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Posts posted by jazza

  1. Same drug DC. Endone is the brand and oxycodone is the active ingredient. Endone brand is immediate release. OxyContin brand of oxycodone is delayed release.

    And yes you are right about its source and precautions.

    Bloody hospital didnt tell me that.

    Dont want to end up like BBO and Biff,im just a farmer and cant afford to live on the street selling drugs for a living.

    But these little pills do work,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no pain.

  2. All this laying around is not good for you Jazza.

    You need to keep busy.

    first holiday in 28 years.enjoying the rest but now bored{literally}and its time to pull a few teats and get the chitters into shed.

    what? morphine.......hillbilly heroin - lol

    Think the after OP drug was endeem?,but whatever it is It works great.

    Was going to get biff to bring around some extra,but couldnt find him or his mate BBO,So im rationing what ive got left.

  3. All wonderful plastic that keeps me employed jazza

    You couldnt have chosen a better craft.

    Plastic is now killing the planet at a faster rate than than any other man made thing.

    But plastic cups for women is something i hadnt heard of until i read TCOs comment.

    Anyway back to bed for me as i watch another movie behind eyelids.

  4. Mids, mids ad more mids. Thankyou.

    And look at those 3 mids. All strong big bodied with heads as tough as cats heads. This is what Roos is looking for.

    Mmmmm,the interview did seem like these boys are prepared for the big time.

    What the hell have you done to your avatar.You look like zsa zsa gabor with a mink around the neck?

  5. Some people, even in the brightest of moments, just have to find a negative. C'mon, get happy.

    These guys may be the start of a new dynasty at Melbourne. All we need is to start winning and these guys will be with us for a long time.

    Best draft in a long time. The glass is overflowing!

    Think you are right crawf.

    The last 2 drafts{roos best known quality}have been good.

    Should be a great time to get a membership for anybody fencesitting.

  6. No I didn't but I will still wait and see.

    I have been beaten down by too many failures and for better or worse

    I am now firmly a member of the " believe it when I see it Club"

    You are just a grumpy old codger with dreams of failure.

    Enter the modern world and dream of winning and going overseas on cruise ships.

  7. Midfielder from Glenelg SA and a teammate of Billy Stretch

    181.5cm 76kg

    Knightmare had him going at # 21to St. Kilda.

    We now have two players with hyphenated names - a sign of the days of old.

    Hyphenated names are popping up everywhere,trend started on the cosby show.

    Just shows how far behind the americans we are.

    One wonders if the trend will last more than 5 years.

    The next big trend will be to follow Harry and Brian Lake and we might see name changes become the new fashion.

    JackHisCocks could be next cab off the rank to do this "name change thingeemabob'

  8. Wow I am really surprised just put on the Computer to discover that we have taken Petracca and Brayshaw.

    My God did anyone get that right!

    It is the 15 to 50 group that I find more interesting and usually where a lot of the better long term players come from.

    Exactly,this group{18-55}is the most productive of all .

    Endine is a friend indeed.

  9. "Buggery" and "Tail shafts" Hmmmmmm interesting tautology?

    Well they've got male nurses,so we might as well use those terms.

    was in a room where all the blokes had the same operation.The look on the faces when wheeled in afterwards was so funny,until i realised i must have been in the same shape a couple of hours earlier.

    One of the blokes has vintage norm gunston on tape and its side splitting humour at best.The young nurses have no idea what the old codgers room is laughing about.

  10. I would have thought that would brighten your day!

    Gave me something to talk about to the bloke in the next bed {he looks stuffed}its getting soft when they put melted cheese on chicken{chit}and some green looking tree on the plate also.

    The nurses tell you to "get rest" and then wake you every hour for tests? then it takes another 20 mins to get back to sleep while hearing the poor bugger in the next room scream for GCSs{oh god}.

  11. It is not even subtle jazza.

    How is the body feeling this morning?

    Probably like yours has felt after the 146 operations and organ transfers youve recieved.

    The nurse said i can go home and not work for another 10 days.{blah blah blah]

    The pain is awful and laying in bed is doing nothing for morale.

    Trying to convince doc{young gun with swarmmy attitude}to let me go home and watch draft,and maybe get a kick out of seeing somebody get tazered on cops.

    Its difficult when you have a young kid{23}looking after the paddocks and cows.Im in more pain from worry than the OP.

    And god bless all nurses.

  12. I am not buying that excuse.

    You are white anting Redleg it is fairly clear to me.

    Don't think "anting" is a word

    Dead right OD.Redlegs power base is being eroded and nobody is standing up for him.

    Soon every countdown will be sixties puppet show exhibits and redleg will be a countdown master of the past.

    Perhaps we should get rpfc to start a page on this with a vote,to at least give old redleg the chance to maintain his countdown authority.

  13. Good to see you back, jazza. Keep on keeping off the smokes!

    First thing out of operating theartre i wanted was a smoke.Dont know why,cant explain it,but yes desperately wanted a ciggie.

    Of course the drugs then wear off and you only beg the nurse for painkillers for the next 24 hours.

  14. Good to see you back, jazza. Keep on keeping off the smokes!

    Yep,still off fags.

    Got tailshaft re-aligned,hurts like buggery and not very nice staying in the OD ward.

    Nurse tells me that being off fags saves a lot of trouble before,during and after surgery.

  15. 1


    Is it too soon?

    Sorry Jazza they are not Cows!

    Recovering from grease and oil change at base hospital{yes hitting ODs favourite spots}.

    Giggling head off as i see these pics,

    At least there is teat,too bad only 2 per cow.

    now this is a REAL one


    Can you imagine having to get the footy after kicking over fence.

  16. I haven't posted on this thread for awhile for some unknown reason:

    But for the first test, assuming Haddin & Harris are fit to play and Clarke is unfit I'd be going with:

    C. Rogers

    D. Warner

    S. Watson

    S. Smith

    P. Handscomb

    M. Marsh

    +B. Haddin*

    M. Johnson

    R. Harris

    N. Lyon

    J. Hazlewood

    12th Man: P. Siddle

    Firstly I'd certainly keep Rogers in place of Hughes. Rogers had a shocking 2nd test v Pakistan but was solid in the first. I'd expect the plan with Rogers is for him to play until the end of the Ashes series next year given his knowledge of English conditions. There for I'd expect he'd be given the first two tests v India to score some runs.

    Watson to bat at three, as he's the best option we have for that spot at the moment, and I'd also move Smith up to 4 and make him vice captain. Give him some good responsibility without throwing him to the wolves as captain just yet.

    Haddin to be given the captaincy gig as he's the obvious choice, especially as it's only going to be on a short term basis and Lyon for mine holds his spot just from a quiet challenge from Fawad Ahmed who's taken 14 wickets @ 27 in 3 Shield Matches so far. Lyon bowls at his best in our conditions, but please lets not take him on a tour of an asian nation again!

    But as for my two biggest inclusions. I'd favour Josh Hazlewood over Peter Siddle who unfortunatly I think is cooked. He seems to have become ineffective in test cricket, and with Hazlewood's extra pace and bounce, I think he'll compliment Johnson & Harris nicely. Given we also have the medium pace of Watson & Marsh to call on, I think the stock bowler of Siddle is less necessary then what it once was.

    And finally, the man to replace Michael Clarke, I've gone with a left field choice of young Victorian Peter Handscomb. Reasons being that after 3 Shield rounds he's the leading run scorer with 348 runs @ 116.00, 24 more runs then equal second place Joe Burns & Callum Ferguson, despite the fact Handscomb has batted two less innings then both. With two centuries and a 50 in 4 innings, Handscomb is well and truly in form and at only 23 years of age he's a true batting talent that we haven't seen a lot of recently. He's capable of openning the batting and batting in the middle order, as you'll see from his first class matches over the years. He's a good fieldsman who can also keep wicket, and despite the fact that his career average so far is only 35.73, Michael Clarke made his test debut with a similar average due to his huge potential, and we've seen how his star rose. Otherwise our other options suck as Ferguson, Doolan, S. Marsh & Khawaja with all similar first class averages, hwoever all in the mid 20's to 30 and scope for improvement not as great.

    I don't think Handscomb will be picked, they'll likely go with Ferguson, but I think this is a real opportunity for the selectors to be bold and pick a young player on the way up at just the right time.

    Really sad when we say Watson the best option at 3.{but its heading that way]

    Cant believe Hughes name keeps getting mentioned when Doolan has at least shown more grit and fighting quality over his wicket than Hughes.

    Like the way you throw in a bogdy like Handscomb.{at least your thinking laterally something the selectors dont}

    Lyon{whom i think bowls nude nuts}has fought his way into the team for his performance against the odds in india and the failed AAAO affair.And earnt his stripes.

  17. I still get the jitters every time I drive over the Kingsway overpass.

    That's just a small part of it. I saw "Hair" at the old Metro ( which became the Palace - sadly being demolished as we speak, despite the council arguing over its heritage listing). Just before half time all the actors get their kit off. A young Marcia Hines was in the cast. My current predicament can be directly traced back to me seeing Marcia Hines naked at such an impressionable age.

    So after seeing Marcia naked,youve got problems with where you park your bike??

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