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Everything posted by dpositive

  1. I reckon Dan does not want to lose another grand final. He was very visibly annoyed not to be able to lift restrictions. Anger was obvious when he referred to the idiots who had let s all down. Agree with all your comments
  2. Me too J. Do we need to speak to club membership to arrang this?
  3. Eddie made I believe the most salient point, "it's up to you guys, the ones watching this the ones sitting on the couch" Never has this been so simply put. We must all learn about the richness of difference and value and celebrate it not denigrate and ignore it. i also enjoyed Christians contribution, it comes from living and working with Kosi and Tony. It will provide him with a deeper understanding. We can all do better we must all do better
  4. Good points BM i have surmised since the beginning that the PM jumped to our early to have a trillion dollar debt approved to address Covid. The same PM and his party demonised an opposition that proposed 300 m debt when interest rates were low. I don't believe he thought the health issue would drag out this little long, part of the shambles of his own governments making. Deaths in federally regulated nursing homes, backing the UQvaccine above others, distributing through GP's rather than through state public health services. Perhaps the huge debt was intended to fund election winning targeted Rorts, sports and car parks were the model. The competence of this government has been on display in every portfolio, but there has been a reliance on the last "miracle" reoccurring as voters are blinded by lies, misinformation and denigration of the opposition. By remaining out of the spotlight and being cooperative and not controversial Labor has chosen to allow Coalition to lose rather than try to win. If vaccinations continue to be bungled and people see their state systems working, Qland highlighting the effectiveness of community systems, Vic having best results in regional ares where public systems work have actives better results than distributing through GP's. its difficult and complex, situations which the coalition has shown previously they have difficulty with.
  5. I see this as a test and example of our coaching team. It has been shown that this team can beat any other team if they come out with a determined, focused approach, structures and tactics can be adjusted to increase pressure and maximise our skill sets. Are We timing our run for and through the finals season? Are we looking at this game as the beginning of the finals season?.Arewe peaking or tapering? I hope we can witness the beginning of our surge to the flag, but won't be devastated if the coach assures us the players performed as demanded.
  6. I've been saying for yea s MFC needs to invite umpires to our club to tell us what we are doing wrong. we are positioning ourselves badly or executing technique badly. perhaps we should also emphasise that we execute and position to ensure the ball is kept moving and that scoring is increased.
  7. I got the last plane out of Peru to Bolivia to Chile to Australia when Covid began to spread and those countries locked down two years ago. Their lock downs ncluded troops n the street but the populations were overwhelmed by density, poor health facilities and poor economies. We returned to Melbourne airport where we were given a foolscap sheet and told to self isolate. Our border control people still patting themselves on the back for stopping the boats were self absorbed and not concerned about scientific projections. i began and have since repeated ad nauseum that we needed to recognise a health problem by recognising the operations of Fairfield Infectous diseases hospital which was closed down by Jeff Kennet as part of his magnificent economic reforms. We needed to have a purpose built quarantine facility, we needed to reinvest in tracking tracing and treating, and we needed to develop a vaccine. Of course with the closure of Fairfield, many of our specialist scientists were recruited by private organisations or went overseas.Two years we have had to resolve these issues. While there is some fault that can be directed to State governments for their inconsistent and uncoordinated actions the Federal government must be held responsible for this total shambles. The shambles in aged care which resulted in so many deaths, the delays in obtaining vaccines, the stupidities of the economic actions without focusing on health performance and the still hopeless handling of incoming people is all directly the responsibility of this government. I despair that the opposition which while offering positive suggestions which were later adopted was, as a powerless entity, ridiculed by a variety of the press, reviled by many, duped into supporting many of the kneejerk reactions this government adopted. We still have no border control (quarantine facilities), no vaccine production, inadequate internal coordinated tracking and tracing and our treating facilities are While not overwhelmed within a whisker due to lack of coordinated direction from the federal government. Because Morrison demanded a trillion dollar debt to pay for Covid actions he never intended to undertake, he has not, State governments realised the intention to use this slush fund was likely to be another car park shambles stepped into take those funds. There has been little effort to actually address the health issue. There I have now exposed demonlanders to the arguments I have been boring anyone I met with for the last two years. I guess lockdown has got to me and i cant vent on my soapbox to friends so sorry about that. i do enjoy the variety of opinions pressed within this site and congratulate you all for retaining interest. it will be an enjoyable day when we can again focus on our footy teams fortunes given that we are approaching the dawn of a new era of success GO DEES
  8. This is an elite level of sport where all players and teams have similar skills and physical ability. A difference in the performance of these elite athletes is confidence. When the umpires are so inconsistent and do not pay free kicks consistently confidence will be affected. If you know you can throw the ball and not be penalised you will. If you know you can duck your head and/or run into a player and get a free kick you will. If you can hit an opponent in the head and not be penalised you will, if you can jump into an opponents back and not give away a free you will. This confidence has a cumulative effect which increases confidence in the other skilled and legal aspects of the game. We must somehow show our players that they must have confidence in the skills they have and despite being hit in the head or back or knees and thus not completing the task successfully they are still able to kick a set shot without interference easily. Then we need to speak to the umpires and find out why they are so reluctant to afford us the same protections and considerations that they offer our opponents. It would be interesting to know if there is some analysis of free kicks, what where and who gives and receives. Pickett seems to give away free kicks when tackling but rarely gets them. Jackson seems to draw free kicks without giving them. The umpires seem quick to pay frees against us but slow to pay them for us. Thereluctance to blow the whistle and interrupt our offence was even taken to extremes when Jackson took a mark but there was no whistle,. His poor disposal was ineffectual and may have affected his game from that point. Will I won't I what will happen , what are the options. These elite athletes are on a phscological knife edge. Umpires performance will dictate their reactions. There is a necessary study required of confidence. How it affects things and how it is affected. I reckon we need to do more about this. Or perhaps I just need to drink less, or more.
  9. I've said for years our game is affected by umpiring. Again in this game our opponents had the confidence to attack the ball with their head down and they receive high tackle free kick. Our players get no protection and become hesitant in both tackling and in attacking the ball. The only stats we lost, by large margins, were tackles and fee kicks. We must ask the umpires to come to our training and help us refine our techniques. We are obviously doing something wrong in our positioning or actions.. It has been noticeable that against the top teams there is less discrepancy in free kicks and possibly less free kick counts. Perhaps this is because we are in front or more intense. Would like to see some analysis of wins and losses with free kick analysis and umpire involved. But really need to address set shot kicking as a priority.
  10. Not sure which polish strategy will help.Lech Walesa and the dock strikers did bring down the previous regime, forming impenetrable lines at the docklands despite powerful opposition. The polish pope also intstigated reforms and labour workforce statements around fairness and equitable treatment. While both were remarkably successful perhaps you are referring to some sports ground tactics which I am not aware of. Does Melksham have some polish heritage?
  11. This team had a bye (rest) just a few weeks ago i have advocatedresting some each week especially the younger bodies, but now, close to the business end when the team should be gelling and learning how to play with each other instinctively, is not the time. Jackson played and plays at peak capacity every game, he is young, he had less influence this week as if tired but just needs to keep playing. He is a genuine star in the making and the future of our ten year dominance. Trac and Oliver are also elite and will be a key part of the next dynasty. You can see a definite core of each age, role and experience demographicto provide for a ten year program. What is still needed is the winning ideology. We lost last week because this team is still not experienced in winning, they do not know how to gauge their opponents and their own capacity at all times. The coach is included in this.They are all learning. They will learn most when they hold the cup up this year. They must do this or the opportunity may evaporate. Come out next week with the desire to win and atone for this weeks misjudgement and it will be ok. Come out nervous and trying to avoid losing it may all be delayed. This is a significant time in this clubs life. Now is the time to build the pressure, intensity and desire. The looks on the faces indicated this may well have happened. The next game will tell us a lot. GO DEES.
  12. Kev your original and some following comments were correct. BUT it is a very nuanced observation. There are many features of the exercise which we are all still unsure of and indeed like any comments need to be taken in context and awareness of intent. You are dead right about the need for positive behaviour and attitude to be displayed as an instinctive action. There is nothing worse than the bowed head, the hands on hips , knees etc.There is also the need for disappointment and negative reality displayed at times so the context must always be considered. i have adopted the name dpositive for that reason and hope I always offer positive support, I do so in advising you to give up. It was a good point well put you don't have to justify it any further.
  13. Gee PF the problem isn't the govt specialists giving advice it's the action they should be taking. i cannot envisage any circumstance where any authority in Vic health would say "no way Hosea" without some reason. As a public servant they are responsible for their decisions. I would have thought your history of DVT is the first and most important reason why you should get the correct vaccine that does not have any adverse effect. It's the reason why all advice is to see your GP (which you seem to have done). However if there are no supplies of the vaccine that may be a reason for no way but I still believe that in that case they would give you an appointment. Vulnerable people should be vaccinated first. Healthy people with limited contacts can be done later.
  14. Fritsch should nail them? Perhaps if he was kicking from the correct pocket! He does always seem to be lining up from the wrong pocket for a left footer.
  15. And fair enough. Although when will he be played/lead to the correct pocket for a left footer.?
  16. There's a certain correct logic in what you say. Provided you limit your contacts to similar local contacts, wear mask if no social distance, basic sanitation and you are not vulnerable to the disease there is less risk. You are a little remote from major health service but also should have access to any required if you get ill. Our health service has plenty of capacity and lots of ability. The vaccine does not stop spread it merely diminishes illness affects which in itself reduces spread. It could equally be discovered that people with symptoms isolating themselves may have the same limiting effect. There is still a long way to go with this disease especially when we see overseas experiences. The fact that we are not insisting on any travellers coming to Australia being vaccinated and tested negative, a basic quarantine facility , is crazy. id vote for any govt that admitted this is a health issue and has invested in improved tracking tracing and treating resources so we can all go about a normal life with no lockdowns or restrictions to gathering and movement required. No need for blanket testing, but targeted spot treatment. All needs a targeted vaccine where vulnerable people are all totally vaccinated, frontline transport, health and people in contact with volumes of strangers have vaccinated. oh well there's not much point in going on about it we have incompetents running the systems and we will all show the resilience they go on about and make the most of the life we have. Stay well, stay safe and go Dees.
  17. Yes was there and agree totally. But he did not always run to the correct delivery spot and I thought at some stages he was merely taking two defenders out of he action. Our midfielders did not seem to be delivering very well. We we're close to the pickets Row G and could really only watch him at the Randwick end. The whole game was a disaster. Was there with a swannies supporter who really wanted us to win and did have ademons hat on so took the comments of the Pies supporters with us. He felt we just did not handle the small ground.He sees a lot of games there and works for Zurich hence the keen support. He reckons Forwards weren't running to wrong spots but our delivery was to the wrong spots. couldnt see a lot of the action at the other end so was just bitterly disappointed after what had been a great visit to the beautiful city so not a complete waste. I reckon the Sydney supporters don't know how to barrack and I have a lot more respect for the energy that the MCG cheer squad generate. It was difficult trying to inspire the players and the Pies supporterscertainly found voice once they hit the front. There were several Mark , ball, etc decisions that seemed to be affected by the crowd roar. Our supporters were more spectators. I tried to generate some support was only in one stand. Felt we lost it down the other end.
  18. Don't think he's proved anything yet. Too slight for FF. He has shown rucksack Ng talent similar to Jackson but Jackson is the real deal on baller. LJ would struggle holding down FF. BB has shown he can hold that position, slightly heavier, faster and experienced, he as proven that.
  19. May was definitely standing Elliott when he was in front of us at the Randwick end. It was an obvious mismatch of size but Elliott was not able to use any speed advantage so it worked but May dropped a couple and fumbled uncharacteristically. He did take the first grab in the mark thar Cameron was paid but he was not directly standing him. Elliott certainly got away from him in Third quarter.He stood Mihohek a few times. Our defence did seem to hold positions while Pies forwards rotated. The subsequent confusion created was responsible for the looseness that led to goals. But the defence did not lse the game. Our forwards lost it and their defence won it through better marking and distribution.
  20. I like Chookrat comment. Good time to offer him a low price 3 year category as our future KPF to play and develop at Casey until he is ready and one of TMac or BB go down. On current form it is unlikely that any club will offer a big contract. He's really not showing any big time attributes. Needs much more development. Saw him in Sydney ran under the ball, ran to wrong spots, easily brushed aside. Bulk him up and get him to demand the ball through performance.
  21. Thanks H Wasnt sure which Humphries it was. It did bring back many memories of a hedonistic past.Your also right I can recall Coodabeens usual demon stereotyping. I must admit that I am creeping slowly towards it. Going to Sydney on Saturday, may check out the snow Saturday. Retirement has opened up many opportunities that were denied while running a seven day week retail business. I always informed others that Demons scarves were well in the minority on chair lifts. It will be interesting to see how f current success brings them out.
  22. Just doing a little bit of business for the old man . Great get H. Was it Gerry Humphris?
  23. I attempted and was timed out. My steam driven computer, remote location NBN and general brain dysfunction contributes to this circumstance often.
  24. Weid I see the future, he's still only 24. Back to Casey to continue his development. His best returns have been as a deep forward converting the upfield work of Brown and Mac in some cases. He can rove around and has been competitive in ruck. He is similar to LJ in stature, mobility and flexibility, but should be developed to replace BB orTMac TMac and Brown is the now. Both roving to the wing to create competition and entry points into the deeper forward position . if one is out the other should be back. They should not be competing together, one takes an opponent out of the contest. Kossie Fritta etc feed off their contests . If BB or TMac is injured or drops form for 3 games Weid straight in otherwise he stays at Casey. He can return for finals to give chop out or different structure if required. Weid gets told he is the future of a premiership winning decade and if he chooses to go to another club he will be replaced to ensure that success is continued. He will move to a club that will not beat a now substantial club. Just as Petty has been promoted from the future, Tomlinson will replace him when fit. May will be replaced Petty, Hore and Casey players will eventually replace him. Casey is the development base for the future to complement the stars recruited and drafted. This adds to the brilliant base we have assembled. There are many routes to success we finally seem to have a greater ability to exploit them.
  25. I would prefer the health experts talking of a health response beyond a lockdown. This has become the go to knee jerk response since the economic response was so successfully introduced because our health system was to be "overwhelmed". This was based on overseas models and our limited availability of respirators. Once our capacity of respirators was improved and our intensive bed numbers including private beds was acknowledged, the Australian health system has not been appropriately recognised or utilised and has certainly not been overwhelmed. i would have preferred our politicians to recognise the pandemic as a health issue not an economic and political issue and acknowledge that our health system can identify, track and trace, treat and monitor those affected. Vaccination in a planned fashion through first responders and most vulnerable with quarantine facilities to contain are the most important feature of the treating of the pandemic. The reality that we have been having large numbers attend football with no recognised spread and yet one person can spread the virus so easily shows the virulence of this variance of the disease. it is why we must take the comments of the experts seriously, but I believe we should give them other tools particularly a capable health quarantine facility and appropriate vaccination, rather than wholesale community disruption of lockdowns
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