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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. Ah yes, the wonderful 2010 season where we managed a mighty 12th and 8 wonderful wins. How have we slipped so far from that lofty position? If only we'd known that we had it so good.
  2. If it doesn't change every year, there's no reason to buy a new one.
  3. I reckon he'll stay at Collingwood but would be happy to see him in a Dees guernsey. That's probably a good hint you should question where you stand.
  4. I've got no issue with it, think it looks fine.
  5. Stephen Hill. Also missed out on Steele Sidebottom and Daniel Rich. This whole discussion to me is a complete waste of time. You can't fix this problem by complaining about it, the people who made the decisions have already moved on and there's no edit+undo button so I reckon it's time to let it go.
  6. Grab a paper bag, dude. If he goes, he goes. Since when can you take fabric off something and find bones anyway?
  7. Could probably make the 21st but will be interstate on the 28th.
  8. Geez you're annoying. Regardless, I don't see what difference it would make to show us a hollywood style build-up speech. I heard Malthouse talking about motivational speeches in one of his guest commentary roles and he talked about them as being very temporary and don't help you once that initial boost of motivation fades. He said you're better off calming them down and then calmly telling them what needs to be done. You see the same thing in a lot of the great UFC coaches, calm and collected and plainly stating what is required. You're placing your own subjective feelings on to a group of people you can only see the back of in flashes of about 3 seconds. So you're either trolling or an overly-emotional idiot.
  9. Point is that that isn't enough incentive when it counts. Gotta find the right cattle first, then train em hard enough and get rid of the ones that aren't willing to put in everything they have to succeed.
  10. Funny how you guys are describing the exact style of play Mark Neeld's been trying to implement all season.
  11. If you don't care what anyone says there's not much point being on a forum, maybe start a blog. Imagine there's a number of posters in the same boat though. All I can say is that Jack Grimes is my hero.
  12. One day all of our team will be called Jack and anyone who isn't will be forced to change their name by deed poll. Our lack of Jacks is what's been holding us back from a premiership.
  13. I think one of the simple hurdles is that it's called Aussie Rules football. So if you have a national team from overseas they become the Chinese Aussie Rules Football team. You can't just call them an AFL team because it refers to our league and then if they ended up with their own it'd be, what, the CAFL? Chinese Australian Football League? The AFL has to find another way to market it as something overseas as a genuine sport, not a bastardised Australian form of football, which it obviously isn't. At least you can call American Football gridiron. I'm happy for China to be looked at but I don't think it should be a priority over investing in our football club or even anywhere else in the world. Basketball's one of the biggest sports, sure, that along with badminton, table tennis, soccer and volleyball. Not exactly sports with heavy physical contact. Who would you get to come over? Someone from Shaolin? That'd be sweet actually, you should suggest that. Either way, there's no real benefit for the average person to be amazing at AFL. The pay's nothing compared to US basketball and Australia has nowhere near the pull for the average Chinese person that the US does. Think it's just a pipe-dream personally.
  14. There's definitely a bigger distance between performance against top tier teams and lower tiers teams with Moloney than with other players. You just have to look at their average disposals from 2011: First number is avg disposals in 2011 vs top 8 teams, second is vs teams outside it Moloney: 21.4, 27.8 (excludes the 0 in the Geelong game, becomes 19.5 with it included) Jones: 22.5, 23.7 Sylvia: 18.6, 22.9 McKenzie: 18.6, 21.4 Grimes: 23.5, 21.5 (excludes the Adelaide game) Trengove: 19.4, 21.0 So what does this tell us? It does say he performed much better against the lower teams, but also that he's still one of our best performers at least in terms of disposals regardless. Really it just says that you can use statistics to work for whatever agenda you like.
  15. Pretty happy with the selections. We'll definitely want the experience in Jamar running out a against a fully firing Adam Sandilands, no sense being demolished through clearances in our last game of the year. We'll want to draw as much confidence as we can going into pre-season next year. As for Josh Tynan, I'm happy to see him get another run and Strauss has been ok but underwhelming in his return. Imagine they went with rock, paper, scissors for those two. Don't think you can include Gysberts in the decision between those two as it's a different role in the side and we obviously didn't see reason for one of the mids to bow out in favour of the Gys. Needs more work if he wants to break back onto the main list next year, if he's still around. Great to see the Fitz get rewarded and amazing how well he's dealing with his own issues with illness and still powering forward. Also looking forward to seeing the freo girls rock up to the pub again on game day. Best looking supporters in Canberra.
  16. Going up that walkway when your mind is zapped I mean. Probably pretty pricey but provides great exposure to our sponsors while we're at it.
  17. Totally agree, throw them next to the Jackie Chan posters supporting whatever credit card he's supporting now. Sounds dumb but is a great idea. I'm always looking out for the local sports team whenever I go into a new city in a new country.
  18. Totally, I think Jeremy Howe being the best high flyer in the game and Sam Blease being one of the fastest in the league will do it. Jurrah too if we can get him playing again and up to somewhere near the best he can be. Kids just need someone they can post on their facebook wall.
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