwood has a good deal.. we get all but nada..and sometimes we pay..good huh !!.

Whatever transpires Im happier for it to take a little longer than quicker in order to nail down the finer points.

So getting eht gate on gmae days and a say and share of signage can all work for us.

In answer to your basic question..NO.. Not to own..but take a servicable and workable lease that helps us :)

Dont forget..with owning come other obligations.

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Still no official announcement by the Club about Casey Fields; maybe awaiting Cameron Schwab commencing duties in October. ;)

Are we not still waiting for the council to give us the final green light to Casey. Isn't there a recission order on the last proposal. I think it's going to a final vote in November. Can't have the club announce something that's not a done deal.

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Further to this..and possibly a better feel for the way forward is:

As a business direction you need to access in some manner the cashflows whilst minimising your exposure to debt.

Yes there is good debt and bad debt.. Debt realted to equity has its merits. but you need to be very mindful of how you can access that equity or relieve yourslef of its liability should you need to. Owning..or part there-of a Footy ground may sound good in one light...but how many buyers on any given day are there ?

Again..I sense a long lease the way to go :)

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Are we not still waiting for the council to give us the final green light to Casey. Isn't there a recission order on the last proposal. I think it's going to a final vote in November. Can't have the club announce something that's not a done deal.
The rescission motion was defeated last week, so the original decision stands.
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G'day casey scorp

How did you find this out? If I can ask?

Does that mean its a "green light" for the MFC to have a training base at Casey Fields and arrange an alignment with the Casey Scorpions VFL side?

If this is true this is fantastic news and means its full steam ahead for both the Demons and the Scorpions down at Casey Fields!

I may just have to buy a house down in Cranbourne now.... ;)

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G'day casey scorp

How did you find this out? If I can ask?

It was in the local paper yesterday.

G'day casey scorp

Does that mean its a "green light" for the MFC to have a training base at Casey Fields and arrange an alignment with the Casey Scorpions VFL side?

If this is true this is fantastic news and means its full steam ahead for both the Demons and the Scorpions down at Casey Fields!

The paper said that the defeat of the rescission motion means work can now proceed with finalising the contract details.

Hopefully it will soon be full speed ahead.

Don't know about an alignment. That wouldn't involve the Council I don't think, and there's plenty of aligments (in fact all I think) where the AFL and VFL teams occupy different sites. So the alignment shouldn't necessarily be related to the Council decision.

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