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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. Yep same same. Ive watched about 30 times I reckon and never get sick of it. Frosty has pace, x factor and grunt. Also he is def getting better at doing the relaible basics a bit better. Certainly in our best 22 imo. Id pick him ahead of Hibbard , Omac and lever atm and he was better value than Lever at the end of the season. Happy with this news!
  2. Will miss Jeffy. One of the very few w X factor. All the best to u and thanks fr all you gave.
  3. Have really enjoyed your posts drunkn and the glimpses into the human side of it all. Was hoping dec would make it...he gave it his all. All the best to both of you. Hope to see you posting here again!
  4. "Young has a similar style to that of Melbourne's Christian Salem; as a similarly reliable user from defence" Salem has become a specialist at 20 metre passes somewhere in the back pocket/ flank area that gives us a mark and slows down the play. He may be reliable but second half of the season I saw him as protecting his stats and part of the problem. I think we really do need something more creative than that. So, Im Hoping if its young we go for then he has a bit more vision and flair in his ball use than Salem.
  5. Agreed.....And Paines use of the referral system has been frikn terrible.
  6. .....yes, um.. about Australian cricket. I swear to god last night made me feel like I was watching the dees. Lacking leadership and making simple errors when it counted. -Sporting disappointments are running and cutting deep this year.
  7. half way through the last we were kicking at 36%. 36%!!!!!! Lever had about 3 in a row. You Cant win if you cant frikn kick. Preuss missing from 10 and ANB missing from 30 in the last and 1.7 in the last also.... just about sums the whole thing up. That being said....fritsch is beginning to really look the goods. Something to be hopeful for.
  8. Tough to watch. How did our ball movement and skills get to be so bad. Im so focused on how often we f up that’s its easy to forget the scores are level. I expect that small mercy to be removed early in the third.
  9. Hoping That the collapse of this year combined w dean Burgess, stings then into attacking the pre season attack unlike all others before , and as a result a fitness level above other teams. So..that will mean running over teams in last quarters ang gathering team confidence as we win . ,
  10. Agreed. Its easy now isnt it. he was a PART of the playing group and a senior respected figure. Anyway, its all too late now. As one of the few positives to find, If they dont come back back angry and hungry after their experience this year then nothing will motivate them.
  11. his time came and went.... don’t feel he adapted very well to changes. i hope it doesnt affect our push to get langdon.
  12. translated meaning = we're not offering him enough.
  13. As opposed to many id keep Jones for another year but not as captain. He’s not our worst and still adds imo. Also I believe he is still well loved and this team, more than any other, needs to rebuild morale. Viney has to lose captaincy. An experienced assistant coach added who may well have to take over mid next year. Obviously Some real list culling needed. If I have to watch ANB line up fr goal and miss one more time I’ll spew up. So Him , Lewis, stretch, jwag, spargo , don’t know about omac. (Handy depth but not starting 22) . I know it’s super tough but maybe chandler too. Honestly he looked as far away from being an afl player as anyone I’ve ever seen run out for us. But I don’t believe this is a “rebuild” as we have a great core just crap depth and no pace. I think we can sort most of it out in a year or two. Especially if jason Taylor is given a bigger brief than tough inside players only. Big summer. Which is already coming. But not just the fitness levels also Game style ( actually having one would be nice) goal kicking and support for each other ie rebuilding camaraderie. Something has been smelly all year in terms of this and if the root causes aren’t seen and addressed well, we’ll be Bk here again this time next year. Something has affected the team this year. Beyond injuries and re injuries and surgeries. Was it mainly fitness? Was it simply the spreading disappointment and shadow that comes over a club when it loses too often? Was it the leadership style of viney? Is there a split between jones and viney? Or a split in the football dept? Was it Perts appointment? I don’t know the answers but I do know the club is at a real and dangerous low reminiscent of 2012/13. Goodwin has a lot of work to do and I hope he’s able ( and supported) to see clearly his own issues and those that are affecting this club. If he doesn’t his future will last all of about 6 games into 2020 and we can begin another rebuild.
  14. never even a question in my mind. Our club , more than almost all others, is really affected by member drop offs. unless i’m dead , ill always renew
  15. agreed. he’ demands high standards but isn’t a leader of men and yes thee IS a difference. He needs to focus on his own game The morale, connecting. and care of each other within this team needs rebuilding ... jack just isn’t the man fr that.
  16. We ARE nothing. Its not a perception. We have no working game plan, no really electrifying talent, no pace, no team spirit anymore, no home base, and precious few supporters. We're crappola. I dont know why they keep us in the competition...we continue to embaress ourselves year after year. With the just the odd year every decade or so where we dont.
  17. Clearly something is off. Yes they’re undermanned, but this is def a team playing without spirit. I suppose the question re this infighting is who has to go or can it be healed. On zero information I’m guessing that’s it’s prob coming from viney. He gave them a massive rev up pre game and the team started like a soggy lettuce. I’d love to know more but it’s better u don’t say... but I would like to hear what u think needs to happen to sort things out. Goodys got a big job now to get the players back.
  18. It started to get “ very worrying” when we almost doubled Geelong i50’s and lost by 80 points back in (was it round 2?) ... and bar a win or two it hasn’t gotten less worrying since. Richmond replaced almost all of Hardwick assistants before he won the flag. You can’t sit on your hands while a year like this unfolds. It would be more worrying for me if they weren’t taking any action.
  19. Great post. I agree that those poor disposals/ turnovers are creating the look of us being way out of position and I agreed with the rest of what you said too. I just don’t understand why our disposal, even under little pressure, has become so much worse this year. And suddenly we can’t kick for goal either. Nor do I understand why our capacity to cover the corridor and think through that kind of situation that was shown in the vision has disappeared. I really don’t get it. Yes we won 2 finals last year and made the prelim from 5th. But in truth we were even better than that. We lost 5 games by under a goal or in super tight finishes anyway. With a bit more luck, Win 2 or 3 of them and we would have finished second. We were VERY capable of winning the whole thing last year. This year we don’t look capable of winning one frikn game.
  20. no way is this true. fmd. horribly thread. however it’s a sad state of affairs when goodys coaching makes people even think this way.
  21. Getting a bit sick of Gary bagging us. Yes, it’s been an unbelievably crap year . No denying it, but it’s also a year we have been absolutely beset by injuries... and that, following on from multiple operations in the off season. The first thing Lloyd said when talking with Bartel and Damo about Essendons horror loss against the doggies was “ they were missing 8 of their best 22” ok he went on to say unacceptable loss etc etc but there it was as a way to start describing the situation. I don’t think there’s been all that many weeks when we’ve had less than 8 of the best 22 out!
  22. I think Goodwin made the decision that Collingwood would be affected more than Melb if that tag was in on grundy. Nothing to do with conceding he was the better player. But, in a year when there’s previous little of my interest left in anything this club do on field, to see max playing his natural game and win that battle would have been good. Seems like whatever string goody tries to pull it backfires, and when it doesn’t we miss easy shots at goal until it does. I know it’s not a part of this thread but 1.4 from Fritsch was just soul destroying.
  23. I agree. But yet, it does surprise me that we haven’t been seriously thrashed on the scoreboard. Something is still there. Some heart beat.... but it’s v faint.
  24. The amount of turnovers , missed kicks, sloppy handballs was just unbelievable. we are seriously a [censored] team
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