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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Can he? Or is the player (or the club, on behalf of the player) the only one who can appeal?

    If he has the power to do so, I'd like to think someone in the media will ask him if he intends to do so.

    Yes he can. Don't know the exact wording but he can where a 'clanger' has occurred. Not just the Club but AFLPA should be lobbying Evans to do so.

    • Like 2
  2. In my mind, previous history - whether you are a clean skin like Robbie Flower or David Rhys Jones should only be taken into account for the penalty phase not on deciding guilt or innocence. Each incident needs to be adjudicated on its merit.

    Agreed. I was referring to the penalty process not the decision, which is also appalling. The Tribunal could have found that a collision/bump occurred but had the flexibility to give a reprimand rather than suspension.

  3. oh please. By one account he did so to highlight his clean record so they could give the lowest possible penalty

    Surely his VFL/AFL history should be enough to show clean record!! Under 9? Farcical!

    Lowest penalty would be to classify collision as 'incidental' rough conduct not 'negligent'...one week at best! And a clean record = reprimand.

  4. The point about reputation is a good one. If Viney goes hard again in the next few years and smashes someone else, he will get months... Completely undeservedly.

    Apparently Gleeson asked for Jack's junior record re suspensions...apparently he asked them to go back to his under 9 playing days!!!!

    Under 9!? HA?

    Jack V, The AFL's Sacrificial Lamb!!!

  5. WJ, do you know if Jack had legal representation? Seems grossly unfair to send a 20yr old up against a seasond member of the bar (Gleeson). David and Goliath come to mind.

    Could you also enlighten on why there is even a 'prosecution' at the Tribunal rather than it just be a 'hearing' of the facts.

    • Like 1
  6. Many great performances but one that was less noticeable but really important in the win was Grimes. Barely put a foot wrong, no clangers this week, competed and competed, made a game saving spoil against Dangerfield and is rapidly becoming The General of the backline. Becoming the on-field captain to match his much lauded, off-field captaincy feats!

    Roos didn't single him out but Grimes and our backline really stood up yesterday!

    • Like 4
  7. From The Age '...Tom Lynch expected to miss six matches after having his jaw broken in an accidental and sickening collision during the first quarter, and fears that defender Matthew Jaensch has broken ribs!'

    I guess this means our 'Bruise-Free' playing days are over!

    • Like 14
  8. What a fabulous idea! I collected my tickets from the Bentleigh Club this morning and heard the event has been an enormous success – nearly sold out! I also heard that one of the 1964 players had been in and hearing of this success commented along the lines of: “…who would have thought so many people would want to listen to us old guys”! I’m guessing the 1964 players are fairly excited and will feel very proud!

    While, past attempts by the MFC to connect with our history/heritage have left me cold this lunch has moved me – to be able to see/hear our heroes, in person is amazing!

    The lunch feels like something that has been put on for supporters. It’s a long time since I felt personally connected to the Club .

    I think it has PJ and PR fingerprints all over it. But whoever thought of it ‘Thank You’.

  9. Would imagine the last thing the club would do right now is talk contracts. Learning from Mitch at how depressing rehab and not playing can be why would they put more pressure on him by talking contracts.

    We supporters should be happy to let the kid get healthy, enjoy plaing a few games and park the contract angst to next year. We have a better chance of keeping him by the club respecting his decision to play for a while before thinking contracts.

  10. I like the prospects of our side so much more knowing we have Riley, Garland, Hogan, Salem, Kent, Toump and Clisby waiting in the wings.

    Yes, it will be great. Lets hope there are some goal kickers among them. Not many of our midfield (in its broadest sense) can do this. We can pin high hopes on Hogan, Dawes, Frawley but we need the midfield regularly kicking a few.

    • Like 1
  11. Tonight's effort was as rubbish to me as it was to you, I don't think I've ever seen a player handball backwards as much as Watts did tonight.

    Point being of all people to be getting in his ear every week, Roos is the man. I'm still optimistic this will potentially lead to something.

    And/or maybe a really decent spray from Cross, after all respect from teammates seems to be fairly high on a player's motivation.

    Roos can still be the (baddish) 'good cop' and Cross be the (really bad) 'bad cop'. I doubt Cross will hold back.

    They could do the same with Howe. If Watts and Howe don't then 'get it' and start putting in on the field then it will be bad news for all. They will hardly be tradeable - other teams will say if Roos can't get the best out of them then no-one will!

    • Like 1
  12. We aren't the only ones with high-profile and talented underachievers. Weekend articles on Jarred Waite and Cyril Rioli:



    Howe and Watts are young and have been relatively injury free so no excuses on the physical side.

    When Roos joined, his promise to players was to help each one become the best he can be. But crikey they need to put in the game day work. I liked the spray that Howe and Watts got at 3/4 time. Pity they didn't respond. Like someone said in another thread, do we have a sports psychologist? It worked in cricket for Daivd Warner.

    Howe and Watts can no longer blame coaches and their game plans. Roos is giving them every chance to prove themselves. I suspect the coaches/team leaders patience will run out soon and the kid gloves will come off.

    Don't waste your talent guys and eventually leave footy as unfulfilled underachievers, it will forever haunt you. Flashiness won't cut it anymore - prove to your teammates you deserve to be in the team, prove to us we should continue to believe in you.

  13. I reckon the MFC should try and ban Roos from AFL360 or at least restrict some of the technical things he is saying.. He talks more sense and reason than anyone (as close to footy IP as you can get) and it is just handing over ideas to dumb opposition coaches everywhere.

    I get the feeling Roos still wants his finger in the media pie. While it may be good for supporters (but we have Roo's views anyway) - Don't see Malthouse, Clarko or Lyon being offering up such free advice.

    I really like the way Roos is using the press conf, interviews, AFL 360 etc to subtley put doubt in the next week coach's mind eg:

    - After round 2 said he would move players around a bit

    - After round 3 the published team had Dunn, Frawley back and Howe forward but they lined up in reverse

    - After round 4 he said both Dunn and Frawley can't stay forward but will wait and see

    This has opp coach guessing with their match-ups till the last minute. Won't win us a game but I really like that the other coach has something extra to think about. Subtle and very, very smart :rolleyes:

    He is using the media to the team's advantage so go Roosy!!

    • Like 1
  14. Let me try and put my question more simply.

    If it wasn't hurting why would it effect his kicking and pace. If it was hurting why was he playing?

    Maybe Jack was so keen to play and after being dropped to get back to seniors, that he didn't 'report' it until it became unbearable. Who knows maybe he thought he could play through it. Sadly, that wasn't the case.

    Point is we have no way of knowing if it was medical staff or Jack himself that decided he should play.

    • Like 1
  15. It's pretty rare that a journalist provides that perspective actually. Usually it's just, 'Melbourne made a critical error in selecting player A over player B'. Even though there were often 10 players selected by other clubs before player B who were also under performing.

    Quite right. He probably sees the light and is getting on the band wagon, afterall he has some new whipping boys - Carlton and soon Richmond ;)

  16. I'd love Toumpas to have a great game today to push for selection. Also, Trengove, the forgotten man needs to show something. I fear for this kid. He doesn't appear, to my mind at least, to be part of an up and going Melbourne.

    Same thoughts on both players. Any ideas on what Trenners needs to do to get back into side. It isn't like Roos to drop players for a poor game. More likely to drop players for not playing their role? He is rather slow (and deliberately slows the game down) but is there something else the coaching panel isn' t happy with, regarding the role he is asked to play?

  17. Hey, don't get too carried away folks. Re a pp the article quotes:

    ''...AFL football operations manager Mark Evans would not debate hypotheticals, but indicated a special assistance selection, if awarded, would not fall in the first round. The likely spot would be ahead of the second round, thwarting the dream scenario...'

  18. All I was saying that no one knows what players get except the player,his manager, the club, and the AFL

    Some reporter thinks $800,000 is about right and then it is stated as fact and so it goes on that whenever that player is mentioned so is the $800,000 that he is getting.

    Posters are calling for Chip's blood but have no idea what he is on, what he is worth to others clubs, what his thoughts are....Either do the media...

    By the way what do you reckon Robbo gets for his TV shows and newspapers work?

    whatever it is he is overpaid...can't write, is biased and can't put a sentence together when speaking!

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