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It's no media beat up. He is not well liked. Partly because of the non-walk (for the record, I think when you've hit the cover off it and it's obvious to everyone except the one bloke who matters, you go), but also his general demeanour. He's the poster boy for this new breed of arrogant English cricketer. A horrible mutation. He laps up the celebrity side as best he can with his twitter antics etc.

Let's be honest, it's fun to hate the opposition. Makes it a bit more interesting. I do respect his ability with the ball. Once he gets a roll on, he is very hard to defend against.

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4/87, with Johnson and Harris alternating in aggressive bowling. Smart captaincy/bowling to get Carberry out, moving Johnson to around the wicket and bowling short.

Lyon bowling from the other end has figures of 4-3-2-0. Nice and tidy, can't get him away, building pressure. Things going OK for us right now.

Edit: Lyon now gets Bell! Huge moment in this Test.

Edit: And Prior first ball! Amazing! Now on a hat-trick...

Wow. 8/91/ An Australian-eque collapse. And the difference between this and our collapse is that this is much more wicket-taking rather than the batsmen getting themselves out.

Edited by titan_uranus
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Nah, didn't see that coming - at all. Obviously was hoping for the best but that is a huge turnaround from being 6/132 half way through day 1. We'll struggle to lose this Test now and a few of our batsmen have now got a real chance to cash in. There's a hundred sitting there waiting for at least one of our batsmen.

DK has been working with Johnno which might explain a few things and having McDermott back as the bowling coach is also a positive move. How things can change in such a short space of time - amazing

The series is well and truly alive!

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Nah, didn't see that coming - at all. Obviously was hoping for the best but that is a huge turnaround from being 6/132 half way through day 1. We'll struggle to lose this Test now and a few of our batsmen have now got a real chance to cash in. There's a hundred sitting there waiting for at least one of our batsmen.

DK has been working with Johnno which might explain a few things and having McDermott back as the bowling coach is also a positive move. How things can change in such a short space of time - amazing

The series is well and truly alive!

as has Terry Alderman.

DK has always seen talent in him from years back. but now MJ looks to be maturing a bit.

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as has Terry Alderman.

DK has always seen talent in him from years back. but now MJ looks to be maturing a bit.

He's in good hands then. He looks very fit and healthy for a 32 year old so that area isn't an issue. We'll need him fit and firing for the 3rd Test in Perth (which is nearly always a "result" Test)

I wonder if the selectors have a plan for Mitch? The Perth Test follows the Adelaide Test after only a few days break - Adelaide can be hard work for fast bowlers. At issue here are our reserve or back-up fast bowlers (of which we don't have a lot due to injuries)

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He's in good hands then. He looks very fit and healthy for a 32 year old so that area isn't an issue. We'll need him fit and firing for the 3rd Test in Perth (which is nearly always a "result" Test)

I wonder if the selectors have a plan for Mitch? The Perth Test follows the Adelaide Test after only a few days break - Adelaide can be hard work for fast bowlers. At issue here are our reserve or back-up fast bowlers (of which we don't have a lot due to injuries)

Hi Macca.

good hands absolutely. two of my favourites, DK & Alderman. I used to sit & watch them all day.

Johnston is full of talent but is taking his time maturing into a steady force. but the talent is always there.

I sense & big shift in the psyche of this squad since Boof arrived on the scene in england. even Lyon looked stronger in England under Boof. he looked more confident & seems to have carried that forward, thus far.\

Our weakness is the youth of our bowlers who are injured so often, so I think Johnson is important to allow the young gun bowlers to not be overbowled. I think the kids should have to force him from the team.

It really looks good to me now with this pace lineup of Harris, Siddle & Johnston with Faulkner waiting in the wings & Watson for cameos. if Johnston becomes our pace alrounder, it may take some pressure off Watson who I think has a point to prove. If Smith can hold a mid order batting spot, as well as Johnston all of a sudden we have depth again.

This could take some strain off the whole team, & just maybe the top order can relax & play.

what about the fielding I saw in the News clips, (out all day driving). those catches looked sharp like our old days. this team is ready & hungry. lets hope they're good enough.

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Hi Macca.

good hands absolutely. two of my favourites, DK & Alderman. I used to sit & watch them all day.

Johnston is full of talent but is taking his time maturing into a steady force. but the talent is always there.

I sense & big shift in the psyche of this squad since Boof arrived on the scene in england. even Lyon looked stronger in England under Boof. he looked more confident & seems to have carried that forward, thus far.\

Our weakness is the youth of our bowlers who are injured so often, so I think Johnson is important to allow the young gun bowlers to not be overbowled. I think the kids should have to force him from the team.

It really looks good to me now with this pace lineup of Harris, Siddle & Johnston with Faulkner waiting in the wings & Watson for cameos. if Johnston becomes our pace alrounder, it may take some pressure off Watson who I think has a point to prove. If Smith can hold a mid order batting spot, as well as Johnston all of a sudden we have depth again.

This could take some strain off the whole team, & just maybe the top order can relax & play.

what about the fielding I saw in the News clips, (out all day driving). those catches looked sharp like our old days. this team is ready & hungry. lets hope they're good enough.

There's still more than a few doubts about our batting but the teams overall fighting qualities have been on show in the last day and a half. We've played well in the big moments which is when games are decided.

I know you place a fair bit of emphasis on Lehmann's role and although it's still early doors, if we go one up, the team can gain a lot of confidence moving forward. As well as that, we looked to have some good plans for their batsmen and that's where a good coach comes to the fore. Some terrific signs but there's still a long way to go.

Anyway ... here's Geoffrey Boycott and Jonathan Agnew with a 22 minute podcast from today's play. I'm just about to listen to it myself but I'm betting Geoffrey won't be holding back! ^_^ ... Test Match Special - England blown away by Johnson

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There's still more than a few doubts about our batting but the teams overall fighting qualities have been on show in the last day and a half. We've played well in the big moments which is when games are decided.

I know you place a fair bit of emphasis on Lehmann's role and although it's still early doors, if we go one up, the team can gain a lot of confidence moving forward. As well as that, we looked to have some good plans for their batsmen and that's where a good coach comes to the fore. Some terrific signs but there's still a long way to go.

Anyway ... here's Geoffrey Boycott and Jonathan Agnew with a 22 minute podcast from today's play. I'm just about to listen to it myself but I'm betting Geoffrey won't be holding back! ^_^ ... Test Match Special - England blown away by Johnson

isn't it great, they'll be back to plain old whinging. ^_^

I think we will have taken confidence already seeing how easily they crumble under a constant pressure applied. evben if itsa draw i would think myself we casn bowl the bums out.

from there the belief & hunger should grow.

And hopefully we can add some runs this dig, & again early next Test. I see this test as a draw atmo. we're still building momentum.

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isn't it great, they'll be back to plain old whinging. ^_^

I think we will have taken confidence already seeing how easily they crumble under a constant pressure applied. evben if itsa draw i would think myself we casn bowl the bums out.

from there the belief & hunger should grow.

And hopefully we can add some runs this dig, & again early next Test. I see this test as a draw atmo. we're still building momentum.

There's a bit of rain about but there's still 3 full days left (and time can be made up on any of those days) Hopeful that we'll go one up - and from there it will be game on. There's 9 full days off until the next Test in Adelaide.

If we do go one up, England will want to get it back to square as soon as possible (which may mean they'll need to make the running) It's all set up for a great series now - England will bounce back hard, sooner or later (just not in this Test please :) )

Edited by Macca
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There's a bit of rain about but there's still 3 full days left (and time can be made up on any of those days) Hopeful that we'll go one up - and from there it will be game on. There's 9 full days off until the next Test in Adelaide.

If we do go one up, England will want to get it back to square as soon as possible (which may mean they'll need to make the running) It's all set up for a great series now - England will bounce back hard, sooner or later (just not in this Test please :) )

I don't think england is all that good, they have a number of stars but there is something missing with them when the real pressure is applied, I feel. maybe they are the team of champions,,, But.

we tended to make hard work of the game in recent years, & we wade them look good over there thru our own ineptitude, as a team.

but we have some real hard competitors, who just need supporting, from all at Aus cricket. the softer ones seem to have fallen in England, & are not in this team.

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There's still more than a few doubts about our batting but the teams overall fighting qualities have been on show in the last day and a half. We've played well in the big moments which is when games are decided.

I know you place a fair bit of emphasis on Lehmann's role and although it's still early doors, if we go one up, the team can gain a lot of confidence moving forward. As well as that, we looked to have some good plans for their batsmen and that's where a good coach comes to the fore. Some terrific signs but there's still a long way to go.

Anyway ... here's Geoffrey Boycott and Jonathan Agnew with a 22 minute podcast from today's play. I'm just about to listen to it myself but I'm betting Geoffrey won't be holding back! ^_^ ... Test Match Special - England blown away by Johnson

on the tractor listening to Kerry and Andrew McDonald all day

they made it so exciting,lets just hope MJ is in good mental nick for 5 tests

the top 6 is still the big problem macca and I hope this test doesn't have selectors thinking the cracks have disappeared.

still like cowan or quiney for their defensive technique and ability to stay at the crease for long periods

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on the tractor listening to Kerry and Andrew McDonald all day

they made it so exciting,lets just hope MJ is in good mental nick for 5 tests

the top 6 is still the big problem macca and I hope this test doesn't have selectors thinking the cracks have disappeared.

still like cowan or quiney for their defensive technique and ability to stay at the crease for long periods

I hope you don't think that I think there aren't any cracks left in our squad.

but I do think we are at the basement & on a strong rise. I think the players in the team deserve some time to show how they go under a unified team. its time for the top order to bond & play together.

I think consolidation from here is the way to get a strong team contesting hard. from there a few tweaks as we go along.

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on the tractor listening to Kerry and Andrew McDonald all day

they made it so exciting,lets just hope MJ is in good mental nick for 5 tests

the top 6 is still the big problem macca and I hope this test doesn't have selectors thinking the cracks have disappeared.

still like cowan or quiney for their defensive technique and ability to stay at the crease for long periods

Previously, I've advocated going down the youth path with players like Jordan Silk, Nic Maddinson, Joey Burns and 1 or 2 others. I haven't changed my mind on that but I can understand why the selectors are going for a few older types.

I'd prefer to see us build a team for the future and I've always felt that a young batsman can improve when placed at a higher level of competition. We could or should win this Test despite our top 6 not performing when the heat was on (as a collective) Some of the shot selections in the 1st innings was awful and if that's repeated, we may not be able to wriggle out of things again.

However, I'd expect to see the same batting order for the next Test. They've all got a chance to consolidate their spots in this current 2nd innings and in the next Test (Clarke has proved himself of course and shouldn't really be included amongst the others)

It's great to be in a winning position (at last) but there are 4 Tests to come. To regain the Ashes, our batsmen are going to have to perform at a very good level.

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they need to protect smith a 5/6 until he gets 30 tests under his belt

ive seen selectors before fall for trick of seeing lots of runs and promoting unready blokes up to 3/4 and the result disasterous

my brother keeps harping on about smithy being the next captain,

atm the bats are in a position to dominate ,so I wait until theres pressure before assessing the top6

something tells me its as brittle as a 13 schoolgirl

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they need to protect smith a 5/6 until he gets 30 tests under his belt

ive seen selectors before fall for trick of seeing lots of runs and promoting unready blokes up to 3/4 and the result disasterous

my brother keeps harping on about smithy being the next captain,

atm the bats are in a position to dominate ,so I wait until theres pressure before assessing the top6

something tells me its as brittle as a 13 schoolgirl

My philosophy is the same one as the thinking of old - bring one young player in at a time and bat him down the order. If he's any good he stays and then gradually makes his way up the order. It's a tried and true method and it's one that has served us well over many years. Bradman, Greg Chappell, Border and Harvey all started off this way.

Many, like Hayden, Langer and Martyn have made their way back into the side after initially being dropped after being picked when young. We could say the same about Smith now (although he hasn't established himself just yet)

Obviously not all young players are going to make it but nearly all our great batsmen were picked when in their early 20's. The facts are all there in front of us. I don't like short cuts or stop gap measures. Mine is a conservative view though it might be viewed as high risk - it depends on how you view things jazza :)

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