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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Haha, not that I can see. Too busy getting a kick.
  2. Sorry, but just about every one of those years is a freaking disaster. What a complete shambles. No wonder we are a [censored] up.
  3. Dare I say it, if you watch that highlight reel closely you'll see shadows of Brent Moloney, just in the way he moves, kicks etc. Not relevant one way or the other, just interesting...
  4. That's a good point! Take an illustrative quote to extremes to attempt to establish it is ok to bash people. Excellent!
  5. You're one of the more sensible ones around here - I'm happy to take on face value.
  6. I'd say we'd give him whatever paper he wanted right now, to be honest. I think it has absolutely nothing to do with it.
  7. Not a great record on that front to date, though, hey Jaded? No, it isn't worse than desperation. It is being hard nosed about the Club's best interests, which are to either secure a player or get something for them. Garland and Jones might be more committed to sign on earlier than the expiration of their contracts. Of course it will be a better deal for Frawley! And he's totally entitled to hold off and get the best deal possible. BUT, if he is willing to play chicken like that, MFC is also entitled to get the best deal for itself, not just take his word for it that he loves the place and will just sign up when he feels like it. I think, generally, the AFL is going to have to get used to a much more Amercian way of doing things. The whole 'play for the jumper' stuff is gone and players quite rightly will move around to make the most of their short time in the game. It is only a matter of time before clubs start catching up on the thinking, and getting more ruthless with their lists and list management.
  8. You are a goose. I hope your boss cancels your annual leave this year - how would that go down with you?
  9. Any sensible person can see this is reading the tea leaves correctly. He doth protest too much and for no apparent reason really.
  10. I think one year is the way to go, if he wants to wait and see what we're like next year. He's gone, in my book. Hope I'm wrong.
  11. This is a Blease and Tapscott thread, not a 'let's recount past failures for the zillionth time' thread. Take it somewhere else.
  12. Just because people used to be thugs doesn't make it ok. Civilisation moves on, as it were, otherwise we'd all still be living in caves.
  13. I'd be saving up as much of this year's pay as I could if I was Bail, because he won't be back in 2015. A real shame, because he was shaping up to be really handy before the concussions. Life is too short to wreck your brain.
  14. I just love Enyaw's post, that are absolute, complete gobbledegook. Clearly been down at the Mitre Tavern since lunchtime, and absolutely sauced by 5.37pm.
  15. You could also look at it by saying most senior players who have had any currency at all recently have moved on, and many of those who stayed in the Daniher era seemingly wanted to hang around on the gravy train until they could collect a Seniors public transport ticket. Notable exceptions, of course, but plenty that fit the theory.
  16. I hope I'm wrong too! I'm sick of hearing about guns who languish in the VFL and then quietly fall off the back of the list. Believe me. I was just theorising about where Taggert is at, with the qualifier that I haven't seen him play a single game!
  17. Thank Christ. I opened this up thinking it was a 'suggest we get Dean Wallis' thread and I was ready to pour rage onto the screen.
  18. I agree. There were a good few, probably 5, in the Xavier First 18 team ahead of him that year... Good on him for making a fist of it, but I suspect a lot had to do with his coaching and development.
  19. Well that would certainly be the wheel turning full circle ...
  20. The salary cap should flat out be funded by the league and that way there's no incentive to avoid paying it out. If you can only find $9 mil, then so be it, the league pockets the difference. That would sort it out. I agree with OP and deanox - we must have bazillions to play with, but equally we only need to get slightly better and we'll have a crunch. Wait til Jack Viney gets on here and finds out Tapscott is on a fortune...
  21. Can I be honest and say who gives a rats if we are paying overs for Clark, Dawes and whatever other numpty we can convince to come here? We're paying heaps and front loading the stuffing out of these contracts, so that they won't cause us any long term pain when (if) the wheel eventually turns. As I've said on these boards before, we have to pay someone, better to pay a good player overs than a whole lots of spuds an extra $20k each just to get up to the minimum TPP...
  22. I'm going to be honest and say I've never seen him play in Casey game, so take this with a grain of salt. My observation from afar is that any midfielder on the list who is not a complete spud would have picked up a game this year. The fact he didn't can't be about his age, because all our young draft picks played consistent games in the ones. If Magner can't get a consistent game and he is a spud tearing up the VFL, I just don't see how this guy will ever get one. Yell out if I'm off the mark, but I'm backing myself to be pretty close...
  23. Time has passed, sadly. I still wonder, every now and then, how on earth he managed to end up as our first ruck for so many years. I think Jeff White would probably still beat him one on one...
  24. Sooooo, guessing you never had a nickname in high school then?
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