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Everything posted by demons123452000

  1. The only football show I watch is ON THE COUCH with Garry ect, my thinking is the rest are weak attempts at comedy. The Sunday footy show is all about who can out do who with next to no content . and as far as MORRIS goes I just hit MUTE
  2. Thank you posters your comments were well received up in the bush.
  3. please keep the game comments coming, not the dribble
  4. Good evening gents. Just after your thoughts on D TURNERS 2 games so far, his first game was almost great( 3 goals cant be sneezed at)but your thoughts on Geelong game. I thought it was ok and worth more senior games at this point. This old Demon loves the podcast, may it never end.
  5. Talk about burgers back around 1955 we had true burgers. Firstly a large bun lightly toasted and buttered, and a larger than bun grilled minced meat Nearly forgot the grilled onion, thats a must Oops forgot the grilled pineapple ring Pickles spread over ,then [censored] lettuce (for the rabbits). And you cant have a true burger with out beetroot (how else can you say you had a burger without the purple stain). Now the egg normally had a bit of run about it and can join the beetroot. And to top it off, tommy sauce offered and helps with the beetroot, egg effect
  6. Top 4 without a worry. Firstly i have watched the "PRACTICE" game against the Tigers 4 times and I bet the Dees coaches never once worried about the scores, what was evident was the way they moved the ball forward lower and fast ,then we move forward to the Blues game and that "PRACTICE" was on show with great ball forward use. low with purpose. Our forward line is not as poor as the doomers believe . I thought the marking was strong from our main forwards and with the inclusion of Mc Adams, Billings and up and comer Windsor , the kicking into our forwards will improve. GO DEES
  7. I looked at this game as nothing more than a practice game with no telling result. Was more interested in the young ens Brown did very well, Windsor and Vennell didnt dissapoint. Hore not ready, Billings will improve with another couple of games.
  8. How would D Turner feel, dosent even rate a mention
  9. I also auto pay in october and not a word yet so a phone call in new year will happen. (its supposed to be xmas present from me to me)
  10. I was born to be a life time Demon lover. My father and his half bro were dees. Dad was a social club member in the late30s early 40s but left to help start the Ashburton FC. Lucky for me the local butcher was a MCC/MFC (A Mister Head) member so I went most sats with him, we would go into the rooms after a game and i got to shake hands with the giants of Melb, like the Cordner bros ect so as a maybe 5 year old i was hooked. /
  11. Well i look at it this way i dont shed Crocodile tears over our losses, I look at what happened, firstly BBB is out JVR is out (and no action from club) Melks out, Pets out and not to mention the around 23 touches we missed from the the legal it seems, head high shirt front on Brays and still only miss out by a kick.
  12. As much as I admire Max his kicking skills in close are to say at the least sad, as soon as he veers to the right his first few steps are where the ball follows and all ways veer right, surly the kicking coach (cough) can drum into him to kick straight through the ball.
  13. Sad that nobody mentioned Myrtle ford she will be "cross"with that '
  14. i just joined and already enjoying ads not jumping out at me, and if Demonland gets a dollar to help all the better.
  15. Well i will be sitting in my chair up here in gods country with the fire going and my King Charles on the the other chair either snoring away or sitting bolt upright wondering what the roaring is all about.
  16. With 4 umpires out there and 2 not doing anything surly its about time that we went back to the umps to do the reporting again then bring in the cameras. At the moment we have one person with only his view to rub a player out it seems.
  17. Judging from the comments I have read today it appears that Turner should get a go in front of Tommo
  18. Phew there for awhile I thought no poddy, now i can relax. My question is about JJ , I feel that he is a player that would be in the top 22 in most sides, Do you think at end of season, if not a regular we will be snapped up by the likes of Hawks or Norf or the nose diving Bombers. Love your work boys. Regards Dave .
  19. Most agree that JVR is a given to play rd 1 , but i ask that if our top 6 or 7 forwards are fit and healthy who does he replace, wont be T MACK or BBB and with a ruck coming down as that extra tall where does JVR get a gig, could it be he starts from the bench ? /
  20. Well funny how things happen , my bro and I were sitting on a bench seat at Healsville Sanctuary waiting for the bird show to open when 2 ladies sat .Nip said look at that, the lady next to bro had a Dees tat on her wrist, we had a small chat and she said she is a cheer squad member for many years and lives in the Bendigo area. Bro and I are both still clear skins.
  21. Could it be that you are a hot head Grr oi
  22. I think my sack is empty also oi
  23. Dont we already have a Fritta and Turner
  24. I would like to see Trac and Max go and kick 90% of there shots, then we would not have to worry about BBB,JVR ect. Even 2 goals improvement by both would do the trick
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