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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. The Age is reporting that Hird could launch 'contempt of court' charges against EFC if they sack him for appealing. It is conjecture by the journalist but this is rapidly becoming farcical!! There is no way Hird can go back...he is just stalling. I wonder what rabbit he will pull out of the hat, next! He is cunning as...

    He just doesn't realise the more he tries to protect his precious reputation the more he is trashing it!! Whats more he has now burnt best mates, the EFC, most EFC supporters, the AFL and his goodwill with the AFL public went long ago. His fan club is now probably his family and his highly paid silks!

    The guy is a nutcase!

    • Like 1
  2. Very passionate Deejamin - and unfortunately very true.

    Demetriou came to the top job via the AFLPA - and he came to the free trade table well and truly indoctrinated with their philosophies. Can/will McLachlan make his mark by simply saying NO to their push for even free-er trade.

    Depends what Eddie Everywhere says!!!

  3. Even if it was Goodwin I doubt there is anything to worry about:

    - There is nothing in that article that suggests anything illegal was done

    - Apparently he 'came clean' to MFC Board, about his role in the saga

    - PJ is smart enough to have built contingencies into Goodwin's contract should anything come up

    - The AFL would needed to have approved the appointment (as the 'receivers' of MFC) and if there was anything in the ASADA Interim Report the AFL would have just said keep looking PJ, Goodwin is not for you. They could just say: best to steer away from EFC staff for now.

    The interesting question is who leaked the info to HS. Could it just be one J Hird to embarrass one of his best mates, Xavier Campbell for doing his job and siding with EFC on the ASADA appeal rather than siding with JH. If my hunch is right that is another bestie that James has thrown under the bus!!

    • Like 5
  4. Only the Saints have to think he is worth pick 21 for us not to get him as a 3rd rounder.

    True, but if we deal pick 2 or 3 to bulldogs, forcing saints to keep pick 1, then they will bid 21 just to spite us!

    I wouldn't put it past them especially the way Richardson?/Finnis? were carrying on about us potentially getting pick 3.

  5. Don't know about that.

    Just that it was a rude shock to him when dropping the hint that he might stay, looking to see if he could push up his value, and was subsequently told "mate, it's probably better if you keep looking for another home."

    Left a bitter taste in his mouth, especially as the season was still going and he had to keep running out in the red & blergh. blue

    Autocorrect, but I'll leave it there.

    Why? He was still getting paid to play wasn't he!!! That will teach him (and forewarn other players) to not play games with Roos!

    Corrected our team colours for you. Disrespectful of you to not.

  6. Something thats been confusing me is all the players we have been linked to are either KP players or flankers - where are all the midfielders? Merrett, Frost, Lamumba etc we need mids mids mids

    We could trade some backs for mids - potentially (hate to say it) Howe, Grimes or Garland (especially if he doesn't sign a contract soon - his last year before FA). Not saying we should.

    It would be consistent with Roos 'anyone is tradeable' and his 'trade/FA' philosophies especially if we are eyeing off GWS mids and they need experienced defenders. eg Frost plus a mid for an experienced defender, afterall GWS need to shed players

  7. It is ironic that the current #2, Jones's career is tracking very similar to Robbie Flower's: Champion player, gives his all to the jumper and the club in a bottom team that has been entrenched at the bottom for many years with only a small glimmer of hope over the next few years.

    I hope the love and adoration Robbie is receiving today, as being a one club player and sticking fat helps Jones want to emulate the great man and sign his next contract really soon. He will become the Demons legend of his generation - a one club player who wasn't tempted by $$ or 'success'!

    • Like 1
  8. Denham is reporting: '...a day after he finally confirmed he was leaving the Demons, Frawley is understood to have accepted a longstanding four-year deal worth about $2.5 million from the Hawks...' If reliable, this will get us pick 3!

    That is about $650K so Frawley has done fairly well for himself.

  9. Hang on folks!! Denham is reporting: '...a day after he finally confirmed he was leaving the Demons, Frawley is understood to have accepted a longstanding four-year deal worth about $2.5 million from the Hawks...' If reliable, this will get us pick 3!

    Interesting that it is a 'longstanding' deal!!

    • Like 2
  10. (Posted this in other FA thread but also very relevant here).

    A major flaw with FA is that the receiving team does not ‘pay’ anything. Consider:

    • Would Hawthorn, Geelong etc take Frawley if they had to give up their 1st round pick?
    • What would Sydney have needed for Buddy: Their 1st & 2nd and a raft of players!! Two 1st round picks maybe? Unlikely he would have got there!
    • What pick(s) would Carlton, Ess, North have to use for Thomas, Goddard, Del Santo?

    They get their player and keep their precious picks!!! The player is a ‘free’ to the receiving team. If clubs had to pay they would think twice about taking an FA. The AFL could still decide the ‘value’ of a player and the receiving club gives that pick(s) to the losing club.

    Then the AFL can drop compo picks which disadvantage all clubs after the compo. The FA can still go to club of choice it just means receiving club has to pay losing club, just like a trade.

    Free Agency should mean a player is free to move but it should not mean he is free to the receiving club. If a club want a player let them pay with picks.

  11. A major flaw with FA is that the receiving team does not ‘pay’ anything. Consider:

    • Would Hawthorn, Geelong etc take Frawley if they had to give up their 1st round pick?
    • What would Sydney have needed for Buddy: Their 1st & 2nd and a raft of players!! Two 1st round picks maybe? Unlikely he would have got there!
    • What pick(s) would Carlton, Ess, North have to use for Thomas, Goddard, Del Santo?

    They get their player and keep their precious picks!!! The player is a ‘free’ to the receiving team. If clubs had to pay they would think twice about taking an FA. The AFL could still decide the ‘value’ of a player and the receiving club gives that pick(s) to the losing club.

    Then the AFL can drop compo picks which disadvantage all clubs after the compo. The FA can still go to club of choice it just means receiving club has to pay losing club, just like a trade.

    Free Agency should mean a player is free to move but it should not mean he is free to the receiving club. If a club want a player let them pay with picks.

    • Like 4
  12. Should deal with the dogs and the Swans.

    Pick 2 to dogs for good young player and pick 5.

    Pick 3 on Brayshaw

    Pick 5 to the Swans for Mitchell and Membrey

    that's adding 3 good lung players to your midfield depth and a strong promising forward.


    Having listened to PR's draft interview you may be right on the money, Sweet Dee!

    Add Billy Stretch, Harry O, Frost & Merritt and we are starting to look very good.

    Your names plus mine provide really strength and balance all over the field!

    Now we just need to land pick 3!

  13. Can a FA choose to be traded to his club of choice rather than simply aquired?

    Yes, Port traded in two players (Shultz and ?) in 2012 to protect their FA picks...they ended up getting two 2nd round picks for their 'exports' which were very valuable as they were way down the ladder. These imports/picks really helped their climb up the ladder in 2013/4.

    They really understood how to work the system. We diluted our Moloney/Rivers picks by getting Byrnes.

  14. I'll say it again Geelong are most definitely the most peeved in all of this! Definitely so !

    Diddums for Geelong! They got the guy who shafted us (Clark) and get shafted by the guy they thought they had (Frawley).

    No cream for the 'cheshire' cats here! Just karma!

    • Like 1
  15. I'm guessing that if he has threatened to sue to it won't be for 'wrongful dismissal'. That is simply negotiating a contract on payout.

    It is more likely to be that EFC did not have the systems and processes in place that ensured it fulfilled its Duty of Care to players. This will enable him to sue for damage to his career and lost future earnings because he won't be able to coach in the AFL etc etc.

    The cunning so and so laid the groundwork for this when, under oath before Middleton J, he described what the saga has done to his reputation, his coaching career and how he was just doing what the club told him to do...a simple servant...there were footy managers, CEO's and a Board above him weren't there? No, not his fault. Ipso facto a law suit against EFC. If he had a coaching career of say 10 years this could be quite a pretty penny!

    Just my guess but explains why the EFC didn't sack him today and have gone away to get legal advice (on...).

    He is going to take the Club with him.

    • Like 2
  16. I find this comment interesting. Sounds like we know we'll trade at least one of pick 2 or 3 (assuming we get pick 3 for Frawley, which we should and Roos sounds pretty angry about the whole free agency debacle, so I'm sure we will), which means we probably already know what deal we wanna do, which could also mean that we are confident we'll get Danger or somebody equally good.

    Paul Roos says the club won't bring in too many young players in this year's recruiting period

    Brayshaw and Stretch will do just fine, thanks!

    • Like 4
  17. Hird Gone: No surprise: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/james-hird-removed-as-essendon-coach-20141002-10p3bn.html#ixzz3EwsvdNtu

    The club has loaded its shotgun: '...Should a legal battle go ahead with Hird, the club has engaged its queens' counsel Neil Young to represent it. The Bombers remain determined to avoid a wrongful dismissal action from the Hirds...'
    Interesting to note Hirds - plural!!
    Footnote: another scoop missed by Hird's bestie; Robbo
  18. "I am requesting expedition of this appeal and will not ask for a stay of the notices. The players and ASADA will be able to continue with the show cause process whilst a full court deals with the legality of the investigation.

    So what's the point?

    Ah well, itll provide entertainment

    probably trying to set a trap or 'catch-22' for ASADA!

    if ASADA can't/don't procede with SCN's well the delay isn't his fault is it...

    So, he can continue to believe his own BS

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