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Posts posted by jazza

  1. Clem was a fan of the LGBT community JiZZa

    I'm sure he would win your vote if someone told you that this acronym means:

    Large Gormless Backwards [censored].

    I'm actually surprised he lost ,but not overly emotional about it.

    I'd prefer the destruction of the current political and economic order with a violent and bloody class struggle in which the ultra ignorant were humanely put down.

    But that's just me.

    It may take time to catch on.

    A good dictator would do wonders for our country at the moment.

    Most people just remember Adolph and dont realise some of the good things that dictators can do to the economy and unemployable masses that we seem to be supporting with our taxes.

    We could even import a dictator from overseas for the "i like his accent"voting power.

    A ex russian,romanian,chechan? or even i dare say it Belarusuian.

  2. A good mate of mine, known as The Professor, has just racked up his 50th year in a row as a member of the Melbourne Football Club. He is also a member of the MCC and pays for a FULL MFC membership

    The 50 years in a row has been acknowledged by the Club with a small cardboard certificate.

    Are they kidding????

    Am I wrong to think The Professor should have received something a little more than a pizzy little cardboard certificate.

    How many punters would get to 50 years in a row as a member of any Football Club. Very very few.

    Surely the Club could do a wee bit better.

    Rant Over


    Deserves the new Jack Watts showbag coming out this year.

    More than that he deserves some sort of medallion and a free gin and tonic,next time he visits the members.A cheroot even.

    But dont hold your breathe,you will probably sufficate.

  3. Hate to break it to you Jazza but up until about 11,000 years ago we were all hunter gatherers,or Fishermen.

    Dairy farming is now possible only due to the Latte sippers in the city.

    Without them inventing ways to make the human race survive you would not be required.

    Pasteurisation and homogenisation ,developed by those scientist city slickers ,is what helped simple hicks to store and refrigerate your product for the cities.

    Those nuffies in town must be given some credit for the Dairy industry surely.

    Truth,story,in the road of.

  4. The further away from the CBD, the more conservative and right wing people become, finally ending with Jazzy O.

    You are probably right about that.

    Civilisation as we know it,started with farming and the ability to stay in one place and make food to survive.

    City dwellers are just the nuff nuff left overs that farmers had no use for.So they congregate in one area of mass to try and survive{cities].

    So conservative is definitely about right.Only after 100,000 years of practise.

  5. So you really are an environmentalist at heart!

    Well if i lived in the electoral seat of melbourne,i wouldve voted for em.

    The labour government wants to tax us for methane epunged from our cows clackers.

    So i figured i could be next,

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