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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. Your right Watts did some great and couragious things today/tonight, but then he'd go and do the opposite later.
  2. Trengove HAS to be carrying an injury - he just HAS to be...
  3. I dont know about Watts. The idea of trying to bring him into the game with more posessions in defense as a floater often without an opponent is getting him more posessions but decision making is still an issue and this arvo everytime he did something impressive and smart he'd then go and do something slow or stupid and ruin it. That waiting for the floating kick instead of attacking the ball or putting his body in the way to stop his opponent was annoying and I was disappointed when he got caught with the ball trying to be fancy a few times. he seemed slow at times. But he did some good things, wasnt our best player but wasnt our worst.
  4. Opponents are scared of tappscott and he got himself in the right spot this afternoon a few times so can read it better than some. Stef Martin in the midfield doing what exactly? the only reason we were in the game was through attacking through the corridor which is what Neeld DOESNT want - we were forced to because Carlton were double teaming our pocket area everytime we did what the coach wants... My first criticism of Neeld.
  5. Just got back from the game and trying to thaw out. From the G my perspective was that Melbourne had a lot of belief early on. Again it was more poor decisions early that cost us rather than anything else. Positives and I think there were quite a few tonight: I really enjoyed the game of McDonald - as others have said he just seemed to have extra time and didnt panic when he had the ball, rather he was calculating and smart. In general our defense was quite strong today and Garland did ok on Betts, could have been better but I think we were ok in this area bar on player. Frawley had a good game. Sam Blease was very exciting. the spoil was just pure class and he looks better than scully for mine. fast and agile and I saw him run a man down who wasnt expecting it. he backed himself twice to kick goals and missed which was silly. otherwise I enjoyed his game. Jones was also as usual quite good. A lot have ripped into Dunn but I think the additions of Dunn and Tappscott gives us a bit more physical presence and Tappy got himself into the right spot a few times in the first and second quarter that suggested to me that he reads it well. I think Dunn was good at times. average: Jamie Bennell - he did some good things - two marks in 20 seconds, running hard at times. But othertimes he just seemed to be in strange positions, lose his opponent or almost panic with the ball. I saw hope tonight in his game when i havent much before but he wasnt in our best. Jack Watts did some great things, got the ball lots, but everytime he'd do something good he'd then go and do something poor that would cost us. Semi shirking the contest early on was annoying for mine. He could ahve imposed himself on that floating kick rather than wait for it and let the opposition turn it over and smash us. A few times he got caught when it was clear to everyone else but him that he wasnt going to lose his opponent. He would try and do someting fancy but the player would be on him. Negative: Moloney's game was for the most part of little impact. He was better than last week, but he wasnt our best midfielder. Goal kicking - Blease backed himself in twice running, Frawley had a crack - both times there were free options in the forward 50 right out in front. Trying to impress too much to a detriment Trengove - has to be carrying an injury. God I hope he is carrying an injury!! He was very slow tonight at times. Last quarter - wtf? We were competitive and you almost felt that we had the momentum at the end of the 3rd despite just not being able to apply score board pressure after several long periods in our attacking 50. last quarter they just took the foot off the pedal. Game plan - as a Neeld defender ive got to ask - for a defensive game plan where are our defensive structures when we lose momentum? This side in the last quarter still very much like Baileys team rather than Neelds. Also every time we kicked it along the boundry we would be double teamed, whereas in the corridor we had free players - it was like Carlton were expecting us to do it and it wasnt working but it actually forced us to use the corridor and bang - we were actually entering our forward 50 with more threatening looking play than previously.
  6. Im gong with a geelong supporter and i had to twist his arm to agree to come. the usual carlton supporter mates arent keen.
  7. So true! Melbourne constantly do this and Ive often wondered whether its more about getting an easy stat than actually being in a position to play on to advantage. The other thing that has always annoyed me about melbourne is that when a player marks in the forward 50 on a shocker of an angle, none of our other forwards run to space to give him a centering option. They usually just stand around next to their opponent catching their breath. This is why Robbo got so good at kicking them from the pocket - he bl00dy had to!
  8. Same. Good to see he isnt going to be impressed with one highlight on a dismal day. All about structure and tactics. I think Neeld is the man.
  9. Because Neeld's appointment had a lot to do with the 186 point smashing last year...
  10. Id like someone new to have a breakout game. Been saying that all season and probably the last three yeasr in many ways.
  11. Hope that doesnt translate to 'bruise free footy'
  12. We have more members than the Saints, Doggies or Kangers so that is a bonus.
  13. True but I think Neeld was pretty clear that we needed to lift our training intensity quite considerably and move to a defensive style of play so no surprises.
  14. Looking forward to tomorrow nights game. Any predictions on who will stand up or respond following last weeks uninspiring efforts? nate Jones once again? Will trenners turn it on for the first time this year? Or just more of the same from Clark?
  15. I personally think he is the right man for the job. Im convinced. But I could be wrong.
  16. We all know those. All we can judge recruitment on under Neeld and Craig is Clark and Sellar - one winner thus far.
  17. I agree. Give him a chance to mold the list to his style of play and then you can measure where we are at.
  18. I wont make a decision on Neeld and his direction until next season - two preseasons and time to manipulate our list. Then we can make a better assessment, before then its way to early to tell. I personally like him despite the stories from the Western Jets that he used to peal the paint off the walls with his anger.
  19. I just keep hearing the same thing from people who claim to know from club sources.
  20. Most would suggest that fewer of our younger players have come on than Richmonds. Grigg has been a valuable addition.
  21. Honestly I am quite optimistic about the future but only after a reconstruction of the midfield and with game time into Blease and Gysberts if he can get an uninjured run. There are a few things missing from our list. Midfielders is the obvious one but a crummer in the forward line would be nice eventually and a 'Yarran/Ward' type player to create run from the back.
  22. I personally think Lyon would be a hard person to get along with.
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