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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. The real tragedy is (after all us DL's calm down) Mitch going in this manner will do untold damage to supporter's hope and ultimately memberships. He has no idea in the oh so many ways he is hurting this club.

    Unless he says he is playing for the Dees on Talking Footy tonight anything he says will sound like spin to me.

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  2. That's all well and good but why didn't he say this from the beginning? Instead of stringing the club along?

    Presumably because he had his own agenda and wanted to milk the MFC/Misson goodwill and facililties for all it was worth. No wonder he gets depressed he must suffer from being guilty an awful lot.

    No wonder he didn't go to the B&F. Wouldn't have the courage to look anyone in the eye and given what GNF said Roosy probably would have biffed him one...I jest but the imagery is good!

    Have all the 'dark clouds' over our beloved club now gone?

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  3. The reason given was medical. MC is scared about falling back into depression..... which is fair enough. MFC reminded him of a time when he was in a very dark place. His doctors recommended not moving back and suggest a fresh environment.

    Convenient for Mitch,eh? Who is going to challenge it!

    Given your excellent posts previously I'm glad I stuck up for you yesterday. I just knew it had to be a case of the Club being blindsided rather than you/your sources being incorrect. Thanks for the great feedback. While this isn't calming like your posts on Mitch usually are its good to have a bit of fact thrown into all the hiatus. Thanks.

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  4. Is it possible that this is a ploy to ensure we get our PP?

    Clark, management and co don't make official statements to say he wants back to the club. AFL thinks "Melbourne screwed again, probably can't deny them a PP now".

    Then after we are told we are getting one Clark says he wants to return to Melbourne?

    GNF did say we'll go out of our way to deny his return to take the pressure off...

    If that happens I will be the first to admit to egg-on-face and eat humble pie.

    I'm guessing that the hooha around this and the limelight he is getting (and will get forever more if he plays for another Vic club) may be enough for him to decide a comeback isn't worth the risk to his fragile mental health (which I do believe was genuine).

  5. I cannot believe I am reading this.

    If there is any truth to this, this genuinely constitutes a dog act the likes of which is unparalleled in AFL in recent memory.

    Would have to agree. The comparable one is our previous #1 p-ick. Doubt I will forgive him for lying to my avatar but a mitigating factor for him was the draft system forced him into a two year contract and AFL rules prevented him from being open. In MC's case the decisions and events are in his control.

    Yes, if MC is being offered to Vic clubs (presumably with his knowledge) then it would be the worst in AFL history.

  6. We may not know for a while whether it is true if he will play again. But going on: Clark's management has been in dialogue with AFL officials about what would need to happen in the event of any comeback quote from the MFC website article, it seems very true that his management is investigating it.That his manager has had discussions with the AFL (and not HIS CURRENT football club) suggests it has gone beyond the rumour stage.

    I hate to say it even if Mitch doesn't play anywhere again that he/his management have taken it this far is enough! I feel for his illness but he has lost me.

  7. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2014-09-07/dees-want-say-in-clarks-plans-for-2015

    The story is now on MFC website. I know that the Club does not control these articles. Thought this line telling: Clark's management has been in dialogue with AFL officials about what would need to happen in the event of any comeback.

    Very poor if he hasn't also spokent to the Club as Josh M seems to suggest. I'm feeling very cynical right now and unforgiving so it all looks a bit underhanded to me! My opinion of one MC is spiralling south faster by the minute!

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  8. This is serious talk now. Mitch has deleted his tweet after retirement, not sure when, that said:

    Thank you for everything demon family and @melbournefc I love you all! http://twitter.com/MitchClark11/status/477351079068188672/photo/1pic.twitter.com/rssnc9CaxO

    Only place you'll find it on his feed is from RTs

    I don't get why he deletes the MFC support tweets. Even if he goes to another Vic Club it doesn't make sense.

    Only makes sense if a) his brain is scrambled or 2) he had an EOS meeting with PR and it didn't go well and now he is spitting the dummy.

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  9. He did not attend the B&F

    Thnx DN9

    This plus the Twitter a/c comments above is stongly pointing to him, if he plays again it won't be with the MFC. Maybe another team has got to him.

    Afterall, he has already proven he can be bought! Has also proven he is not a man of his word.

    We fell for his charm fellow DL's.

    Shattered by the betrayal.

  10. Maybe GNF was quite right. Going on Mahoney's comment about wanting Mitch to talk to the Club about his plans first, then it looks as if he may have blindsided the Club. If Mitch changed position doesn't mean GNF was wrong/misinformed.

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  11. Roos is a great speaker! Loved the passion and determination when he talked about the 2015 season. At the end he said something like - if you don't want to be here 'you know where you can go'!!! He knows who those players are!!! My take is he will delist/trade them along with those who can't/won't change their 'here we go again losing attitude'. He won't care how welll they can play because the mental stuff will always hold them (and the team) back.

    I already feel better about 2015 to think our list will be made up of only 'positive' attitude types.

  12. I confess to not knowing of him. After reading this article by Emma Q


    I think he is a great human being. That he can play footy is a bonus.

    For a young man (boy of 16) say to his mother: "...that he loved her, but that she had to earn his respect back after he found out she had taken money from his bank account..." is awesome. To take a stand on a moral issue takes great courage. If I had a daughter this is the sort of guy I would want for her: One that understands respect. The odds were all stacked against him and he will make it. Good on you, Lewy! You deserve it.

    On this one article he has earn't my respect and I will keenly follow his career.

  13. No certainty that he will go. Reports on radio this morning indicated that potential suitors are becoming nervous because of his poor form.

    Maybe not worth the price tag originally offered.

    MFC has an offer on the table.

    If this is the case he has only himself to blame for not making a decent effort on a regular basis. Right from the 3rd min mark of the WC game (rd 3/4 maybe) when he chased at a jog his true colours showed.

    Can play but shows poor attitude. Maybe they think he will be difficult to 're-program'!!

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  14. It's not about us it's what he's worth to another club - considering the chances of him ever playing again are slim at best why would a club give up a top 20 pick for him?

    If he passes the team's medical and deemed fit enough to get onto a list he is therefore deemeed fit enough to play. If he is fit to play he is worth a high pick, closer to 10 than 20.

    Ross Lyon will do his due diligence and if he wants him he will move heaven and earth to get him. Ross may also need to include a player in the trade to make salary cap room. If going to Feo makes Mitch happy so be it but we should aim to get full value while still helping Mitch get to where he wants to be (both in football and health)

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  15. Whately checked with the AFL today and confirmed that Mitch is still on Melbourne's list. The speculation was that it would take their first rounder for Freo to land him if the Dees were prepared to trade. I reckon it's all just a media beat up, but we can always hope ......... after all, that's all we have survive on these days.

    Freo's first rnd pick is somewhere in the 16-20 range. Mitch is worth a top 10 pick because a) we paid pick 12 for him and b) there is a premium on forwards like him...just look at what clubs are prepared to put up for Patton, Boyd or Cameron.

    Top 10 pick or their ist rnd (pick 16 to 20) plus a very good player! Nothing less!!

    Up to Freo then to find that top 10 pick or the right (midfield) player.

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  16. I would be deeply disappointed if he went and played with another club without giving melbourne FC the first option, we have paid him a generous contract for very little football and have been extremely supportive of him and his health. I would truly like to believe he would not repay that faith and support by going to another club. He may want to move back to Perth, but there are a lot of footballers who are playing in places they would prefer not to be that is part of the game unfortunately, if he wants to go back to freo then we should be able to trade something for that, not just see him get picked up by Freo for nix.

    Maybe that is part of MFC's case for a PP. That we could have traded Mitch for a top 5/10 pick. Yes, this is higher than pick 12 that we traded him for but there is a premium on great forwards atmo in the AFL. So we may get a 'middle of first round' PP. Is this just wishful thinking....

    Who knows, the way the AFL is showing great expertise at backroom deals there may well have been a discussion with them by PJ before Mitch was released from his contract.

    In the meantime, hope it all works out for Mitch. He still cares about the Club and if he should line up against us in Freo/WC colours then I would applaud him for gettting it all back together.

  17. He also said that was 1 of several ideas they have for the fixture, Doesn't mean its going to happen.

    I liked the idea of a mid season trade period which could happen as soon as 2016.

    It's what we needed this season with Mitch Clark retiring.

    I did say this in the post.

  18. On Talking Footy last night Gil said a structure that they are leaning toward is:

    - All teams play each other once in first 17 rounds.

    - Then the ladder is divided into groups of 3 and in rounds 18 to 23 the:

    - Top 6 play for the top 6 spots on the ladder. Incentive: top 2/top 4 spots

    - Next 6 play off for spots 7 to 12. Incentive spot 7 and 8 and playing finals

    - Last 6 play off for ????. Incentive: ????

    - AFL may also look at changing the draft order to avoid the bottom 6 loosing all of the last 5 games

    - The pts a team has at the end of rd 17 will carryover.

    - In any group, those higher up the ladder have a slight advantage (if they have more points).

    - Other fixture structures also considered

    - Not sure whether he said a fixture change might come in in 2015 or 2016

    It looks like a more formal way of having the better teams play more of the better teams and vice versa.

    So the last 5 weeks would be like mini finals for the top 6 before the 'real' finals start.

    Most of the rest may just as well pack up shop and go on holidays.

    Hopefully we will be playing well enough so that some day I will care about such a fixture change.

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