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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. I don't have any more mail on this, but I suspect the answer is no. We went hard - picks 2 and 3 for Adelaide, highest paid player in the league for Danger.

    But he had to want to do it. I can't see how he can do that interview yesterday and jump ship today. There will be no official announcement because there's nothing to announce.

    Onwards and upwards. Next stop - Breakfast Point

    Hey there Chook. It seems like the west is unbelievably quiet on the trade front. As you are from Perth, have you heard anything? Are they playing possum just waiting to pounce or are they all on holidays?

    Its been so quiet I wondered whether our 'next stop' might be WA to offload pick 2 or 3 for one of those superstar mids at

    dockers/eagles...afterall Ross is absolutely desparate for a forward. Would be happy to take one of his lads or two with a pick or two thrown in...any chance?

  2. Is there anyone with 2 picks in the late second/early third round that would entertain a swap for our 23.

    We get Frost for one of those, then take the other to the draft or possibly throw one at Hallahan, Lowden or similar ilk.

    Now I am doing one of those moot trades that [censored] me so much... carry on.

    Geelong probably will have and they still haven't come to the table over Mitch. How we used those picks would be another story...one would go for Lumumba.

  3. There is an obvious silver lining if the Dogs can get picks 4 & 7 in return, but it is almost certainly going to destabilise the club and you would hope, or even expect, for us to be leapfrogging them next season.

    Quite right. Over a 2/3 year period we got picks 1 then 1 and 2 but lost Junior, Bruce and Green in less than happy circumstances. Leaving us to appoint kids as captains. We are still recovering from the cumulative affect of those. Doggies are now where we were 3/4 years ago. They are heading down, thankfully we are heading up.

    • Like 2
  4. I don't think we will take him if we take 2 and 3 to the draft. Roos has said he only wants a couple of 'kids' from the draft. So that would pick 2, 3, and Stretch. Also, there is less need for a Nakia type with JKH and now Garlett running around. Roos will still try and trade 23.

    If we are 'stuck' with 23, a Goddard type may be a better get if we don't get Frost.

  5. I don't know if it's already been said, and correct me if I'm wrong (it's demonland of course you will), but are Sydney being punished by the afl for something the afl themselves are responsible for?

    Do you mean like the AFL punishing us for 'not-tanking', ie list management, that everyone else did within the rules the AFL were responsible for!!

  6. Wikipedia: 'Collingwood selected ten players on its list who were "untouchable", and the Bears could take any two players outside this list, as well as the Collingwood Magpies' first round draft pick, in exchange for Buckley." So, Pick 12 and 2 ordinary players!!

    For Beams, Lions should get their top 10 'untouchables' together, present it to Collingwood and let them take 2 outside the top 10...same as the Buckley deal!!

    • Like 3
  7. Gee. the doggies senior list has been decimated:

    Going: Griffen Cooney Jones Gone Higgins Playing VFL: Minson Retired: Giansiracusa

    Hardly anyone left over 25: Boyd, Murphy, Lonergan (when he arrives) and they are 30+

    While I don't like the doggies (nor any other team for that matter) I don't wish them the dark place they are heading for.

    • Like 2
  8. Yeah but what is Paddy worth?

    Essendon are excluding the possibility of sanctions when they are evaluating what he's worth.

    Paddy is an excellent ruckman, but there is a big question mark on his ability to play next year due to likely sanctions.

    Probably 2 1st round picks.

    The stumbling blocks seem to be Ess want a player (not pick) and no Port player wishes to go to Ess. The latter is a bit of a ploy by Port as they could trade a player to another club for a round 1 pick and pass it to Ess with pick 17. Hypothetically, Robbie Gray to STK, Melb, Bulldogs etc for their 1st pick. Not suggesting this example is the right one but there may be various Port players that might go to StK, Dees, Bulldogs or any other club with a top 10 pick. Port then gives that pick + 17 to Ess. Port should pay a fair price in picks or players.

  9. Oh, so the sky isn't falling?

    Everyone can unknot their knickers then.

    Back to pick 17 and steak knifes.

    If its any consolation I would have the same reaction to any 'deal' outside the rules, regardless of the club involved.

    Hope EFC gets what Paddy is worth from Port.

    The stumbling blocks seem to be Ess want a player (not pick) and no Port player wishes to go to Ess. Port could trade a player to another club for a round 1 pick and pass it to Ess with pick 17. Hypothetically, Robbie Gray to STK, Melb, Bulldogs etc for their 1st pick. Not suggesting this example is the right one but there may be various players that might go to StK, Dees, Bulldogs or any other club with a top 10 pick. Port then gives that pick + 17 to Ess. Port should pay a fair price in picks or players.

  10. Obviously I'm looking at it from the Essendon point of view.

    While I understand people here being upset that Essendon might gain pick 21 extra, the real winners are Port Adelaide.

    They get Ryder locked away, with no hassles or tribunal hearings, for pick 17.

    O'Rourke went to Hawthorn this morning for what was essentially pick 19.

    As good as the kid may or may not turn out to be, right now, Ryder is far and away a more valuable player to Port Adelaide and their premiership chances than O'Rourke is to Hawthorn.

    So to get him for pick 17, what a win for them.

    Lucifer's Hero, why exactly do you think the AFL want to "scam" Essendon into the first round of the draft?

    I think you'll find, as I said earlier, their main goal is to keep this case out of any court or tribunal hearing.

    Doesn't make what they are doing right, but since when has the AFL not done anything that suits their agenda.

    Ess should get fair reward for Ryder but it should come from Port not the 'general draft'. And you are right that Port is a major beneficiary and that a major driver for the AFL is to keep it out of the courts.

    The 'challenge' at this point would be the issue would go before AFL 'trade grievance tribunal' or whatever it is called, not to the courts in the judicial system. The AFL could hear the grievance and order Port to trade for what Ryder is worth - find picks or give players. This would keep it out of the courts, so I would prefer the AFL grievance process run its course before 'bending' FA rules.

    To your specific question: As Ess have had 2 years of 1st round draft bans the AFL can see Ess losing players from either short-term bans or players leaving/refusing to go there and it seems to me it is giving them a 'helping' hand. Perhaps 'scam' is a bit strong but any 'deal' outside the established rules/processes without proper consultation with stakeholders, should not go unchallenged.

    You have put your points fairly and with a noticeably sad heart for the predicament your club finds itself. I feel for you guys and your players and hope the club sorts itself our sooner rather than later. Cheers.

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  11. It seems under this deal Port must give pick 17 to Ess, OTHERWISE Port would get Ryder for FREE! But FA rules say the receiving Club does get FA player for free!

    Does this mean AFL is going to rewrite FA rules so that receiving club 'pays' for the FA ie gives up a pick - something I and others on DL have been arguing for some time!

    To maintain the integrity of FA (if that is the basis of the Ryder 'rort/deal') then the AFL should stick to FA rules: ie Ryder is an FA; Ess get level 1 compo pick, Port gets Ryder for free.

    If AFL wants to make Port 'pay' then pick 17 should be returned to the draft and that pick voided!!!!!!!

    As I said in an earlier post this is just a scam to get Ess back into the 1st round of the draft and give them an extra late 1st round pick. ie they get a pp without even asking for one!!

  12. Not of same ability but a good Mitch type replacement. Help protect Hogan for a while up forward like Mitch was supposed to. Unless we have an eye on a ruckman in next years trade Grimley might be a good get. Comes from a good 'system' successful environment to.

    • Like 1
  13. I hope the footy world goes nuts today!

    Clubs were consulted and twice rejected our pp request. They may complain about our Frawley pick 3 but at least it was within the rules.

    BUT THIS RORT: No club is consulted! A new rule was invented on a whim! Clubs should go nuts just on the lack of consultation!!!!

    This is simply a backdoor way to get Essendon back into round 1 of the draft.

    Just watch the pp's that Essendon get in the next few years! Oh a mess of their own making we say...unlike our treatment the AFL will ignore the hue and cry and give them pp's (unlike us).

    This new rort is disgusting. Pity the poor kids that get drafted into this mess.

    • Like 1
  14. We may be in for a few surprises:

    - there has been no talk about getting a ruckman. Roos must be confident Jamar, Gawn, Spencer and Fitzy can do the job next year to win games. Maybe a ruckman is on next years shopping list.

    - from all the team being tradeable, we are hearing nothing of any players being traded out. Could mean there are no leaks but it could also mean no-one will traded anything/one valuable for them.

    Its all a bit too quiet on the trade 'out' front. Can't help think there will be some left-field trades involving the above!

  15. Crameri has hired his own defence lawyer to fight the show cause notices.


    It's really falling apart now.

    "...Stary is one of Australia’s most prominent criminal lawyers who has previously defended WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and former underworld kingpin Carl Williams..."

    I guess if Essendon is paying the bill, why not get the best! More money drain on EFC coffers!

    Sound like they are ready to deal with ASADA. It would put a real spanner in the works for Hird, if Crameri settles with ASADA before Hird's appeal. The horse will surely have bolted. This must be more worrying to Hird camp than anything so far.

  16. Purely speculation, but leading into finals he was in great knick, I'd know I had in my supercoach team.

    One week out from finals he was training full flight on the Wednesday, and by Friday he's had another surgery on his back..

    I'm going the early crow and saying I think he got done for the three strikes drug policy. It's rife down in Geelong, and the AFL may even involve itself and say if you want to get back playing football, you need to remove yourself from your current environment.

    Again, this is purely speculative, but I find the situation very intriguing.

    Does that mean Mitch will feel right at home!

  17. Apparently, Jaksch has refused to even talk to Ess so no matter what they offer GWS (nor probably his parents) will let him go there if he point blank refuses. Not sure if he is contracted, if not he has the option of the PSD and get picked up by StK with their first pick.

    So GWS will see him thru to a safe club.

  18. So much for Roos being the master list builder. To date he has lost our number 1 forward and number 1 defender, and the best he might be able to do in return is Lumumba and Garlett, both unwanted by their current clubs. Perhaps he should cancel his holiday and work on bringing some established midfielders to the club.

    The two win season we are heading for next year will be fun to watch.


  19. Actually, why has it not been done?

    According to Mahoney we are waiting to hear what Geelong will offer and he emphasized that Mitch is a very good player. Given we have been 'waiting' for 3 days and turned down the players offered, my take is Geelong haven't offered enough.

    I just hope we keep some of the spoils (if a 2nd and 3rd rnd pick) for ourselves rather than give all for Lumumba. Happy to have Lumumba but Mitch is a match winner and we could do with an extra pick to help trade out a player we don't want to keep.

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