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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. If he goes I would like to see him strike a deal that ensures we get a good comp pick ie straight after our round 1. Geelong seems to be the front runner and are notorious underpayers (as are Collingwood and to some extent Hawthorn). Frawley can protect the Dees comp pick by getting a long contract even if he accepts a lowish $ offer from a finals contention team.

    BTW don't buy the Collingwood refutal based on no room in salary cap...who are they spending their money on now that Shaw, Jolley, Thomas, Didak and Maxwell are off their books. Salary cap limit = Red Herring!

    Wherever Frawley goes I hope he does the right thing by the Dees comp pick.

  2. Maybe Roos is waiting to see if PJ signs up for a few more years (technically PJ's term expires in a few months). If PJ doesn't sign up then PR would like to know who the CEO is before he himself signs up for 3rd year.

    PJ signing is more urgent right now! Lets hope we hear some PJ re-signing news soon.

  3. Is this an admission of Tanking?


    6 games till EOS and only 1 game (+%) behind BL and us and Saints are talking of trading their #1 pick!!!! To add to this they are going to request a PP.

    Sinking to the bottom is a deliberate, much advertised strategy to re-build. The gaul to request a PP and the hubris around having the #1 pick are just shocking. Such a strategy smacks of rorting the system.

  4. Would like to see Ling coach his own team (Casey) before coming on as senior coach. Or run two roles concurrently: Full time Casey Coach and part time Demons Assistant coach (eg on-ballers defensive stratetgy/ball movement coach). Commence some study/frormal training in that time. This way he learns on the job, shows what he can achieve with his own team and works towards 'accreditation'.

    A by-product of this would be greater synergy of the Demon and Casey game plans, development etc and Ling could start to influence/develop the Demon team he inherits before he gets the senior gig.

  5. Jack Watts would look an entirely different proposition in a team that moved the ball quickly. He is a great ball user, he is quick - but he's not Neeld's man, at his natural best in body-on-body work. How come we can't use him? The worst player-use thing I've seen at Melbourne since they thought Flower might make a half back instead of a wingman was the idea that Jurrah needed to become a defender; today, our failure to use Watts at what he's capable of, and persistence in rubbing his nose in what he's not naturally good at, is - for me - as frustrating as it is seeing him not throwing himself at it more. If we trade Watts, to a team who put his abilities to use and does not go on trying to turn him into a one-size-fits-all what-he's-not, it will hurt seeing him become what we know he could be. But, if we did trade him, and he did become what we know he could be, that will be why.


    That is the $64 question? As a Watts fan I just hope someone finds the answer real soon.

    The back line in the Neeld days didn't seem to suit him. But even Roos is finding it difficult. I remember that Roos started with the idea of playing Jack as an elite midfielder ala Pendlebury and that is where his preseason work was. Unfortunately that role lasted about 5-6 weeks. Roos comment on lack of performace was about they were 'confusing' Jack asking him to play various roles and he wasn't get enough bench time which is why he looked lethargic. So he went to play as a high half-forward where he has put in some good cameo performances.

    Hard to know what is Jack's position to make the most of his exceptional talents. It must be driving the coaches crazy behind the scenes.

    That Jack as an elite midfielder didn't work out means that Roos now has to go out and find one using a very valuable draft pick. So Jack not performing on the field is hurting us in a number of ways.

  6. In applying the formula, an expert committee reviews the formula outcomes. The committee has the power to recommend alternative outcomes to GM – Football Operations where the formula produces a materially anomalous result.

    That's a rather large - we can do whatever we want - caveat in bold...

    It is so distorted it is frustrating and difficult to make sense of. They must have revalued up when Port got two 2nd round comp picks for the two (cant remember names, but not star) FA players a few years ago. (These were both high picks because Port were down the bottom of the ladder) That was the same year Hawthorn got a 3rd/4th round pick for their FA and we didn't get much for Rivers and Moloney altho for us we had FA's come in.

    I think that the AFL is using some sort of 'balancing-on-needs' of FA comp picks and PP picks. eg

    -Port get overs because they were in bad shape

    -Hawthorn get unders because in good shape.

    -In retrospect we got overs for HWSNBN so they gave us unders for Rivers/Moloney

    -We may have got overs for Col but that maybe was because we were denied (after Eddie did his two-year-old tantrum routine) a real PP.

    There is no real way of guessing but if we are in the bottom 3 at end of season, with Clarke gone they might give us a round one pick for Frawley but if Eddie kicks up and down again it may be end of round 1 or after our round 2 pick. All a bit of a lottery in a way.

  7. Could also be a reference to the way Roos brought the old South Melboure history to the Sydney Swans and taught them all to really value their heritage. In fact the Sydney Swans called themselves by the old Sth Melb name of the Bloods in private and it really helped bond them as a team...remember the 'blood' brothers reference after they won the grand final. The writer may be expecting Roos to invoke the spirit of Checker to help motivate the players and for them to value their playing heritage, in the sme way he did with the Bloods spirit.

    Also, a bit of de ja vu happening for us now given the last paragraph in the article: When Checker came to Melbourne, he found an amateur football atmosphere. He gave it discipline, dedication and team spirit...

    So on several ways I can see the relevance of the title to Melbourne today and where Roos may be wanting to go.

    • Like 1
  8. maybe we have to play Strauss. If he only gets four kicks, but they are not turnovers and they do reach one of our forwards, maybe that is an improvement.

    And, in the annual report, the loss of Clark and Hogan surely has got to be the over-riding story of the year. That was a very cruel blow, when - as Roos says - everything needed to go right.

    Not only the loss of Hogan and Clarke but Roos was also planning for Watts to become his elite midfielder ala Pendlebury. Instead Roos is now looking for another key forward and an elite midfileder to draft/trade in. He brought in Georgiou to shore up the backline so he effectively had all the bases covered. Now back to the drawing board somewhat.

  9. Tyson's played 28 games. Grimes has played 83 games and yes, when you have © next to your name, more should be expected of you. Further, when you get the ball more, there's a higher chance you'll turn it over more.

    When your captain is the one making horrible decisions (and it's not just his clangers - it's his ability to consistently putting team mates under pressure with dumb football), it must deflating for the rest of the team. That's not leadership. That's the opposite, IMO. He might be a great professional off the field, but he has severe limitations on the field.

    Grimes won't be dropped as captain...would give the worst possible message to the team. But maybe we should take the do-no-harm approach so put him in the forward pocket as a 'defensive' forward so his mistakes don't hurt us so much. His role could be something like 'keep a good defender away from the contest' and get the ball to a team mate to take the kick for goal.

  10. The irony of that story is that at the bottom of the video it states that player names are to be anonymous yet John Ralph goes on to name two players who coincidently are no longer at Essendon. I wonder if he is subject to any legal penalties for breaching court imposed rules?

    Also, he should be seriously ashamed that he named currently non Essendon players. The extent to which the HS is protecting and barracking for Essendon and its current players has just reached obscene levels. Its one thing to point the figner at bodies like the AFL, ASADA etc but another to name two players as if they are the only guilty ones, almost implying that the unnamed, annonymous current Essendon players are not. WOW! Whoever gave Ralph the names should be shot...so should the editor who approved the story.

    • Like 1
  11. it is...and Im really and truly amazed they have anyone there still. Blind Freddy can see this wont end well

    Id be asking of any sponsor if they were an option for purchase, "what the hell are you still there for ?"

    Except that Toll Holdings = Paul Little

    Until EFC are found guilty of something 'illegal' then sponsors can't cancel contracts but when contracts come up for renewal - different story. Even Toll Holdings would struggle to remain. Kia, Fujitsu, Hostplus et al will be gone as fast as!

    Paul Little may have to tip in part of his personal $750m to keep the club he is destroying viable! Some nice karma, eh!

  12. Watching Gazza couldn't shake the feeling he knows more than we do, with regards to Frawley's status. Sounds like he's out the door and Lyon is letting him know what he really thinks.

    Maybe he thinks that Chip is really just a Spud!

    • Like 2
  13. I'm guessing that Riley's contract was more than 1 year as the club knew his leg injury would take some months to improve enough for him to play. It would hardly seem worth it to Riley or the club to come over from SA for only 1 year but don't really know.

    • Like 5
  14. Has there been a subtle change to our home jumper?

    Take a look at Bernie's jumper in video below. At the V part of the red there are some markings and they look like the very top of the 'MFC' logo. Again look closely at the blue part just below and it looks like a faint 'water mark again like the 'MFC' logo. (These are easier to see without starting the video)


    Similar markings are on Watts jumper in the earlier interview. again easier to see in the red V


    Anyone have any info?

  15. 1403490067434.jpg-620x349.jpg

    This is one on the most heartbreaking images of a footballer I've seen...a champion who keeps on giving and doesn't know how to take a bacckward step. Glad for his sake he is giving it away. Gave his all when the Lions were up and when they were down. Even without 3 premiership medals he would still be a champion. Enjoy the rest, you've earnt it.

    • Like 5
  16. Would that mean we lose our Queens Birthday fixture?

    Lets be positive...by that time we will be so successful we will have a few stand alone Friday/Sat night games, maybe ANZAC Eve and 50,000+ members and Eddie can keep his precious Easter Monday and his supporters can stop the ridicule about it being our Grand Final!

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