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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. Was in total agreement with the commentators when they were asking why Watts was playing spare man in defence while we had it in our forward half for the best part of the last quarter. Have no idea what the coaches were thinking. And BTW, Watts must be signed. Smart footballer and salubrious kick.
  2. I missed it. Who did he sling and did it result in the player leaving the field? The MRP react to more to the effect than the actual cause.
  3. For me personally, my kicking's improved the most over the last 5 years of my career (35 - 40) accuracy wise but distance is falling away. I'm definitely of the opinion it can be improved with the right training and coaching. It's all in the mind as they say.
  4. Neeld effed up letting Petterd go because he didnt suit the flawed game plan/style. Petterd getting more game time than Nahas at the Tigers. Lol.
  5. If Trengove can no longer run fast, I suggest they bulk him up with another 6 KG of muscle and get him bullocking out of the clearances to help out Jones.
  6. We lack midfield grunt and from what I've watched of Wines he goes alright in that department. Granted that we also need players like Toumpas and considering we were assured of Viney it's logical that we chose Jimmy before Ollie. Still too early to call IMO but on the back of yesterdays game I feel a lot better than I did when Wines burst on to the scene at the beginning of the season.
  7. Like I said above, I don't disagree with Neelds general sentiments. I take umbrage with the way he's thought it would be somehow beneficial to Jack and the club to raise more scrutiny on the kid when he was obviously in need of support and private mentoring/coaching. FFS, Neeld had been at the club for all of two months and barely knew the kid but felt compelled to make these statements to the media to which they gladly took and used to add more salt to the wounds.
  8. Try this on for size. Maybe it'll fit that imaginary scapegoat. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/lift-your-game-melbourne-mark-neeld-tells-jack-watts/story-e6frf9jf-1226193140413 Neeld at his best shooting off at the mouth to the press and adding more pressure on the kid. I don't disagree with much of what Neeld would like Jack to aspir to but what gives him the right to carry on like this in the press? You just don't get it, do you?
  9. This is what I'm trying to explain, Crawf. Watts is behaving like a professional but his belief in himself has been hammered by how Neeld has managed him. I'm sure he'd love to be performing according to his pay and winning games. It's not as simple as you think.
  10. Maybe he is trying relative to how he feels about playing at the club.
  11. This is the crux of it Billy. Neeld has only just started to listen now after getting smashed in the opening games. Going along with your analogy, if you're top employees think the guy running the company is a total [censored] because of his autocratic ways and is not prepared to listen to their thoughts, it would be a simple decision to move on and make similar money in a more attractive environment. I said it in the Time to Go thread that Neeld just may be able to coach the game but the mistakes he's made and the damage he's done at an emotional level with the players is a massive variable. If he can't win these guys back over at a subconcious level then they will walk. I really do hope I'm proved wrong and Neeld turns it around but until that starts to happen we will be struggling to keep our better troops.
  12. Footy Classified. What a lame panel of commentators. Garry, GTF out of there. You're losing credibility sitting with those clowns.
  13. The Chaser boys would be comedy gold in this instance.
  14. Are you for [censored] real?Do you think they've afforded that to us?
  15. Have these articles been pulled by the AFL?
  16. Somehow I reckon Adrian Anderson would have a bit of a spring in his step today.
  17. The only thing that will beat this story so far is the total abolition of tanking allegations against the MFC. Until that happens, today is right up there...
  18. What's the worst that an happen here? We swap pick 13 for him and he turns out to be a dud in a few years time. Situation normal.
  19. Jamar was a rookie, not a number 4 pick. And look at what all those years of waiting brought us..
  20. Cavity search.. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/wa/13291046/not-again-ben/
  21. What smacks of ignorance is that many clubs feed there palyers caffeine pills during a game for the extra energy and the quick hit. Talk about a pre-cursor of things to come for those that are easily swayed.
  22. You've hit the nail on the head. Latest vison of Ben arrving back into Perth this morning shows him smiling away as if nothing is the matter. It's his way of dealing with it - complete denial. Just like that of an addict. Addiction clouds rational thought.
  23. No. He chose to take drugs some time back. I bet he's never said "hey, I'm going to be a drug addict."
  24. Bens brain has turned to mush. Ice does that. Don't expect any rational thoughts from Ben any time soon. Very unfortunate.
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