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Everything posted by Bossdog

  1. They are not robots . They are just young men who play footy for a living. What would you have them do??? All sit in their loung rooms sulking for the week??? I know we all want them to be 100% footy all the time but it is not realistic
  2. Will posters please note Nicholson is a rookie and as such cannot play in the seniors.
  3. If he said that You would be calling for his head. If the CEO can't be positive who can. Supporters on this site???You're kidding me.
  4. If "Dipper was coming for me at 100km/h I'd be four rows back in the stand.
  5. Should haves,could haves maybes,he's better than him, No he's better. We have the list we do and it's up to the FD to develop this list as best they can I believe we have a lot of potential,but It takes time(I know we've all heard it before) but you can't put 26 year old minds and bodies into 18 to 22 year olds
  6. Strauss is not the saviour. Nicho is still on the rookie list and not eligble to play. You can't play Bennell as he cannot keep a opposition player quite,he won't run to position, and he only got 3 posessions, surley Davis (no games yet) Morton,even Davey would be better???
  7. While I agree with a lot of your post. For the past few years we have had no defensive pressure at all and we now need to learn how to apply it. I think we have gone to much that way (defence only) I believe that one we have "got it" we can then implement an attacking style to complement it, but unfortunatly this takes tim.
  8. He only got three(3) possessions in 82% games time. How can anyone justify he keeps his position in this side.
  9. How many times does he have to tell you that he doesn't bloody want to coachWhat makes you think that he would make a coaches a....hole He was a champion footballer which doesn't equal champion coach. What does it take for you to realise that he will never coach.
  10. Because we were born out of a ground not a suburb,we didn't have tribal loyalty to fall back on,we were a rich man's club and when it hit the fan supporters fell away. Used to live in Richmond many years ago and the whole street supported Richmond. We have never had that. But footy has changed and multi culture, and people don't have that same loyalty to a suburb in which they live, lots of people move and take that loyalty where ever they go
  11. As many as it takes.
  12. I thought thats the idea of Casey, The MFC do heaps out here and the kids can relate to MFC players and there is a strong ground swells among the kids. It's a start. and you have to start somewhere
  13. As one of the older generation I have a very good grasp of footy issues and clubs> I have never been into the "Blame Game" So please don't think we are irrelevent and don't have an opinion which seems only for the young. This is descrimination of the highest order. The older generation actually started this club and made it a great club for you young whippersnappers to support. Things are not great at the moment but nothing lasts forever. Bad Post..
  14. Have you put your name up for a board spot? Or are you just comfortable sitting at your desk banging every person at the club who is working hard. If you don't like it, chalenge and put yourself up.And please use paras as it hurts my eyes reading your long drawn out crap.
  15. What a load of crap.. Grand finals in 1988 and 2000, finals in many years Yes plenty of highs and lows and rebuilds. We all want a cup WYL but they are bloody hard to come by and people can blame what they want re the board, coaches, players, supporters, but we just have to keep going and believing that this footy club will eventually suceed
  16. God help us (actually I am am athiest) but it can't hurt.
  17. Gee I remember 2 years ago when WC were a basket case and finished with the wooden spoon. Add 3 players(Darling,Gaff and a fit Kerr) and they are now world beaters. The rest of the side played 2 years ago. The point is, that things can change very quickly in this game and when all looks lost things can happen. I don't think they will change this week but don't give up hope.
  18. Because he owns the bloody company
  19. Man you should have lived through the late 60's, 70s' and early 80's If your whinging now $5 million debt paid off $6 mil in assetts. New coach ,footy dept money to put in to these things. I 've been through seasons where we hav'nt won a game So either put up or shut up and live with it. As someone said,the sun will probably come up tomorrow.
  20. Hey I'm the drunk uncle at Christmas. Have I been delisted.????
  21. I know that as demon supporters we can, and do, argue and have different opinions on a range of things from admin, board, players,coaches, training systems. I have never been prouder of this footy club and it's members than today After 3 months of hell we are still very much supportive and united as a club Principal over cash. Well done all
  22. Fully agree.
  23. You can post what you like, but unlike you, I am a more positive person and don't bag players every week
  24. Mate is there one player at our club that you like????? Al I heard from you is [censored] [censored] [censored] He's no good, he should get sacked. If you don't like everthing about this footy club Bugger off.
  25. Will be a mention date only. If pleads NG will be adjourned If Pleas G will go ahead on that date.
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