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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Have to vent spleen on this


    Supposedly The Age's announcement on Goodwin's appointment!

    Did they quote Roos? No!

    Did they quote Goodwin? No!

    They quoted Hird!

    Of all people! While it was good to hear praise of our new coach this is all about MFC. Nothing to do with that obnoxious person!

    Not one word from the MFC side!! Grrrrrrrrrr!

  2. I have previously thought that perhaps a giant contract for a dangerfield might be toxic. however, imagine if we did sign a dangerfield, I have no doubt the member numbers would increase, the game attendance would increase (at least for the first few rounds lol) and the number of people actually following our games would increases. I know quite a few melb supporters that are embarrassed to admit to their following of the club and these people now hardly follow the game.

    I think all of that would improve.

    Probably a big enough reason to go for it.

    If the Roos name can't increase memberships no other name will.

    The only thing that will increase memberships is winning!

    Sad for your friends that feel embarrassed.

    • Like 1
  3. Just heard an extract of the press conference and I was very impressed:

    - has been talking with Dees for about 5 weeks

    - believes he needs the 2 years apprenticeship to fully prepare for senior coach.

    - Can learn a lot from Roos

    - really wants to be part of the 'sustainable success' plan the Dees have in place (i think we will hear the words 'sustainable success' a lot more in future)

    - had a call from someone at AFC last night to see where he was at with Dees and said he was committed

    Sounded very calm and assured Spoke very well.

    Liked him.

    • Like 9
  4. Not sure if this has been mentioned already.. But listened to SEN this morning and they played a segment of an interview they had with Dangerfield in May this year and Sanderon's name was brought up. Dangerfield spoke and mentioned something along the lines of:

    "I am really happy with Sando and the direction.. and as long as he is here at Adelaide I'm here and happy"

    Hmmm? If he really believed this he would have signed up when Sando's contract was extended at the beginning of this year.

    He seems to have changed his tune in recent weeks. Less likely for him coming to the Dees now. On the flipside Goodwin may have a few players he thinks we can go after (esp as he knows who at Ess does not have a 'show-cause' and who is unhappy there and will walk as soon as their contracts end).

    So I doubt will get Danger but we may land the next Danger...a younger won I hope...

  5. Goodwin to Melbourne on sen now

    AFC echo's Brisbane stuff up with Voss last year.

    2013 Brisbane tried to high-jack our approach to Roos: Melb WON!!

    2014 Adelaide tried to high-jack our approach to Goodwin: Melb WON!!

    Real turning point for our Club!!

    • Like 6
  6. Word strong that Goodwin will sign with Melbourne

    my mate did say that was as of early this morning

    Smart man if he signs. He is only 37 and 2 years with The Master will give him much needed experience and maturity as a coach before getting the hot seat all to himself.

    Also, MFC seems a lot more stable off-field than does AFC atmo

  7. Or having one hand tied behind his back????!!

    True as in 2013/2014 he had a lot of bad luck with loss of Tippett, draft picks, Tex and the late Dean Bailey.

    He did himself no favours by trading the much loved Bernie Vince. Nor when he whinged and whinged about the weather in Brisbane sounding like a child rather than an AFL coach. Nor when in his EOS presser he complained about the players and pleaded for coaching help. Probably valid comments but wrong place, wrong time and wrong delivery. As the year went on he looked sounded like someone out of his depth.

  8. absolute champion of the game though. I'd well and truly put up with the odd few week ban if our players played like him.

    Sorry Song...some good highlights but not so great given he has been playing for 15 years.

    Longevity does not a champion make.

  9. I'm guessing there would have been a few performance clauses in an MFC contract...performance clauses for on-field and off-field behaviour. If my guess is right his payments would increase as he demonstrated required performance. Otherwise MFC would be taking all the risk. These may have scared him off a little...so perhaps chasing an easier way at another club. Wouldn't be surprised if his suitors take the same approach tho'. Irresponsible or foolish if they don't.

    Up to Mitch to decide what he values the most.

  10. If the pies/bombers don't take him Mitch may end up like Dusty Martin last year and have to eat humble pie and return 'home'. They both seem to have dopey managers trying to shop them around.

    Should Mitch decide to 'return' to the Dees it would be like our prodigal son (assuming he hasn't burnt all his bridges at the club). I would be very happy to say all is forgiven and embrace him again as I don't think all of this is his doing. I'm guessing most of us on DL would feel the same way.

    • Like 1
  11. Some very interesting recruitment being rumoured for the club. Not sure if coincidental or not but if Roos is targetting some controversial players it could say a lot about what he thinks of our current list.

    That they are 'vanilla' personality player types!

    • Like 2
  12. We could get Gwilt for nothing either by him being delisted (as we did Daniel Cross) or he can go into the rookie draft and we take him with our first pick. Could be a better result than giving up a pick or player in a trade for HL.

    • Like 2
  13. Clark and Frawley saga brings back memories of when Barassi left for Carlton. It was so unthinkable as was the sacking of Norm Smith.

    Yes, gobsmackingly unthinkable...at least back then we had the consolation of 5 flags in 6 years...

  14. Playing Devil's Advocate, if in fact we did pay out a portion of his 2015 contract, then in actual fact we probably are in a better financial position than we would have been. He would have been perfectly entitled to sit on his bum and pull down the $700k or whatever it is, so I can't see that there's an issue there.

    Loyalty, etc, completely different issue.

    Does that mean he wants to get paid twice for 2015 if he comes back to us?

    • Like 1
  15. I know that Goodwin was an excellent player and on-field leader- probably underrated here in Victoria and he must have been an impressive new retiree to get the gig at Essendon in the first place. Clearly Bomber Thompson must have given Roos the thumbs up - and Craig must hold him in high regard . Not sure but might have been Bernie Vince's first AFL captain as well.

    Unfortunately I struggle to see anyone associated with Essendon as the blue -eyed boy we are going to build our future on - but I'll put that behind me if Roos gives him the nod.

    The name "Party Boy" fits a troll well - but I wouldn't be surprised if he's proved right.

    I'm with you hoopla. This worries me! The last time a very highly respected, successful coach gave the thumbs up was Malthouse to Neeld (and Scott Watters). Look where that got us.

    Even acknowledging that PR and PJ are pretty smart, Goodwin looks more like 'the best we can get' rather than the best out there. Being at the bottom is not the best time to go shopping. Would rather wait till we have a bit more success and can attract the Best there is.

  16. I'm thinking that Roos may have some concerns about his work rate at training. On 360 Roos said something like when he spoke with Mitch he explained that he had to put the effort in at training and not just the fun game day stuff. It sounded like Mitch had to prove himself in many ways even if he came on board. Lots of things seem to be working against Mitch being at the Dees.

    • Like 1
  17. OK, humble pie time. Never occurred to me that it was the MFC that didn't want Mitch unless it was on their terms. I was wrong assuming that it was Mitch who jilted us. Very happy with the club position - our way or the highway!

  18. Victorian WorkCover Authority to probe AFL on supplements scandal after complaint

    Someone (anonymously) has asked WorkCover to investigate the AFL itself. Probably just another red-herring by the Essendon camp! Or an attempt to ensure that their fines get rescinded, get their draft picks back and setting a scene so that they can pass the buck to the AFL if the players raise a class action and sue the Club.

    EFC's disingenousness knows no bounds. Still blaming everyone else but themselves.

  19. Pretty sure there will be approximately 1000 posts leading up to the program and 4000 posts after it.

    You'll get a summation, and then you'll get days of analysis.

    At which point the site will go into meltdown and the mods won't have to shut it down to enforce a cooling-off period on us. :o

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