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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. We've all made that mistake. Nobody likes to miss one .
  2. That is virtually a given but the question relates to the outcome of the next game.
  3. I am very busy helping starving children in Biafra and would appreciate you limiting your drunken ranting.Difficult as you seem to find it.
  4. Good point. We need to [censored] all over their chests and rub it in with our hands and then kick them out of the hotel. Speaking purely figuratively , of course.
  5. It's a fierce regimen. Puts old Percy Cerruty to shame.
  6. Dear Demonlanders, above ( and below) is what you might call a classic case of alcoholic enabling. Fear not,friends,I am five days sober and not even old Bitterness will make me hit the grog . I am a better person than most of you now. and you should all know that. Unfortunately,Old Bitterguts doesn't see it that way and wants to drag me back to the fray.
  7. Like you, I believe he has got his fingers in quite a few pies.
  8. Excellent observation RTG. I often thought we could devise a perfect game plan if we had enough peyote as a team and then discussed our visions.
  9. We coulda had Class. We coulda had somebody We coulda been a contender Instead of the Toump Which is what he is. ....... It was you Todd,it was you You remember that night at the draft when you said you was gonna take the price on Wilson? You was my Father Todd so you shoulda looked out for me just a little bit ,just a little bit.
  10. Illegal is such a vague term. But you are a meth head aren't you ? We dont need to eat camels in this country. We sell them to the towels. Same with emus-they are on our coat of arms
  11. Very [censored] funny!!! Laughing reasonably loudly. LRL'ed. totes.
  12. He's a great photographer also. A real artist.
  13. Does he stalk people in their homes and then take photos of them shopping ,jogging,drinking coffee etc?
  14. Exactly,Libelous indeed. If some of the tenants could ever focus on a newspaper they would be appalled,then quickly move on about their daily activities like all the other good citizens. We at the Gat are seeking legal redress.
  15. His hair would look like a deranged bogan skunk and he would claim to have photos of lady Diana bleeding to death in his safe. But i wouldn't put it past Machsy.
  16. You sure know a lot about Geelong Machsy. You're not the Mayor are you?
  17. I'm usually only pedantic about apostrophes but I remember him as Guy. But you may be right about the nickname.
  18. Only if his cousin Guy is unavailable.
  19. The forensic experts often wear white hats and gloves when they visit. Thats as close as we get to a cleaner here.
  20. Hope you asked him about the mark? Probably never been asked about that yet.
  21. I gave you fair warning. Also, DSK was set up. Anyone who watches porn knows that hotel maids always want sex.
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