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Everything posted by Pipefitter

  1. HAHAHAHHA. Went from winning tattslotto to being at a funeral on the radio in one second.
  2. Like i mentioned before we need our possession rates up. Its the same story as last year. We hang on for a bit but eventually the weight of disposal = opposition scoring. Fair enough its a fairly weak team, but port aren't playing a first class side either.
  3. Ha these commentators. I just wish we could see some vision of the game to see how over the top they are being.
  4. Gotta get our possession rates up if we are gonna be serious this year.
  5. I have this sneaking suspicion he will be on the move. Was one of the players rumoured to not be a huge fan of Buckley. He didn't look like he wanted to be at Pies last year.
  6. He was always going to be a risk. Sandilands never lasts a season. You'd still take sandilands though right?
  7. They are allowed to get drunk on their Christmas holidays. I second Many sentiments about how easy it is to get kicked out of the cricket. The security and police bully punters at cricket matches.
  8. He's doing a good job moulding a physically stronger list, wether or not he can coach is another thing.
  9. Col leaving is a huge possibility IMO. Talking to someone in the inner sanctum recently, told me Col was shattered Beamer left.
  10. Salary cap rorts are the new tanking. At least they are off our backs for a day or 2.
  11. He's an OK player, not a superstar, will never be. I'll just be happy to see 100% effort every week.
  12. The media has tried to combine this with tanking as another disaster for us. Being forced to start our own stand alone VFL team would do nothing but good for us, and the impact we could make in casey would be far more significant. Bring it on I say!
  13. There is still no we want you to lose directives, it was all playing players in different positions etc which isn't tanking. The AFL don't want this to go further, but the more people involved who keep giving evidence they are going to have to come down on us. Which is terrible, but i never agreed with tanking, and I still don't. Look how far it got us? Kind of lucky we traded most of our picks this year, they can't take those off us.
  14. Congratulations on a fine afl career. One of the all time Greats.
  15. Luckily there needs to be a certain thing called evidence. A document, a recording, a confession. Etc etc. Brock Mclean is still going on about it. Absolute snake.
  16. Can kick. A few times seeing him run out of defence and kicking made me go wow, that's something we don't see at the dees often. Consistency is the key, let's hope for a good injury free run for him.
  17. Weedon is a real talent, must be NQR If the eagles delisted him.
  18. We've traded all our draft picks away anyway. What are they gonna take off us?
  19. Who cares what the 3 stooges think? I recall us being called the winners of the draft when we drafted morton, grimes and maric. Reckon they got that right?
  20. A pick 4 turns into a pick 88. Thanks for nothing cale.
  21. How could north possibly want a better pick for pedersen than mcintosh? Ohhh hang on this was written in the herald sun yeah? My bad.
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