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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I didn't find that movie offensive, it actually made me laugh, and I'm a woman. Was it in poor taste? Sure. Was it the most horrible, demeaning thing available freely on the net? Hell no (I'm sure most people here have seen the famous Jizz in my Pants clip, which is just as tasteless!) If I was a North supporter I'd be pretty [censored] off at the players not for making this silly movie, but for being stupid enough to have North Melbourne logos appearing in nearly every frame and then putting it on YouTube for all to see. It would have [censored] off the sponsors, and in general was an unnecessary distraction. Given that I couldn't care less about North Melbourne or the stupidity of their players, the overreaction to the whole situation had me wondering just how bored is the media?! Yes the video was rough, but if a guy is going to watch it and deduct from the video that mistreating women and running them over with a van is OK, then they are a lost cause anyway and are most likely [censored] already. Aker is 100% right in saying that there are plenty of dirty slappers out there who throw themselves at footballers in the most demeaning way, and they give football-loving women a bad name. It is much more upsetting to me as a women to know that there are girls out there silly enough to put themselves in harms way just for the sake of getting it on with a footballer.
  2. Agreed. At the moment we're not good enough to tank. We are ordinarily hopeless without even trying, and we should therefore just keep going the way we are with development of players and experimentation of player positions. Of course once we get to 4 wins (if that actually happens), I would be extremely disappointed if the club doesn't have both feet on the break paddle and goes into 'list management' mode. We need to get those priority picks, there is no doubt about it, but unlike some clubs that shall remain unnamed, we actually deserve those picks, because we are not good enough to win more than roughly 4 matches.
  3. We can, we can also play a donkey up forward too. Doesn't mean either will be any good at it. PJ is a proven failure as a forward. He can't take contested marks, his kicking is dodgy, and having him up forward is just going to clog up the space for Bate and Miller. I much rather play a small in there, e.g.- Maric. We do not need another goal post in the forward 50.
  4. I know it's a cliche to say about a player that they 'bleed for the club', but having had a bit to do with Robbo over the years, he really really does bleed for this club. He has always been realistic about his abilities and downfalls, and it would be a great shame for him to finish his career when we're on the bottom. Hopefully he can get through a couple more years, because he really is a great player who has always been a good contributer and given us many highlights over his career. Good luck with the rest of the recovery and I really cannot wait to see him back out there!
  5. Because if you are on the list, we can't [censored] about you on the Moderators Board
  6. The following is a list of Demonland's moderators: Demonland Fan Finks Hards Jaded Mickrocks1 Nasher QueenC Rhino Richards Rogue Whispering_Jack Wise Nobody outside of the above posters should be sending out any PMs in regards to forum rules or any other administration issues. To avoid falling into the stupid spam traps, make sure you check that the PM is not sent by any of the moderators, and if it isn't delete it. It is unlikely that a poster you have never heard of before, or interacted with before on the forum will send you a PM, so exercise caution and delete anything that may look suspicious. We'll try to resolve the issue as soon as we can. Thanks
  7. They're going to lose their three best players in the next year or two, and they'll struggle to replace Lloyd, Lucas and Fletcher. They are not ahead of us, they are just winning more games at the moment because their senior players [censored] all over ours. The difference is, when we lose our senior players, we won't be worse off (because by the time Bruce, Green, Robbo leave their replacements will be nicely developed), but when Essendon lose their senior players they'll go into serious after-shock. Fremantle is another club who is in real trouble.
  8. Great topic. It's more depressing coming to Demonland than watching us play at the moment. The improvement from last year is significant, especially when you consider that this year we're younger and much less experienced than we were last year. There are glimpses every week that we are capable of playing that quick running footy that Bailey wants us to, and defensively we are a hell of a lot better. Yes we've had disappointing second halves, but at no stage this year did we give up or stop running. We put up some truly disgusting performances last year where 10 minutes into the game you knew nobody out there cared, this year we are fighting it out, and to win our last quarter today may seem like a small comfort, but it's a huge victory to a young team away from home getting comprehensively beaten. The future is bright. It is a hell of a lot brighter than it was in the last 3 years, even if we did play finals in 2006. For the first time in a long long time we are rebuilding completely, getting a core group of young players developed simultaneously and attempting to achieve success in a really meaningful way. None of this pseudo top 8 rubbish where we make finals, and bomb out only to top our list up with crap, and start the process all over again. If we want a premiership, the only way to do it is to sit patiently and watch the boys develop. Most of what we need is already there, we just need to tweak things along the way and hope for luck with injuries (and get the top two picks!!!).
  9. I think it's important to point out that three of Tredrea's goals came when Warnock wasn't his direct opponent.
  10. If you do not see the tremendous connection between structure and players, I officially give up. For future reference though, please don't start another thread on this topic, let's just keep filling the existing ones with the same discussion. Thanks.
  11. I actually think we are a lot better placed than many teams, even though we are performing poorly at the moment. We're primed for another 2 or 3 top picks, we have one of the youngest lists in the competition, and we're in the midst of a rebuild which started before the compromised draft. There are teams out there with old lists, who will never win a flag with what they have at the moment, and who will take years to rebuild thanks to the introduction of two new teams that will take all the top picks. Teams placed anywhere from 6 to 11, who rely heavily on older players (Sydney, Brisbane, Richmond) are going to need a lot of luck with later picks if they are to be successful in the short-term future. We found ourselves a great time to suck, and thank god we've realised the need to rebuild mid-way through 2007, and made the required changes.
  12. I dare you to give this a rest... for at least a week... please. You don't like our forward set-up, we get it, surely we don't need a new thread every single week discussing it. Either bump up one of the other 975 threads you've started on this issue, or better yet, move on.
  13. Yep, because unlike Lade, the hero who picks on kids half his size, Morton was concentrating on the game and wanted to help out his teammates by winning the ball, not beating up his opponent. The amount of complete and utter tools who play for the PAFC is amazing. Carr, Cornes, Brogan, Tredrea, Lade and the list goes on and on. Hope Burgoyne gets done for that sly knee into Davey's back too. Dog act.
  14. Perfect, except Junior will play if he's fit. Aussie is not fit to play, and when he is it's likely he'll come back through the VFL to test out the hammy. Robbo needs at least another full game after missing 10 months of footy. None of Bruce, McLean or Miller will get dropped. I do wonder sometimes whether people just express their insane desires in these topics, or whether they ever happen to take reality into account
  15. Well I guess I'll have to concede defeat on the Bate issue. He is an extremely frustrating player IMO, he is absolutely hopeless below his knees, and too often gets pushed aside in a marking contest. Yes he worked very hard today, and his kicking is generally very good, but he never really influences a match, he just teases us with glimpses of good play.
  16. Because Martin is awesome and tore Ebert a new one? Just goes to show how quick Martin is for his size, that he can play on someone of Ebert's size.
  17. Jack just choked on his Milo and is asking for a trade as we speak <_<
  18. 6- Davey 5- Bruce 4- Morton 3- Rivers 2- Bennell 1- Frawley Encouragement votes to Martin (it would be too biased of me to give him 6 votes ), Miller (for working his butt off again) and Meesen (for not being as horrible as I thought he'd be! :D) Am I the only one who thought Bate was terrible? He's SO slow, and gets lost in the contest far too often. My dad describes him perfectly when he says "so close, yet so far away".
  19. We lost by 10 goals. Nobody from the MFC even came close to registering a BOG vote in the overall scheme of things. However, Davey was absolutely fantastic, and would get 3 Brownlow votes had we won. Port's best were P.Burgoyne, C. Cornes ([censored] of the highest order) and Tredrea (biggest [censored] of the lot). Brogan also tore us a new one. On the other hand, Chip Frawley did a very good job on Motlop (who tends to rip us apart), and BigHead Ebert had a very quiet game (I'm pretty sure Martin was on him for most of the game).
  20. Maybe afl.com are rewarding the Melbourne players who haven't touched the ball by giving them votes, because by logic, if you don't get a touch you can't stuff up
  21. In: Maric/Aussie/Grimes/Shannon Motlop Out: Sylvia /End thread
  22. When we play defensive, everyone cries that we're not playing to win. When we play one-on-one, everyone cries that we're playing loose. Bailey can't win it seems. Our pressure and tackling is generally good for about a half, but very young bodies tend to tire, especially in the heat, so obviously our pressure and tackling is going to drop off. People need to open their eyes and actually take stock of how inexperienced we actually are. Our ruckmen have 47 games experience between them, Port's have over 300. Half of Port's midfield is made up of premiership players, most of our midfield is yet to play 100 games. Our biggest strength is our backline, and yet Rivers is the most experienced player down there, and he's missed 2 years of football! Name a single coach who could take a list of under 21s and turn them into a top 8 team in one season. At least Bailey is experimenting, putting the onus back on the players to take games on and learn what it takes to become AFL players. There is a clear vision and a plan, and it will take time to implement, but at least we are working towards it in a systematic manner. Better than the last 5 years of the asbolute top-up rubbish we've seen under the previous coaching department.
  23. You know I'm not a Bruce fan, but the minute he got out of the backline he was very influential and had a great game. His disposal, for the first time in a long time, was spot on today. You can't expect anyone to take you seriously if you don't pay credit where it's due. Bruce was very good today, live with it. Davey BOG by an absolute mile, and it's this sort of game that we need him to play each and every week. He's more than capable, and IMO his problem is 95% above the shoulders. It was his 100th match, playing with all of his brothers/cousins/mates/sister's boyfriends and he stood up. In reality though, he should never need a reason to deliver, he should do it each week because he's good enough to do it. PJ has taken about 10 steps back from last year, and is now not only a completely horrible ruck, but also a total liability around the ground. Should say hello to Casey and please bring back The Spence. Meesen was actually fairly good in what was his 3rd AFL game. At least he gave a contest in the ruck. At the end of the day I'm happy we played until the last minute of the game. Last year's team would have come out and got absolutely smashed in the last quarter, so it's a credit to the young boys especially for keeping their head up and actually competing despite the game being dead and burried at half time. Overall it was one of the most positive performances we've had in Adelaide in a long time, which may sound crazy, but at least we didn't completely embarrass ourselves by lying down and playing dead. And at least Morton, Bennell and Martin give me serious hope for the future.
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