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Everything posted by pantaloons

  1. Having the logo on the front was the main bit that made the guernsey look as though it was bought at the Preston Market. Hopefully that's gone too.
  2. pantaloons


    Indianapolis Arizona San Diego
  3. We will have to delist Jetta or Nicholson in order to use three picks in the draft next Thursday.
  4. pantaloons


    I have to add that Indianapolis would have just lost to a two-win Houston team had the Texans' coach not appeared to be on his last legs at half time. They have also lost to two mediocre sides in San Diego and Miami. I fully expect KC to lose 2-4 games before the playoffs, but we can only beat who we play. Despite being a good side, Indy failed to do that twice.
  5. pantaloons


    Looks like three weeks for Rodgers. I'll get in early with week 10 picks: Seattle Denver Miami
  6. pantaloons


    This football team has a twin.
  7. pantaloons


    Who am I? I am a professional football team In my most recently completed season, I won a total of 2 games I sacked my coach, and in the offseason quickly appointed a coach whose last tenure was one of the greatest in that club's history Already possessing a strong defence, I addressed my team's biggest on-field need via trade, taking that position from the worst in the competition by a mile to one of at least adequacy I am the...
  8. pantaloons


    Oh, I remember what this feels like. McCluster drops the most wide open TD pass of all time and the Chiefs are punting back down 10-3 late in the second. This after Bowe dropped a pass for a 1st down inside the Buffalo 10 on the last drive. Smith has thrown some unimpressive passes today, but two massive drops so far. Unforgivable.
  9. I don't want to sound like a ninny as ive complained here about this sort of thing before, but Ray Emery's effort today in Philly was an absolute cowardly disgrace. During a brawl, he went down and fought his opposing goaltender, who clearly didn't want any part of it. I usually hate sporting suspensions as they are often overkill, but he should be gone for the season. It's bordering on assault if you're beating the heck out of an unwilling participant.
  10. pantaloons


    Indianapolis New Orleans Hmmmmmmm... I'll go KC. Buffalo has been a graveyard for us since '86 but, like half the teams we've fortuitously faced, they don't have their starting QB. I still think it'll come down to the wire. I was think of going Cincinnati but I hate picking against decent home teams when there are other options available.
  11. We have 8 home games next year, and of those, only 3 are against Melbourne clubs, two of whom are the lowest-drawing (North and WB). It's crushing commercially, as others have said. It looks ok from a standpoint of who we play twice, but we've had the easiest draw every year for the last 3 years and it hasn't helped. And I have to tell the mrs that there's no Queensland holiday this year.
  12. pantaloons


    What an animal. Great game.Just saw Patterson's 109-yard kickoff return TD for Minnesota. Electrifying. KC gets away with another sleepy performance, but now the schedule gets tough. And hell freezeth over - we're actually on TV by the choice of CBS/OneHD this coming week at Buffalo for the first time this season (week 3 at Philly was a Thursday night game). Good times. Oh, and classic stuff after Dave's mournful tipping tale given that Pittsburgh went down at Oakland. I feel ya.
  13. The old 'let's pick a smokey in the first round' trick.
  14. Haven't played since I was a kid. Don't think you get sharp intellect like this by backing into packs.
  15. Hey, I was calling for Dean Bailey's head at half time of Round 1, 2008. Is there some sort of commemorative Demonland stick pin for this?
  16. Definitely no home games at Docklands. Maximum G games. QB home game. 22 games v GWS. The sooner we get rid of the Darwin nonsense the better.
  17. pantaloons


    Ok... San Fran, Green Bay and Seattle. Gorgo, what about trading for someone like Kyle Orton? It depends on what you want to make of this season I suppose. He might help you get close to the final wildcard spot, but maybe losing the plot from here and getting a top 10 pick isn't all bad. Orton isn't going to be playing with Romo there, and has been useful at times in the past.
  18. And I imagine we have to wait until the delisted player free agency period starts on November 1 to make it official.
  19. So... Jamar + 40 to Brisbane for 29 Jamar + 40 to St. Kilda for 25 Jamar + 57 to Brisbane for 45 I'm just trying to look at possibilities for an upgrade with the teams you've listed there. The two years left on Jamar's deal will be tough to swallow for any club looking to trade for him as a short term bit of ruck help. The trade with St. Kilda I listed above is grand larceny on our part, and the deal for Brisbane's 29 is pretty cheeky also, but the three deals is all I could come up with given the picks the three teams hold. If Blease was of any interest to either of them then that's a different story and opens up some possibilities.
  20. pantaloons


    I just need to retire. If I can't pick three road winners this week then I never will. Relief at Arrowhead today. A pretty lacklustre performance, but a win is a win I suppose.
  21. Todd and Jay Viney. Greg and Gerard Healy. Footballer Mark Jackson and crazy Mark Jackson.
  22. What price was going 25-0 just out of interest?
  23. Cameron and Prendergast are no longer with us, so I'm not sure that those in charge now would be soiling themselves about the mistakes of others.
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