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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Playing in tight spaces on a proper (not in a converted indoor cricket netted stadium with a giant tennis ball that rebounds off the nets like a Queen's tennis court) indoor futsal stadium in a proper junior comp that feeds into a national comp would be a start L. It will never happen here though. No one has the vision or seemingly the political connections to get it funded and off the ground (nationally). There's plenty of basketball stadiums and comps around though!
  2. There's no serious junior feed in comp to instill the skills required and needed at the top level L Sth America and the top Euro juniors learn alot of their amazing ball comtrol, finishing skills and striking in their junior years playing indoor futsal before hitting the open field rough and tumble. All we have out here is the rough & tumble junk football pathways (in a skill / ball control sense) which can only take you so far.
  3. Port have lived up to their 'Pretenders' mantle again. They were very much 'torn apart'
  4. There's no national indoor (with proper stadiums) futsal comp to teach the juniors and young teens superb first touch ball comtrol and skills a la Sth America and Europe. We have not invested in the youngsters here which should be acting as feeder pathways into the open field under 18 comps. Our whole 'football' system here is a jokefest. Our first touch (inability to control / dribble) and lack of quality strikers has been a blight on the game for decades. But let's not build proper futsal stadiums and a serious futbol junior comp, better to spend millions on attempting to host a world cup that we may not even qualify for!
  5. Don't blame the player. Tim Lamb's selections since 2021 have been (in the main) absolutely shizen. I'd be getting rid of Lamb to start with before he destroys this list entirely. Richo has surely run his race also. New voices / ppl muchly needed. Time to put a broom through the FD. No point stopping at Stafford. Minor tweaks will just see us waste yet another year and go nowhere as a club. Most likely stagnate or go futher backwards, particularly on the membership fromt.
  6. McQualter and Dimma were, in most cases throughout their premiership reign, happy to give up first possession clearance and instead sweat / pressure their opponents off that first clearance attempt. Their aim wasn't to set up and win most of the first possi / then clear but instead look to get the ball back on turnover and chaos the ball forward into a fairly open forward line. They had the closing speed and white line pressure players to do the above through the middle. Beyond Rivers late in the season and some minutes from Koz, we didn't have much of that closing pressure capability as our core make up through the middle in 24. Very one paced and ploddy outside of those two. So i would then be wondering, is Mcq looking to bring similar mid field sweat and pressure tactics to our game, but without the cattle capable of playing that way to regain the ball on turnover and chaos i50? We also lost players that could play the usual Melb (win clearance) way with Clarry a fsir way off his best / finger issues, losing Gus from the get go and then losing Tracc (not that he's a huge clearance beast) half way.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/srfkEF42azmPYHbL/?mibextid=D5vuiz
  8. Very silky with the help of the burst and agility to escape and evade on top. Pretty rare. Great vision. Slick by hand and foot with a poise beyond his years. Just the frame but hopefully a few years in the system will fix. Wouldn't want him to gain too much either as he'll lose some of what makes him special. Bottom line, super slippery and silky with poise, vision and decent finish hand & foot. Ability to assess and change lanes! Our mids are mostly all ahead straight most of the time. Would need to make sure we don't coach that aspect out of him. He's a 360 mid with the above. Don't come along very often. Would be a VG addition and exactly what we are missing through the middle.
  9. The AFL rarely do things by accident NS. The idea was to make sure we didn't get him but instead went to their preferred franchise. Did we protesteth at tbe highest levels i wonder? The filth would have pushed for some form of compo and/or made sure this didn't happen surely?
  10. Yep, looks VG at ground level by hand. Kicking is not as mouth watering I'd have Smilie and Langford ahead at this point.
  11. Looks like he could be a gun. I'd certainly not.be dissapointed at all if we picked him up at 6
  12. The AFL media circus would be given clear (unwritten) instructions not to focus on the filth in a negative way or linger there for long at the least. Sure if there's a big story, any news is better than none, but the bottom line messaging would be 'don't create negativity for the sake of it'. The filth directive would be 'keep it mostly blue sky wherever possible' ... or else!
  13. I know you'te being somewhat flippant Flemo but anything's possible. The 'games' against Freo & the Eagles were all at a level that were unacceptable for this club and took us back to 2008 - 2014 type horror years. That one team (Freo... not even a solid finals contender) has been able to so easily pick us apart since Rnd 11 2022 (when we were on fire at the time), speaks volumes and was a reasonable basis of a blue print for all teams that followed. Simon should have seen that his general Melbourne way method at that point onwards, was now under threat of succumbing to teams that could similarly replicate Freo. Not being in the inner sanctum we will never know exactly what discussions took place during the exit interview, with other members of the FD and the leadership group / Max.etc. But part of it being about game style now mostly redundant would not surprise me at all.
  14. A great outcome for the club, Tracc and our amazing supporters. No doubt some changes will follow from this which is a good thing. We are still holding a core group of really great leaders throughout the FD and list. In particular our magnificent Captain Max. The shroud of darkness has just been lifted on the club. Stay true and believe fellow minions. Onwards and upwards we go!!
  15. Thank Lucifer that's settled. Time to hit the JD Single Barrel 100% proof!
  16. Couldn't have said it better Swooper. Ty. I hope Tracc gets to read this
  17. Superb Max ty. In such illustrious company now with 7. Very few can claim that mantle.
  18. Gotta love big Max. Always leading by example. Already down as one of the greatest Captains and produces one of his best years during a very trying season, to say the least.
  19. It would be great to see change but nothing will change while the bulk of clubs, including ours, continue to roll over, say nothing and happily stay on their gravy train. Morals, eithics and doing the right thing stopped being part of the culture within the VFL / AFL many decades ago. If you're in the circus and want to stay in the circus you can't be seen or heard to rock the boat. You'll just end up being punished and / or shown the door. Not many have the guts or gumption to rebel against this across the board. Some clubs do have more clout than others though. I was hoping we might become one of them but haven't seen any signs that we might so far. Although Kate and Co. did have one minor win in avoiding yet another trip down to Tax Payer Park for the first time in a long time this season (against the AFL's wishes). We were still punished though with a fairly tricky fixture including a number of 5 day breaks. The AFL is a harsh ring master unless you are on their preferred 'marquee clubs' list.
  20. He goes ok. Yes to handy depth player. Pretty good on the clearance & pressure side. I'd also consider trying to prize Shiel out of the Bombers if we can grab him on a 2 year deal for more depth. Shiel still has some wheels, a good tank and can hit the odd target coming inside unlike our present mids and is open to offers. The #brandpetracca fiasco won't help our cause in any such discussions right now though most likely but in many ways this also means we need to be more aggressive than usual given the cap space. Even if Tracc is held to his contract there's no g'tee he'll get back to Tracc of old in 25. Same with Clarry. Need to go super hard to correct the recent poor trades, as well as giving the team and our weary supporter base a new look and some hope coming into the pre-season.
  21. Doggies pls. 1. My best friend is a dog 2. I had the pleasure of meetimg the Bont and he is as genuine & humble a bloke as you'll ever meet. It was like talking to a next door neighbour yet he's a super star of the comp. No airs, graces or pretentious stuff here. What you see is what you get. 3. The Doggies have taken on a few of our boys in Harmes and ginger Baker. My next pick is GWS for Hogan & Bedford's sake. Still hurts losing both of em.
  22. No way. Laurie moves at snail pace and coughs the ball up quite a bit under little or no pressure. Laurie might be a good ordinary AFL player at some point. Reid is a fair way ahead even at this early stage.
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