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Everything posted by Clark_Kent

  1. Because of our injury list I think we are a big chance to lose tomorrow. But I hope we win no more tanking for draft picks although it won't be because of tanking tomorrow just crapness
  2. Perhaps the supporters should take control of their club. We pay the money we should get a lot more say in what goes on.
  3. Mark Neeld should use what Roos said about us being irrelevant as a spur for our players to prove everyone wrong. Should be up in our training area and it should hurt the players every time they look at it
  4. I do remember during the Daniher era he was drafting players in the hope they could come in and be a player straight away searching for that elusive premiership. Look where that got us. I am also unhappy that we didn't pick up Darling but at least we are going after players with the potential to be very good players rather than someone who can come in and fill a hole for us.
  5. Yeah that's a pretty decent idea as well. I think either way you go it's going to even it up more. I think I like the lottery because it adds a bit of excitement to who goes where haha.
  6. Well then perhaps go bottom 9 and top 9. Teams that are on the fringe of playing finals aren't going to tank anyway. I would say Yes to something like this as it would stop things like tanking from happening. Teams are still going to finish players seasons early and try young players but at least it will take away from the idea that they are purposely tanking. And in the NBA system the bottom ranked side still has the best chance of winning the top pick as they have a higher number of 'chances' when drawing the draft positions. But the ability for sides who don't finish last to still get a higher pick would mean theres no real point in actual tanking.
  7. I don't know if you fully understand it. They will raffle the number pick you get for example if you finished 16th you could still get pick 1 in the draft. It doesn't mean you have to take a certain player.
  8. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/143327/default.aspx Hardwick is right on the money here. The AFL need to forget the past because they can't possibly start handing out sanctions to 10 different clubs over X amount of years. And how would the sanctions work you tanked in 5 games so you lose this but this team only tanked in 3 so they lose less, doesn't work. They should bring in the lottery system for the draft after this one and that would stop everything. Break it down into sections 18th-16th is raffled, 15th-13th, 12th-10th and so forth.
  9. We don't really have to contain Ablett. He can have 50 posessions and they still lose by 100 points. Makes you realise that we have more going for us at the moment, they have arguably the best player in the comp and have only won one game. We don't really have a player in the top 30 and have won a couple. So what happens when Ablett gets too old?
  10. Yeah but the fact is every club will make decisions based on their position. If you are down the bottom you will send players off for early surgeries and experiment with younger players. Doesn't mean you don't want to win it's just the logical thing to do. If you are in contention then you keep players going longer which could mean they start the next season later due to body stress. Someone from Melbourne should come out and say yes we rested players and experimented but at no point did we want to lose.
  11. How about our club come out and say something. We shouldn't apologize from experimenting like every other club does when they are out of the finals race. If Mclardy doesn't say something soon then they obviously have no backbone (which it seems everyone at the club doesn't)
  12. Hopefully a lot more get on board with him and we will see a lot of improvement.
  13. Jack Watts finding a position to make his own
  14. Imagine seeing a whole lot of Davey's in our side named for the 2030 GF hahaha
  15. He's been our best player the last 5 weeks and had a relatively quiet game on the w/e and still managed to get 3 goals. I personaly think he has been going well under Neeld and have seen him do a lot more of the tough stuff the last few weeks (excluding the w/e's game) Teams are always going to have players who work harder or less than others it's inevitable everyone is different. It's going to be up to Neeld and the coaching department as to how much they can get out of him. I'm hoping another pre season under Neeld will do him even more good. I don't want us to let him go then next year watch him destroy us with 30 touches and 3 goals that would be demoralising.
  16. I think any of the top 10 midfielders in this draft would be welcomed into our lack lustre midfield
  17. Our FD's idea of getting rid of mature players and just playing kids has put us on a par with GC and GWS in terms of our list. The only difference is they were given a smorgasbord of picks and concessions and will most likely pass us within a year or two. It is very possible that we will be behind them in no time. When I think of the last few years and the draft I wonder WTF did they do because there aren't too many quality players from then and it's disapointing how poorly we did with the chances we were given. Don't blame Neeld it's not his fault the players can't play to his level, they need to pull their fingers out and realise they are the only ones who can change it.
  18. Most first year players only get 2 year contracts. They start on the minimum salary so they would be stupid to sign long contracts on low money. Also clubs are less inclined to sign players to longer contracts and first because of the obvious reason that they are young and anything can happen.
  19. I really hope Cook kicks 4-5 goals and breaks his way into the senior side, PLEASE we need hope.
  20. We should all be hoping he doesn't play again the rest of the year and we should make up a rumour he has OP that way he will definetly slip down the draft order
  21. Not every player on a list has to be a superstar. Darren Glass can't kick that well but he is seen as one of the best defenders going around. Sellar big, strong and competitive something we need.
  22. Some on hear need to think before they blurt out crap. He's had an injury restricted year and Neeld likes his younger players to earn a spot through hard working. He's trying to breed competitiveness in a footy club something we havn't had for years as we just gifted young players games. His talent is about a million times more than Macdonald but maybe at the moment he can't quite keep the same intensity as him yet, but he will get there.
  23. This article is very true but it begs the question......what if we can get all these blokes on the park together at the same time? If we can have Gysberts,Clark,Tapscott,Strauss,Blease,Taggert,Jurrah,Jetta actually playing some continuous games together along with the rest of the team maybe we will see some improvement. As much as we have really struggled this season we have been cruelly hampered with injuries to our younger players really slowing their development. This still gives me hope. If they had all been playing every game and we were still at this point then I would be even more worried but the fact is we have one of the worst injury lists in the AFL and being a young struggling side we pay for it even more than others in similar situations.
  24. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/localfooty/nick-vlastuin-is-hungry-to-succeed-in-afl/story-fn53klc6-1226433857225 Just read this article. Sounds like he's got his head screwed on and wants to work hard. These are the types of players we should be drafting not 'talented' young kids who don't know how to work hard. PLEASE get it right this year.
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