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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Love George. Him and Bill Hicks are probably my favourite funnymen . Apart from the WITS on here.
  2. I knew I could count on your help Stu . Please don't do the music for me afterwards .
  3. The US postal service was the major sponsor during most of the wins. I'm sure they know nothing about moving drugs around for years without getting sprung. I'm going for a drive down Beach Rd for a game of skittles. Keep these junkies honest.
  4. Hazy-nearly 40 thousand supporters and the club had a terrible year in 2012 due to circs largely out of our control. Of course you are entitled to your opinion ,no matter how tedious the majority of people find it . A lot of people want CC and CS out of the club-both internally and externally . Why? Is there a reason for it? Or do you think its because we experimented with our list and moved on the elder statesmen? Personally I think we are set for a top year . Anyone with the ambition and the drive to challenge the board should go for it . It's not a closed shop -do it if you have the ticker and the acumen . Otherwise ,don't expect to win friends at a time when we are circling the wagons and you are slagging of those we wish to defend .
  5. Just made the mistake of sitting through that one.You're right about wanting to get to the bridge quicker.There is now a suicide fence on the West Gate however.
  6. I'll give you some food for thoughtThink of a very prominent AFL player who claims to have chronic fatigue syndrome and is prescribed steroids to overcome his illness. Mysteriously , the illness never goes away, yet the player comes back for finals looking like the incredible hulk. Eventually he bullies his way to a third flag after throwing punches at any opponent near him. To the naked eye it looks like some form of roid rage. Yet the AFL has allowed this one guy to take roids. He then goes on to cheat in his life as a player agent as well.
  7. If I ever have to hear that song again I will have stab myself to take the pain away from my ears. If anyone can turn me into a cutter at middle-age-its the voice. And I cant try and understand it.
  8. So Chick has stuck his middle finger up at the AFL?
  9. I doubt they want to tarnish the legacy of Big Jim to satisfy some half arsed tribunal. Some people have whats known as character and loyalty. These concepts may be foreign to you . Google them.
  10. When we go to the Supreme court they can tell the Judge "my dog ate it ". He said/ she said is known as hearsay. And they haven't actually got a real charge to bring. Dont panic - you'll get more chances to rubbish the admin later.
  11. That sounds like the answer to the secret of life.
  12. Nine is OTT . Don't know about Byrnes and Dawes going straight in either . Its all a bit bogus. Standards, competence,blah,blah, blah. I hope Tappy can be a leader by flattening someone each week without getting pinged. Maybe Sylvia could lead the stats in possessions for a change. Russian can lead by getting a kick and a tap to advantage or two. We will see who the leaders are on field. The social committee will have to entertain sponsors, meet corporate cannibals AND play footy well.
  13. Stuie has got enough on his plate without trying to develop a potential industrial Mecca like Romsey. The sense of entitlement you provincial types have is staggering . Those mining resources are for all of us to share , not just for foodies to crap on about goats cheese and herb farms.
  14. I frequently attempt to buy land up there using glass beads, mirrors blankets and rifles. The natives are onto it, despite their primitive appearance . One day I will go up there( just after harvest) and trick them while they are intoxicated on their rough country alcohol. I have done the geological reports and I am positive there is uranium there. If not , perhaps we could dump spent fuel there. The potential is huge and the locals are divided . Apart from a thriving poetry scene, they are screaming out for development.
  15. I quite liked the poem. The juxtaposition of warring fruit and the descent of mankind . The loss of innocence ,yet still told in an iconic bush balladeer format concealing weighty ideas. BBO ,whilst proficient in modern banter and it's rythmic nuances, has re-invented a traditional metier and given it a new timbre. 4 stars.
  16. The soil contamination since we inked the deal with the Stete School is still repairable , eventually. No need to worry.
  17. pfft.... Barn Dee has his own dialect.
  18. Ben Hur has learnt compassion and empathy. I agree entirely . It's his choice to leave the Club It's his life to p!ss up if he chooses . Still sad to watch but at least he showed some magic that we may never have seen if we didn't give him a go. Nobody died so its not yet a tragedy . He didn't kill anyone either. Yet.
  19. I dont get it. I'm too obtuse. Que?
  20. Or a priest in ladies underwear,late for Bridge.
  21. RR has stayed out of every thread for the past few months. Maybe he got sin-binned or maybe he is de-toxing. He may even be skiing in Europe. Anyone know?
  22. Great report. "Surprisingly Watts " This is a shock-he has the best footskills at the club since YZe or Flash.
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