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Posts posted by jazza

  1. Any of you delinquents interested in a night at Wongs in Elsternwick, for chinese food, reasonably priced, on the 2nd of December 2014, to discuss our drafting trading and coming season?

    Old Dee and myself will be there, with hopefully WJ and Belzebub.

    Would love to take a coupla days off,journey to the city and have a meal and a chinwag with you blokes.

    I might get there one day,Would be great to actually meet you blokes.

    Especially ODs nurse.

  2. just curious as to what that means ...lol

    His father and the whole family have bled for the timboon demons for years.

    Didnt want to be interstate.

    Was a bit unlucky at crows in that they had 2 other players who filled the same position.

    Is has has always been a great clubman and leader.

    Would have filled holes for us{pedders like}and didnt get much of a run at CRows.

    Can fly the helicopter.

    Most popular player at crows with the young kids that visit club.

    Probably would give us another 50 memberships per year.

  3. Ahh. The first signs of pre season. Posters squabbling and becoming frustrated with Saty. Currently not ignored for me given the change in name. I wonder how long that will last? Looking forward to the reports.

    I like everything saty brings to DL.reports,inside mail,common sense and brevity.

    Plus that beautiful style of upsetting people by throwing thier own mud back at them.

    Almost forgot,his love for the mighty Dees.

    We love our Devil Inside.

    • Like 4
  4. I heard that one as well but I hope not. He's very ordinary.

    Would be for a rookie spot you'd think and even then I'd say it was a waste. We can survive a game here or there without key defenders if we have an unprecedented injury list so I'd rather use the spots on more outside run and carry or on an untried tall.

    Watched this kid develop since he was 10 years old.

    Was a forward his whole career until Falcons/Crows.

    Father thinks hes been dealt very harshly at crows and was tailor made for our club.

    Played for Timboon Demons since a pup.

    • Like 1
  5. I popped past for 5 mins on the way to work. It was interesting that all from the leadership group were on the track with the young guys. Brendan Macca being shown around by Mahoney. No Tappy training with the group. I spotted Satyr from afar, so hoping for his full report!

    Bernie Vince was seen trotting slowly around the track.

    Apparently he didn't break into a full gallop.

    • Like 10
  6. A few observations

    Clarke's captaincy and batting were woeful

    Lyon is not a spinners bootlace, , if you cannot get wickets on turners what is the use of you Discard have never thought he was much chop!

    Maxwell has played his one and only test disgraceful dismissal in the second innings . Park Cricketer at best

    Haddin career over time to find another

    O Keefe I don't think is up to it !

    Starc also abysmal selection

    Time to build your team around Smith, Warner, Johnson, Piddle ( possibly) Agar, Wade( possibly) Rogers is good on fast decks and the rest are a toss up.

    Not sure I would want the injury prone Watson back !

    Time for an overhaul!

    Be careful potting clarke in here{hes loved}have made similar comments and he is loved by press.

    okeefe i wrote about also=looked B grade like with his bowling.

    Agar=Lyon presents more tight bowling and experience

    starc=actually thought he was the pick of the bowlers in this test,always gave himself a chance.

    Discipline once gain has been terrible,But supporters always make excuses for boofs decisions.Johnson,Maxwell,warner{yes i know he made some runs}and other bats played unbelievably bad shots to get out and there is no excuse for it.Either we have a discipline problem or a coaching problem.

  7. Sadly Fl og It seems I have to spend more time trying to educate you.

    Without delving into the tedious history of that place where you live, I am assuming the aim of this referendum was for WA to secede from the rest of Australia.

    Without digging into a dictionary I am guessing that "successful" means something like achieving one's aims.

    When I last bothered to look WA was still a state of Australia.

    Need I go on?

    Yeah but if you go to Steep Point,you will find a plaque with the words "the sun sets that way" written on it.

    Most WAccas believe it means they are the chosen ones.

  8. Personally, I think we need a few hard nuts. The best melbourne sides in the last 20 years have all had thrm, by which I mean finals sides: Biffen, Grinter, Pickett, Neitz, Whelan, we don't have the fear factor, however much we recruit sublimely talented athletes. Robinson is the closest to this in the draft. We should get him.

    Agree with this.

    Dont think hes that much of a bloke or player.

    BUUUUUUUUUUUUT, At 1/2 time when he has blood spewing out of his head and tells the doc to GAGF im playing the 2nd half.

    Thats what we aint had for a long time.A brainless go getter that sets an example.

    • Like 1
  9. We are a joke.

    Younis Khan scored 3 centuries in 3 innings, we finally get him out in the fourth (while trailing by 400 or something) and David Warner claps in his face when the LBW is given.

    We bat Glenn Maxwell at 3 who shouldn't be batting in any side higher than 7 (get him out of the side, not a Test cricketer).

    We lose 0-4 in India 18 months ago and in the intervening period we've learnt absolutely nothing. If there's no bounce in the pitch we can't bowl, neither pace nor spin. And in the same circumstances, where batting should be easy, we can't score at all because we don't know how to play spin.

    It won't matter of course because we're about to reverse the roles and play India in Australia where it all goes in our favour instead. But we're still a joke.

    Got panned for saying similar things.

    But those same cracks from 2/3/4 years ago are still there.

    Selection and coaching wise,Dean Jones made some very good points about our coaching during this series.

    The ability not to play a shot is clearly lacking and also not "even"tried by most.

    This is appalling and is so noticeable within the team.

    Johnson and Maxwell have played T20 shots and years ago good captains like Chappelli wouldve come out after play and said as much.

    Our coach who got the pats on the back for "beating "england has had enough time to engender what constitutes fair and reasonable shot play among the team.

    These tracks arent spinners wickets,They are just Flat tracks.

    Nothing more nothing less.

    Enjoy T20 paydays seems to be the call of the day.

  10. I would really love to know if there a betting scam behind this tour.

    This is more disgraceful than losing to NZ.

    Its only disgraceful losing to NZ because there are so many of the buggers over here stealing our dole to gloat.

    Dont see many pakis walking around the streets of prahan gloating Biff.

    Brendon Julian just gave it to Maxwell,,Clarke and others {coach}for thier lack of application and selection problems{again}

    Beating a second rate and falling to pieces england has definitely covered the cracks that have been there for 6 years.

  11. I dont understand why we don't form a "bloc" of sorts with the other clubs including North, Dogs, Saints, Cats (who are not disadvantaged but are behind our cause), Port, Freo even Brisbane. None of us will win these battles if we fight them individually but if we put a proper proposal and argument forward to counter the big clubs and start to put some public pressure on the AFL we my start to get somewhere.

    After some of Gils interviews.I get the idea that 17 game seasons and every other one away are not that too far in the distant.

  12. Not sure about him yet DD.

    First game last year his laziness in pushing back was terrible.

    Giving him a pass due to injury in that game.

    Jury is still out on whether he is capable of running both ways.

  13. Why the AFL did not bring a team to Tasmania is just a joke they would fill a 35,000 stadium from round one down there. Western Sydney is no chance in the next ten years of being a AFL club with soccer up there now it could be the biggest fail in AFL history.

    No point spending money and time trying to expand in a footy area.

    To expand means=Go to a non football area and re-educate the people into liking our game.

    Western sydney has millions of potential new fans.

    The biggest mistake so far has been not to include local arabic kids into the u16 teams and promoting them.

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