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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. http://www.hawthornfc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/4742/newsid/151888/default.aspx Hawks are looking for a ruckman, they were trialling Jonathan Ceglar (ex-pies) last week. No mention of Jack Hannath though.
  2. I would've thought it'd be a watermark but that's the only photo with it on there out of the 4 so it could be a monogram. Guernsey design'll be something to bring up at the AGM. I thought it was comfortable enough to play in during the forum footy game we had but if players don't get their guernseys individually fitted then I'd like to know why this isn't an option.
  3. As a Melbourne supporter I consider myself a patient guy, but that's getting a bit extreme.
  4. This happened to a mate of mine when he was trying to get up from his bed to vomit after a house party. For whatever reason he got out of bed by standing on it and then vomitted and shat at the same time, somehow getting vomit all over his bed and floor and a decent amount of sh!t on the ceiling. We still have no idea how he did it. On the mixed up clichés theme rather than the mixed up metaphors one, an old supervisor used to say "In all honestly..." before almost everything because he was an idiot.
  5. Sounds like he's been up front and honest about it, I think you're doing well to take issue with his decision. Good luck to him and wish him the best with the baby.
  6. Dear AFL, I'm having a glass of red. How's life? Ever been to dreamworld? It's fun. Anyway, hope all's well. Nothing to see here. Take care. Jesus fkn christ. Can you just wait out until something concrete happens before you start slitting your wrists and popping valium?
  7. Well, I'm happy so thread closed. Have you noticed how many cougars are out on a Friday? I'm amazed I came back with clothes on. What were we talking about?
  8. Maybe. But it was Dustin's first indiscretion and Daniel Connors' last.
  9. It's not like he's Brendan Fevola. He's a dude with potential that convinced Dustin Martin to get smashed and crash with sleeping pills on a training night. Cannot see how anyone could be floating this as a good idea.
  10. Love the mix of explosive pace and endurance in Nicho. Has a lot wrong with his game but what he does bring is excellent. Was very impressive in our win over Essendon in rd 10, and if he can bring that into his game more often next year then he'll be a walk-up starter and an important part of our team's climb up the ladder. So many fist pumping moments with Nicho around.
  11. Toumpas or Wines. Otherwise a really skinny dude who refuses to wear anything but v-necks and thinks glasses without lenses are "pretty sweet".
  12. It's looking like Watts is going to be playing the role that Rivers was covering so well in early 2012 and we have three solid KP defenders in Frawley, McDonald and Sellar. Not entirely sure where he fits in if he does stay, maybe it'd allow Watts to move onto the wing but when he's developing so well down back I'm quite happy for him to stay there.
  13. Way to [censored] all over a dude's parade for a throwaway line Ben-Hur.
  14. Why call a Jack Watts thread a forward line one? At least call a spade a spade. He says he's happy down back, he's doing a decent job down back and he's under far less scrutiny as a defender so hey... let's play him down back.
  15. He doesn't read the play well, has dreadful defensive sense and has trade value. Soiiiyaa
  16. Happy to play the small defender role. I usually start alright so the other team sends their token hulking mass over to flatten me which tends to take the shine off the day. Give us a heads up if you see one plodding around after me.
  17. Are you here just to make me feel sad in my life, Sloonie?
  18. [media=] Quality Canberra band. Sadly only put out one excellent album before disbanding.
  19. Our midfield is mostly still very young. Grimes, Viney, Trenners, Howe, whoever pick 4 is, Jordie, Jones, Taggert. There's a midfield there that has to be developed. I don't think it's about finding players with talent at this point, it's about sorting our sh*t out as a club.
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