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Everything posted by BarnDee

  1. just seen on 7 news thousand outside waiting to get in
  2. i agree there are a few real shitheads in here that expect failure to prove their point well i say up yours
  3. what the HELL is this auto censor thing ???? [censored] ? is that a rude word like muslim ????
  4. like someone else said maybe the bummers loss was the trigger we needed
  5. the first bit done it for me wow a boys trip ? haha seems more like the missus wants you both gone for the weekend or whatever , but whatever
  6. my 3 fav things about this game 1 our full on attack play on 2 the new lads having a real go and 3 gawnies big jumper tug , gold
  7. yeah he did play it out had a bandaged scone , i just guessed a cut dunno where concuss comes from ?
  8. dunny stays , paper says brayshaw concuss plus 1 stiff one ( player }
  9. oh bummer i must have been listening to a different game ???? i thought we kicked 2 in Q 1 ????
  10. while im gutted we lost after feeling confident it showed we have it , some simple mistakes crap umpiring and a tiny bit of luck right at the end would have changed the whole thing . i am impressed but pizzed off
  11. while im gutted we lost after feeling confident it showed we have it , some simple mistakes crap umpiring and a tiny bit of luck right at the end would have changed the whole thing . i am impressed but pizzed off
  12. well i hope all the blood has been wiped off the floor i see this as a wake up , hey i was [censored] off no end about this loss but maybe its what was needed this weekend will tell the story , i know we are on the up and hopfully this was the igniter , go dees
  13. whats the fuss here ? read thru this post a big morjority have never watched it a lot dont like humour rude crude or otherwise the rest just dont like it ????? so why the thread in the first place ? i will make up my own mind thankyou , and the ol saying if you dont like something stay AWAY , dont comment on things you know nothing about us by 77 pts on sat
  14. huge improvement this year we will be scary good
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