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Everything posted by MrMoose

  1. LOL - 'Yze Magic' for MFC next CEO, President and Coach. All Hail Yze Magic! LOL
  2. Crowd was 44,159. According to the paper, MFC were expecting and budgeted for 28,000 - so some good extra dollars for MFC. Moose
  3. Deperately need 'Ranga' Bate in. ALWAYS presents, which is what we really need. Moose
  4. Really all I want to see is improvement - nothing appears to have changed since Round 1 (or the NAB cup for that matter) except for maybe the Geelong game. I do want wins, but if they don't come, I want to see competative losses. I got to the Demons games and regularly hear the loyal Melbourne crowds groan when another stupid error or turn-over occurs. We then get excited when we see professional standard of football that may return a goal, but often we then have to suffer through seeing skill errors, poor decison making or, 'clangers' happen. Too often the opposition then make us pay for by slamming on 4 goals - as happened yesterday. I can accept the losses, the change in game plan and everything else the MFC gives us in trying to win a premiership. Let's all be fair dinkum - there isn't anybody on the senior list who sholdn't be there, no matter what we all think about individuals. They ALL can play football otherwise they wouldn't be there. I just want to see the basic skill levels that AFL senior list players should possess AND competative losses - success will follow. Moose
  5. OK - thanks for the replies. Can anyone tell me the exact figures? That little 'thermometer' graph on the MFC website doesn't give an exact figure. They used to have the exact figure there, but that seems to be gone. Maybe putting it back on will encourage more to sign up - then again look at the Bulldogs and how many haven't re-sgned there. Cheers, Moose
  6. I agree - I would just like someone, preferably the coach, to come and out tell me what they are trying to get this team of footballers to do. I am as confused as the players seem to be. Keeping us in the dark in causing division amongst members/supporters.
  7. Can anyone tell me how many 2008 MFC members there are? I thought I saw them flash up a MFC advertisement on the scoreboard at the MCG today which said 28,077 members. Does anyone know? Moose (Didn't look at the scoreboard too many times after the 15 minute mark of the 2nd quarter today - had face in hands most of the time in the 2nd half!)
  8. Cheers, I will. And then I will have another laugh at the other replies for this topic.
  9. The question was simple (with a few tongue in cheeks comments to cheer us up after 5 straight and frustrating losses) What is Bailey's game plan? Isn't it a coaches job to develop players and enhance the skills lacking - such as mentioned above? Jaded - can you explain to me what he is trying to do? Moose
  10. I have been to the 3 Melbourne games at the MCG this year and I still can't work out what Bailey's (or Melbourne's) game plan is. Fom what I've seen, it seems to be; 1. When under pressure, handball to someone who is within 2 metres of you and has at least 1 opposition player standing next to him. 2. Make sure all handballs or kicks, bounce on the ground in front of the player you are passing it to. 3. If the ball is in the hands of our defenders, all forwards run to the opposite wing so the the player in possession has no-one to kick to. 4. When kicking into the forward line, kick the ball behind the leading Melbourne player so he has to go backwards. 5. Don't man up. 6. ALWAYS kick to a 1 Melbourne Vs 2 Opposition player contests. 7. Only kick when under pressure - if clear, wait for opposition to tackle before trying to disposing of footy. 8. Kick points. Can anyone tell me any others? Moose
  11. A king hit is where an un-suspecting victim is hit from behind. This didn't happen in this case. Hall over re-acted to the niggling and belted him - that's not a king hit. I am not saying he should have done it either - stupid act on Bazz's behalf. Moose
  12. LOL - great to see there are positives. Thanks, I feel better!. Moose
  13. No I want to see football played by footballers. There are so many soft free kicks for such minor offences going on at the moment. You only have to look nastily at someone and they get a free. If you run in to protect a team mate - it's a melee! Spare me. Just touch someone in the back and it's an free. Bloody Hell! The AFL have sanitised it so much we may as well call it soccer! Look at Rugby and Ice Hockey - tough sports played by tough men. From what I see on the video Staker grabs/scratches Hall on the throat with his right hand just prior to Hall punching him. Hall retaliates to that. Certainly not a reasonable response though! Love the way Hunter hits the deck when he rushes in - LOL. Would have sh@t himself. Moose
  14. Got to admit - I loved it! I know it's a quote from 'Reg Reagan' of the ARL but "Bring Back The Biff". Sick of seeing players who are 'athletes with some football ability' rather than 'footballers who have some athletic abilities'. Need to have more mongrel in football - we all love a stoush! I know I do. Moose
  15. I originally voted yes, but after watching Carlton thrash Collingfilth - I want to change my answer - Moose
  16. Good on you Billy! In the words of Ted Whitten - stick it up 'em! Moose
  17. I work with a bloke who is a close mate of Jeff White - White has stated that this is his last year, hence why the Dee's have recruited and are blooding ruckmen. Mr Moose
  18. Great to have you back jared - you are the major steadying influence on our backline. Remember hearing Nathan Buckley talking up Rivers's last year and saying what a huge loss he is to OUR team - he was right too. His return will bring re-newed confidence. Go Dee's Moose
  19. Downloaded the radio interview and was wondering what the fuss what about - that's until I got to the 21 minute, 50 second mark. That's when Bartlett has a real crack at us Melbourne Members/Suporters - what a dill KB is. It just goes to prove how ignorant and out of touch he is. His involvement on the rules committe is the reason why no-one understands any of the rules of the AFL anymore! GARDINER handled himself admirably. MrMoose
  20. Just got the MFC Members e-mail and they state that there are now 23.497 members. Does anyone reckon we will hit the magic 30,000? Remember the bad start we had last year and we had a record membership then. Now is the time to buy your membership. The MFC clubs needs you, Cheers, Mr Moose
  21. I have just read the replies and it seems I am not the only one who has had dramas. Let's hope that these problems diminish as the club becomes strong. For the record, I have contacted the club numerous times about issues and to be honest the person on the end of the phone has done their very best to fix it. There is no use going off the handle at them - it's not their fault. I just hope that the issues are passed further on to those up the ladder to those that CAN fix them. Working in a customer service industry myself, it's never the person that you have first contact with on the phone who causes the problems, but thy cop the brunt of the disgruntled customer. Something we all have to be minful of. Just for something 'twilight zoneish' - there was a ring on the doorbell first thing this morning and there was the delivery man with my 150th MFC pack - I should have posted a topic whinging about the tardiness of the delivery earlier! Looking forward to beating the Cats this week! Cheers to all, Moose
  22. Great Article - does give us hope despite the first 2 games. Thanks for taking the time to write it, Moose
  23. I have never started a topic before and have only ever commented a few times but I can longer hold back and need to have a 'whinge'. I was born in 1964 and obviously have never seen a Melbourne Premiership - and the way the club is going I don't think it will happen soon. Please don't get me wrong I am a member (as is my family) and attend as many games as possible. I support the club, the players and do my bit as best I can. We all know that the entire football club has to be as 'one' and working at the highest level for a club to be successful. This football club will never be successful until it fixes numerous problems and starting at the MFC HQ would be a good start. It is this reason I've started this topic to find out if I'm just unlucky or if others have had similar problems. 1. Back in October we received our membership packs and 2 weeks later we paid for a family membership believing that earlier we paid the better for the club. Went to the round 1 game and up to the membership tent to pick up our 2008 members items (IE the tie, pashimina or beanie). The attendant said 'where are your coupons?' As last years membership cards were 'clipped' and the items given, I didn't know there were coupons. Turns out that the club has not sent my almanac or coupons out. Now I paid 5 months ago and we only have 20.000 members - how can this happen? Surely the marketing staff are not under that much pressure. A call to the club and finally I receive the correct items this week. Whilst I'm here - who really wanted a tie, pashmina or beanie? I sat there on Saturday and saw the Bulldog members with very smart baseball caps on - why don't we have these? Especially as our sponsors could have their names put on the side. 2. In November my wife purchased a 150th anniversary pack and I am still yet to receive this. Another call to the club last week and I am told that 'there was a problem with the printers' - yeah sure. We are currently up to surnames beginning with "M", you should recieve it this week. I am still waiting. 3. I take the family to the family day a few weeks ago and spend $300 in the MFC store. The young female attendant cracked the sads cause we asked her if she had scissors to cut the tags off our purchases so the kids could wear their new jumpers. Her comment was 'Well I am now going to hide these scissors - I won't be doing this all day!" What a pathetic attitude. 4. Whilst on the Family Day - can anyone explain to me why the park surrounding the MCG was not allowed to be used as a car park for the day? The function went for 4 hours but the longest parking nearby was 1 or 2 hours. Speaking to the 'Grey Ghost' there - he says that it is a designated park unless it's a game day or an application has been made. There is no doubt that people stayed away because of this factor. I am more than happy to pay the $6 for a parking spot - more revenue for the club? I know public transport is there but this is often not convenient for all. 5. I have had other problems such as incorrect e-mail addresses and not reciving information, wrong spelling of names on memberships, etc etc I know these are little whinges, but crikey if we can't get the little things right how are we; a. going to lure more memberships, b. ever going to be successful. I've spoken to members from other clubs and they don't seem to have any of these problems. Has anyone else had problems? I often hear coaches say that the admin istration dept. do their thing and the coahes/players/football dept. do theirs and the 2 don't influence each other - bull. Of course they do. Sorry for the gripe. My support for the MFC is still strong with the desire for that elusive premiership and the bragging rights it provides. If we only have 1 win for the year - please be on the Queens birthday! Go Dee's, Moose
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