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Posts posted by jazza

  1. You would think clubs would have done their homework with regards to Monday nights. Sunday twilight games got low crowd numbers I could only imagine Monday nights would be worse.

    TELEVISION game.

    Like the original friday night games,everybody watched because it was footy.

    Monday night is boring and a 'live" game is a ratings bonanza for the telecaster,and the sponsors.

  2. But with the rolling draw the idea is that we're not always a penciled in win. As for ghe Friday night games I can only assume it's to do with supporter base.

    As written earlier.nth took friday nights when every other club refused and would only "do" afriday once a year when they played nth{under protest}.Then when it became obvious that nth were at a commercial and football advantage,Coll and other clubs wanted a slice of the pie/money.

    Recently the AFL wanted a volunteer to take on mondays nights and got no takers,I personally believe by our crowds numbers and sponsorship.Monday nights at a 5 year contract would be the best commercial outcome for our club.

    As with nth we would have kids at least watching our club every 2nd monday and kids only remember the wins.

    • Like 1
  3. More rain.

    The stars are aligning and we might have a downpour on NYE.

    Anybody interested its been probably 190 days.And every now and then the body screams for its nicotene.

    Wentt fishing yesterday and caught 6 posters,didnt even use the best bait.

    BTW, Biff got kicked out of Colacs only nightclub,{nuffies den}and has made his way back to Prahran.

  4. sheesh, first it was the softcoq pretentious wankers and their worship at the throne of bachus

    but now it's the metrosexual musing of the over pampered hipsters and their over hyped boutique tiddles

    ffs where has the genuine ocker knockabout aussie bloke gone?

    I'm still here dc.


    The Romsey sth american plastic farmer considers himself ocker.hahahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahahha

    Sofkok,romsey cheese and whine brigade.Engine oil would be rated top 10 by these "ockers'

  5. Where were these sycophants and hand wringers when Australian Defence Force and Emergency Service personnel were advised against wearing uniforms in public or on mass transport?

    So coupla dark people get glared at; brave men and women of our front line security - who put their lives on the line - face having their heads chopped off.

    Havent heard of any beheadings in australia.

    If you are referring to overseas then please understand the rules of engagement.

  6. Just awoke after a big big day at the cricket. Ashes cricket is always exciting.

    Thankfully the weather gods ignored that selfish cow cocky Jizza and it didn't rain.

    Ha,we got 6 mil.

    And thats not a referance to DCs appendage either.

    Truth time=had a blowout yesterday and drove to town,and like a gutter crawler i went looking for somebody with a ciggie,{didnt want to buy a pack and end the dream}anyway after 10 minutes of doing laps couldnt see anybody worth talking to and botting a ciggie.Drove home in disgust and ate ,drank and ate again.

    Another day of hell has passed.Wish i was a drug fiend like Biffo,at least he knows where hes heading.

  7. Saturday night at McQueen's.


    You need to have an invitation day.Well for the good posters anyway,maybe after the middle of the season bye.,

    You could invite,Biff{supplier of everything}

    Froggy{photography specialist}

    DC{procurer of females over 65}

    Ingeniokenektikey{beer wholesaler}

    BBO{supplier of cheap sth american steaks}

    Ethan Tremblay{supplier of discussion ideas}

    • Like 1
  8. Lets hope Haddin putting down a regulation chance off Pujara won't come back to haunt us.

    Like Pujara's style on indian wickets,hoping to see it transfer to our pacey roads we produce.

    Would be wonderful to see him adjust and make a big innings.genuine class.

  9. In that match McCullum made 195 off only 134 balls and NZ made over 400 on day 1.

    Since giving up the keeping he's turned himself into a world class batsman and is really leading NZ well. They're certainly a smoky for the World Cup and after the 2015 Ashes series they'll probably prove to be our most interesting opponents over the 14 Tests that follow, given apart from the 6 (return series) against them, we have 3 at home to the Windies, 3 away to Sri Lanka & 2 away to Bangladesh.

    The state of test cricket is appalling at the moment,the standard of fielding is terrible,they are dropping catches that most park cricketers would be ashamed to say they dropped.

    The kiwis are building thier team very nicely for the last 3 years,McCullum just the icing on the cake .

  10. There's been a lot of talk over the years about the need for an uncompromised draft but not so much about the AFL fixture which is comprised on a number of levels -

    ■ the stronger teams get the better draws from a commercial perspective: blockbusters, Friday night and special games whilst avoiding the poorer drawing times and venues;

    We should do a North of the eighties/90s and take 9 monday night games.

    The afl want it and the last club to do it recieved a bonanza in credits.

    ■ the fixture is drawn so that the top teams from the year before play each other more often and similarly with the weaker sides. This often results in teams having a more favourable draw from the point of view of them being competitive in the finals fight but it also gives the stronger teams a further commercial advantage.

    The only fair draw is 17 games and reversed every year. Macca actually hinted at liking this.

    ■ AFL teams play all of the other teams once and five teams twice during a season, leaving more room for compromised fixtures.

    Probably sounds good, but could lead to totally unfair draw for somebody.And we already have that.

    My question is whether it's better for us at our stage of development to have a better fixture to help us be more competitive or whether we need a fixture to improve our financial outcome at the end of the year?

    We need to consolidate onfield first. So a better fixture is always the aim.,

    • Like 1
  11. Not enamoured with the BBL but congratulations to Klinger (105no) - and he got his ton with a 6 off the last ball of the innings AND he's a big Demon fan!!!

    Was having a watch of the Klinger innings last night also.

    Is he becoming the next Simon Katich.?????

  12. Anybody who rates SA beer has no taste whatsoever.

    Tassie beer is by far miles in front of any other.Boags probably being the best.

    The trouble with coopers fans is they forget the below average beers most SA s drink.

    • Like 1
  13. Thanks guys, one and all. Sorry to bring down the tone and yes Nasher I've thought the same as you but the real thing after 28 years is so confronting one can't imagine it or prepare for it from the outside. But I'm not the first and others like Jazza have had no say in their tough situation. I have a few good mates - unfortunately followers of Essendon Richmond and Carlton, which is why we called ourselves the MERCs as a cycling group, as well as 3 great kids and good family support. No need to grovel for a room at the Gat just yet.

    Just give me an actual good year in 2015, Dees, instead of a promise without delivery.

    Let the normal programming resume!

    A room at the GAT might do you the world of good.

    Biff was down on his luck before he was given a room there.

    Within a month he started to oversee a prostitution ring and also started a medicinal supply shop.

    I would imagine he takes you under his wing and in no time you could be cooking with gas {so to speak}.

    And the upside is on the way home after a demons win,you and your best new mate Biff,could collect the days takings and still make time to enjoy a big saturday night ripping off drunk customers.

    • Like 1
  14. Elite? Kidding yourself.

    Jack Watts needs to get that competitive streak into him. He is as soft as they come and until he starts hitting contest harder then he simply will get pushed out of the side. He has been a major disappointment as a number 1 draft pick and next year he really needs to take his game to another level.

    Big year for Jack and based on his pre season being in rehab he is not in my round 1 team.

    Ive never seen a player develop "competitive edge".You either have it or dont.

    JWs output will be judged on other players doing his hard work and giving him the pill for good use.

    Based on the fact he has been given 100{roughly}games to get this right,my judgement is .transfer needed for both entities.

    • Like 1
  15. Merry Christmas all and thanks for helping me retain some sanity this year.

    This one is tinged with sadness as it's the last one I'm having with the wife and kids before separation in a week or so. But the end of something is always the beginning of something else.

    On the upside, I might be getting to a few more games next year! Hope the boys make it worth the effort.



    Going through a similar thing.{different reasons though}

    My sanity was gone until i discovered low degenerates like BBO,biff and of course froggy.

    Fishing with these blokes has got me through some pretty tough times.

    Good luck for the future,and if you EVER need a shoulder,dont hesitate or even consider being alone.

    We will help you get over the line mate.

    • Like 2
  16. wasn't so much the grog pig dog, it was the (gross) over indulgence of pavlova that brought me undone

    as i slept in this morning i thought of jazza milking the cows in the rain

    Was doing a jig when rain was dropping.

    Whatever we get this time of the year is money in the bank.

    Was thinking of biffo and his mates standing in the rain trying to solicit customers for the illegal medicine game.

    Then in the dark recesses of my mind ,a picture of BBO trying to AI a feral animal in romsey gave me a little smile .

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