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Everything posted by pantaloons

  1. So with a week still to play out in the trading realm, as it stands we will be taking picks 9, 40, 57, 94 and 112 to the draft.
  2. Hawks CEO Stewart Fox: "We believe it is inequitable that compensation is linked to ladder position". I'm sorry, but what a sickening human being. The Hawks front office has been a disgrace in regards to pushing the disequalisation agenda since becoming good again after a drought of irrelevance from 1992-2006. Yes, they've come out of free agency with the worst compensation scenarios the past two years, but if they can't see the bigger picture of the necessity of compensation being linked to ladder position to help lessen the effect of higher-finishing clubs picking the wings off cellar-dwellers year after year, then they're either dumb or incredibly selfish with scant regard for the future good of the competition. And I doubt they got where they are by being dumb. Anyway, with that off my chest, it's a good and fair result for the MFC!
  3. Barrett now saying compensation picks could be as late as 6pm. A good old fashioned LOL at the AFL's professionalism.
  4. He would have to be on astonishing coin for that to happen.
  5. The article says Adelaide will accept a deal IF the pick is lower than 25, which I assume to mean better than 25.
  6. If the club was dead keen on Vince and didn't know what compo they were getting for Sylvia, surely they'd have waited until after 5pm today to enter into a trade with GWS.
  7. Tom Dyson, surely. I assume Melbourne have been informed by the AFL that our compo for Sylvia will be #21, allowing us to trade it for Vince. Makes sense that the Tyson trade would be completed before 5pm today in that case.
  8. Wow. Really have to see what picks are coming back before getting excited/grabbing pitchfork.
  9. pantaloons


    Disgraceful swine. I think I remember ringing up to complain about shenanigans like this in the past, and the response was something along the lines of having access to only a certain amount of LIVE games, so some get delayed. Absolute snot. Yeah, he's dominating. Well done, cowboy. Case Keenum starting his first game for Houston this week against a rabid KC defense and wild Arrowhead crowd. As Sinatra would infer, if he can make it there, he can make it anywhere. Colts-Broncos - what a great matchup. Not only the Manning subplot, but two of the league's best teams going at it.
  10. GWS can have Frawley when they hand over Shiel, picks 1, 9, and Scully's ashes. As for Dew, it's hardly a loss if it ensures Roos sees out at least 3 years.
  11. The pop tart in me is partial to a bit of Gym Class Heroes, but you really can't go past the Benny Hill theme for season 2013.
  12. Mr Accuracy, Michelangelo Rucci, posted late this arvo: "Adelaide wants its impending trade of club champion Bernie Vince to return Melbourne's compensation pick for losing Colin Sylvia to Fremantle as a free agent. This pick - between 21 and 25 - could have trumped Port in its bidding with Brisbane." That would make sense according to Spirit of Norm Smith's post about Monday, given the compo will be handed out by then. Clearly this is a bit rich for Vince looking at the trade in isolation. Hopefully as others have said it contributes to us having a better year and being a more enticing/less repugnant destination for players (including our own) beyond 2014.
  13. pantaloons


    Give me Seattle, San Diego and New England this week thanks! The AFC playoff picture is shaping up even though its still early days. I see it unfolding thus: 1. Denver 2. New England 3. Indianapolis 4. Cincinnati 5. Kansas City 6. Miami/Baltimore I'm less clear with how the NFC will shape up, but expect Green Bay, New Orleans and Dallas to win their divisions, Seattle and San Francisco to both make it, and then you can throw a blanket over a few North and West teams. The surprises for me are Atlanta and Houston already gone this early.
  14. pantaloons


    No, as in it's on about a 24-hour delay (tonight/tomorrow morning). Some interesting results this morning. Matt Schaub injured and jeered by his own fans as Houston got belted at home by the Rams. Next stop: Arrowhead, where the KC D awaits. Houston's season is pretty much shot, and Baltimore's took another turn for the worse. Assuming KC is the first wildcard spot this year (and with injuries mounting and a tougher second half schedule I'm not taking anything for granted), it'll be a frantic race for the #6 seed in the AFC. Miami and Baltimore would be the likeliest, but Tennessee can't be discounted if Locker returns in time to make an impact.
  15. pantaloons


    Oakland facing 3rd and 48 from their 2! Never seen that before. KC crowd doing its job today, going for the all time decibel record.
  16. pantaloons


    I have no idea why OneHD did this, but the Jets-Steelers game is on overnight tonight. Not sure if they'd used up their quota of live games or if they're just really big fans of Omnisport. Like I feared, KC with our hands full against Oakland. We are up 14-7 early in the 4th.
  17. According to what was said about restricted free agents on SEN the other day, he is not bound by that but would have to nominate for the PSD. In which case, if we had pick 1 I'd be picking him straight back up!
  18. Melbourne "targeting" Lyons: http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-10-13/trade-wrap-sunday Also brief mentions of our interest in Vince, Myers and Michie.
  19. I was either going to put Crouch or Sloane, but thought putting Crouch was a bit too cheeky.
  20. Edler got 3 games from Shanaban. he was always going to bein trouble, as his ht was basically solely to Hertl's head. Brad Stuart got 3 games for hitting Rick Nash the previous game and putting him out for the game, though contact with the head there was minimal if at all.
  21. I'm down with that.As long as Sloane is thrown in as a sweetener.
  22. Incredibly, Hertl's goal celebration drew criticism from Adam Oates in Washington. What a sad man. Jumbo Joe Thornton followed it up with one of the quotes of the year. Sorry, it's a bit crude: http://www.fearthefin.com/2013/10/10/4824938/joe-thornton-[censored]-hertl-four-goals-oates
  23. For what it's worth in fib season, Carlton have shot the rumour down on twitter.
  24. When looking at the Sharks lineup in the offseason, Tomas Hertl was a guy I hoped would be able to come in and earn his spot. If you haven't heard the name yet, you will soon. Picked at #17 in the 2012 draft, this is his first season in the NHL. He scored twice in his second game and then tied a franchise record with four goals yesterday in a 9-2 rout over NYR. I recommend viewing his fourth goal, an absurd party trick. Sorry I haven't included a link, but it's on the club website. Anyway, he's one to watch. Totally the right move from McLellan putting him on the top line with Thornton and Burns too. It's a physically big line, and Thornton has always made sure his line mates have plenty of opportunities to score.
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