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Everything posted by puntkick

  1. Dean Robinson in his original interview with 7 said he would have to sell his house to finance his legal claims against Essendon. Nothing from Dank so far. Are Robinson and his lawyer waiting for more incrinimating developments or has another deal been done ?
  2. This message just intercepted from friendly source Move Crocadile Dundee into NT stop.No peeple live in ACT stop.Move Opera House to Sydeney stop. Move Kangaroos to Tasmania with Hawks stop. Secret agent Gat still alive and kicking in Lygon St stop. Agent Jake and friends still active but might have to replace Brody stop. Regards in confidence " You No Chitty Bang Bang " stop. I gottya covered Tone stop.
  3. Clark,Dawes and Daylight. Why cause I want to see where my money went !
  4. I want the MFC President to come out and catorgorically state we won't be charged and fined for tanking in 2013 ! Vivala Little Vivala Hird Down with Dimwit ! Long live Meh'ico !
  5. A few tickets in the car raffle offering if you can help return your brother to a Demon tragic !?
  6. My 3 old subtle stickers without the year on them are still as good as the day they were put on my cars. The stickers on the LG fridge, tv and washingmachine are fine too. Don't forget to tell membership when you ask for replacements as they are still one of the last things we have better than the others
  7. Check the topic It might come back to haunt you !
  8. WIth all due deferance to your 18838 posts bb I might just have taken a bit of heat off Tammy which was uncalled for !
  9. Robbie indeed you should be tread ing water ! Then go and look at 6 pages of Mediation and see where my little pun came from ! Sorry to impose on your 5481 posts !
  10. You too like Robbie F should be more gainfully employed sandbagging for the tidal waves rushing through the deepened heads !
  11. Go look for a 6 page silliar thread !
  12. Steady on it's your thread inviting comment. I thought Flash was the mentor in Liam's days ! I further thought he was invited to retire to take up an indegenouse mentoring role at his club ? Good luck Flash, get the experience and bring the boys home .
  13. Guess while you were latteing on Dendy or out of the country you missed our fines then ?
  14. Yep and he now takes all of our our "excellant " experience with him.Liam says hello !
  15. I absolve you of all my recent posts
  16. 1/2 a mill here 1& 1/2 a mill there and repeat. Discuss.
  17. Ta jw you're my new alter hero !
  18. And for those of us without a latin bible or a priest's knee to sit on ?
  19. I can't fault it and I went to the same school as Robert Richter who has just pulled off a great travesty of justice for geoff shaw !
  20. od's just gone bigtime on Sorrento then !
  21. They better hurry up sandbagging or they'll be on the rocks with the rest of the MFC !
  22. Before sending in Brodie, in a cost cutting move the CIA have sent out trained Chapel Street chiropadist Benny Holland to look for Carroll's shoes. When he returns he will look at his bare feet for damage.It should noted however he is not,repeat not a trained dentist !
  23. My favourite exboss saying was " he don't need turkey, he need stuffing " !
  24. Just before I go to bed I thought I'd say goodnight . Guess your too busy spying on the indos to reply. You probably know as much about them as you do the MFC ! Give Tone a kiss goodnight too
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