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Everything posted by MrMoose

  1. Just saw the replay of Adam "Protected Species" Goodes giving another hip bump onto the head - Bartram this time (I think?). Surely he has to get suspended now, especially with all the 'leftover' points from the last cowardly effort. Stynes' record will be intact for a while yet - I hope!
  2. Dale Thomas is the new Nathan Buckley - can't stand the little [censored]! Moose
  3. Who the f#@k are you in telling me what to do? I didn't realise their was censorship on this site! If there is something that you don't like someone doing, show some respect, be courteous and ASK! Think I will post the way I want to, just like everyone else on this forum has the right to do. Tool! Moose
  4. I too rate them as the worst supporters in the AFL. Moose
  5. So did JUDD! Look where he went! Moose
  6. If we can get $500,000 per game, then it's something we will have to do, unfortunately. Better there than Brisbane - would rather the players go to Fyshwick than Jupiter's Casino! Moose
  7. The real reason we have only won 1 game this year is that we have only been in front at the final siren once! Moose (PS - this is an attempt at humour for those that don't recognise it)
  8. LOL - some of us got it Wrathchild. Thanks for the laugh! Moose
  9. Imagine the ammunition that a record membership would give the new chairman and board to stick up Vlad Demetriou and the AFL that despite injury decimating our team, that we post 2 record memberships in a row! Not to mention the show of strength and support to the players. C'mon Demonland members - we can achieve this! Moose
  10. If the demons change their name, will the moderators of this site change with it, for EG Melbournefcland, of Fireland, or Fuschialand, or ????????? LOL Moose
  11. Got to admit that I thought the "As long as I'm here it will" comment was eerie. Non MFC supporting mates also mentioned that they thought it was strange. I wanted to hear, "The MFC will ALWAYS be in Melbourne". Moose
  12. F@#KING HELL! Anyone would thing this is the "Punt Road End" website where all they do is bag past and present players. I don't know Garry LYON in any way, shape or form other than what I have seen of his football career, read about and what I see and hear in the media. I do know he is a TRUE Demon. I also know, from what I've read, that he has a life outside football as a single Dad with 3 sons to raise (1 of whom is or has been crook - check out http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...006022,00.html), as well as extensive media and corporate commitments to earn a living from. His radio & football shows are not just what we see and hear on air, there are hours of preparation before and after. His work load would be immense. Everyone would be after him for something - ie appearances, charity events, sportmans nights etc etc. I too am a family man with financial, family and work pressures, who LOVES the MFC. I can't get to every game, nor can I put my hand in my pocket much further - does that make me any less suppportive of this great club than the whingers and knockers that I see posting? Simple answer is NO! But everyone I know, knows that I am a proud and passionate MFC member - through the good times and the bad. Stop bagging people, especially legends, unless you know facts. How anyone can make an assumption, and that's all they are 'assumptions' about Garry Lyons committment, or lack of it to the MFC, absolutley sickens me! You should be ashamed of yourselves for gutlessly & anonomously using these forums to sook about, and defame, any person who loves the MFC. Moose
  13. Will ALWAYS be the Demons. Whoever took that away from the MFC this year, no matter what the reason, I hope has been sacked!. Long Live The Demons Moose
  14. Dunn is struggling and doesn't appear to have much confidence at all this year. DB has to try something different as Dunn has showed that he does have what it takes to play AFL. Moose
  15. Are you blokes for real? I was at the game and didn't actually see it and I haven't seen a replay of it either - but it's a Collingfilth palyer and it has to be worth 2 weeks! Crikey - any chance to upset the filth! LOL Moose
  16. Just wondering if anyone saw any response anywhere from Andy "Not a Footballers A#@hole, So I WIll Take Over The League" Demetriou about; 1 - The Walk and the numbers of MFC supporters who participated,and 2 - The crowd at Sundays game, especially the large amout of MFC supporters there? Cheers, Moose
  17. Just seen on the news that the filth are considering appealing Clokes charge and sentence. Are they for real? I hope they do and the charge is upgraded and he gets suspended - yeah sure! As is King Eddie would let that happen. Another case of Malthouse whinging! FFS - the sooner the AFL deregister the Collingmaggots the better! (Do dreams come true?)
  18. Bode seemed totally lost during the game. He looked confused about where he should be, who he was on and what he meant to be doing. Well out of (t)his league. Moose
  19. The thing about Caroline is that you are listening to her and not looking at her! Moose
  20. Considering Miller has not got Neitz & Robbo to help him and is the main focus up forward, he really has put his hand up. Has not shirked a contest all year and is presenting all the time. Give credit where it's due. Moose
  21. You forgot - David NEITZ (Neck) - Season/Retired
  22. Though it has been on the MFC website for months, I do agree that something in the papers would have been good. I'm not 100% sure (beer goggles were on that night!) but I don't remember seeing anything on the Footy Show either - that's the perfect medium for these types of announcements, though from what I remember we were on very late anyway. Moose
  23. Great article - thanks for the post
  24. On the radio they reported that the AFL said it wasn't a head butt, but a clash of heads so he was charged with 'misconduct'! This is from the AFL web site; Charges Laid: Travis Cloke, Collingwood, has been charged with misconduct in that he made contact with his head to the face of Matthew Warnock, Melbourne, during the second quarter of the Round 11 match between Collingwood and Melbourne, played at the MCG on Monday June 9, 2008. WTF? Moose
  25. I started a thread weeks ago wondering if anyone was going to turn up to this event. Despite the poor weather forecast, the game being televised and the car racing also being televised - the MFC supporters did ourselves proud! Lets keep it up for the rest of the year. Having got home and seeing the news, it was impressive on all counts. Lets keep it up for the rest of the year. Well done everyone. Moose
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