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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. You've had a big night Moonie-you've already been totally eclipsed. And turned pink.
  2. Gysberts and Morto could help knit them for us too RTG-to build up their arm strength!
  3. She is probably leaving the state ,if she has any sense. You will have to go back to grooming Alpacas
  4. Angus and Malcolm were asked in an interview if they were guilty of just making the same album 14 times. They answered that was absolute bullshyte and that they'd made the same album 16 times.
  5. You are certainly getting around DC. Did you steal a fully charged mobility scooter and ride it down from Borewood or just "borrow " one of your lady friends cabcharge vouchers.
  6. Does this mean Jetta is now on the list with JT on the LTI and Clark retired?
  7. Six months of X box and Puzzles should sort it out.
  8. What are we training on concrete or something? Or could it have been the extra weight on the shoulders? FMD.
  9. Give Neville Jetta another run-he has done the right things since being de-listed. and I hope they don't simply drop JKH to put him in.
  10. Future generations of Australians may yell "where are my clean Brodies" whereas older generations would send out the call for "Regs'"
  11. Great Stuff - I must add this guy to my twitter account. he will be only the second person I have followed in 3 years but he is in elite company with Gary Busey.
  12. JB,Hammer,CHoo man,Darce -it's not a matey boys club you've formed but an ineloquent yell fest. Brayshaw is one who should travel by light plane more often-hopefully during storms. Perth twerp.
  13. Always room for inprovement.
  14. You cannot inprove on perfection Machsy. You might suggest to Hemmingway that his work is a bit sparse.
  15. Not necessarily , though the prosecutor is a complete Boer.
  16. Apparently he has been tailoring his evidence to suit himself. So only telling half the story.
  17. I heard Reeva was very excited about Valentines Day as Oscar had promised her a night on the tiles.
  18. Maybe he likes to play Rage Against The Machine- or "Rolling on the River"
  19. That's hardly a way to discuss HRH. What would the CWA think of you speaking in such a manner?
  20. No chance of a resurrection. Some men see things in pictures. They are what we call Herald-Sun readers.
  21. pistorious appears to be half the man he was before the trial. He keeps shooting himself in the foot.
  22. Putting up memes and gifs will change the world one day. Stuie and Fl.og will be seen as visionaries.
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