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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. NFT’s are very much here to stay. Theyre already huge and some are selling for close to a million bucks. Why? yes you can buy and swap as previously mentioned. But also, In an online world you can use an NFT as part of your digital identity i.e put up on your social media pages as part of how you or your business defines itself online. wearing a rolex may have impressed certain people in the past… ie people you actually met. But that's the old school version which was also stupid in its own way. If it was all just about telling the time you could just wear a swatch. A well known and /or exxy NFT on your social media pages or on the pages of your business might impress anyone who visits your sites. This could be, depending on what you’re doing or want to do, many thousands of people per day. Try to argue that has no value! The owner of an nft can be verified online in seconds so you can’t really duplicate it. Like it or not, as long as we’re in an online world NFT’s are here to stay and only going to get bigger.
  2. That’s true. However what’s happening here isn’t a single badly umpired game. This is a multi year , game affecting trend that NEEDS to be discussed. It seems clear now that somehow the dogs are playing the system. If we want to at least aspire to non partiality from our umpires we need to understand how this has happened. It’s SO obvious now that not talking about it is harming the game.
  3. exactly. It’s got to be called out. it’s not just a one off event.
  4. The free kick issue is something the dogs have been specialising fr some years. There just HAS to be a key to understanding it.. and undoing it. It’s genuinely taking away my enjoyment in watching the game.
  5. THE worst decision i think i’ve ever seen and part of an ongoing pattern . NOT a one off.
  6. 17-3 free kicks bulldogs way since qtr time. This happens every. single. week Realky needs to be investigated.
  7. amazing the different tone from opposition supporters after you win a flag. They sound like we used to lol. Fwiw, i’m predicting a close game.
  8. Thanks. Context definitely needed re that answer!
  9. Luck is a massive player! for the fun of it I thought I’d list a few areas where I reckon luck can influence a result. 1./ Injuries. Yes as part of this there is also conditioning, commitment to fitness, capacity to play thru pain etc and yet this element very much exists. Who gets injured at what point of a game or season is critical. What’s creates being at precisely the Wrong place at the wrong time etc . 2./ Missing easy shots for goal. If you think a player might kick a certain goal say 98% of the time, and they miss and that effects the result. yes, bad kicking is bad football … and you can practice all you want but you can never be perfect. When the imperfections happen is important. 19 points down in the GF , fritsch marks a perfect kick. If he’d missed that shot could life be different now? I don’t know that answer… but it’s a question . 3./ Bad umpiring decisions that lead directly to goals. 4./ On a more macro level there’s also draft picks. yes identifying talent plays a major part etc etc. but even the genius of Taylor picks Weid ahead of McKay. StKilda picks McCartin missing out on Trac. etc These clearly influence results. 5 / Again on a more macro level. trading. Did anyone really see Langdon, Lever, Tomlinson being as good as they are. Plenty of trades go south for the very same reasons ours went north. We can argue forever about fate vs choice and hard work. i’m certainly not saying it’s a binary thing . The later is responsible fr maybe 97% of success, but I do believe luck ALSO plays a decent part . Many people like to believe they 100% control of all aspects of their lives but for mine it’s no more true personally than it is in football. To argue against luck is to see yourself as seperate to a huge universe with its 1 million causes and effects.
  10. what’s the free kick count ? or rather how many more frees do the dogs have than the blues. Happens every single frikn week!
  11. hate to say it… and i’ll need therapy after I do… but I agree 100% with caro on this.
  12. Yes he is… but he’ll be bk for the pointy end of the season when it really matters. I’m sure hunt or smith will appreciate the extra spot opening down back too. Petty still 3-4 weeks away? I thought he was almost ready? Despite all the pre season chatter, we haven’t had to actually choose between Tommo and Petty yet!
  13. yes agreed. chipped cartilage not strained?? what’s the likely scenario? a./ career ending possible amputation. b./ season ending c./ 12 weeks plus. Back in for finals d./ 4-6 ( which safely covers all of the above) e./ @Webber
  14. I reckon at least 5 of them were against gawn to English in really minor strange decisions. I don’t know what the dogs do to get consistently get the rub of the green but it’s something!
  15. yep… but daylight wasn’t seen all night. ;-)
  16. It’s her modus operandi. She’s gotten very accomplished at it.
  17. Times sure have changed havent they. Some great memories being created here.
  18. The tigers got so burnt with Buddy, then we got so burnt with Dusty, now the Saints have got some painful years coming there way watching Trac. It’s good to be on the other side this time.
  19. Sounds very definitive. Have they left the club?
  20. In disbelief. Thanks for all the golden memories Shane. 52 years old ..so young 😔 Can’t help thinking about a verse from Neil young’s “ hey hey my my” when I think on this. “..The king is gone but he’s not forgotten. This is the story of johnny rotten. It’s better to burn out than it is to fade away… hey hey my my”
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