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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Oh the irony! :D Great job everyone and a brilliant result to get to 30,000 well before the cut-off date.
  2. How old do you feel as a Melbourne supporters! Creeps me out that half our list is younger than me. Makes stalking so much more illegal these days
  3. Came back last week after a broken thumb, and obviously suffered a concussion during the match. That boy cannot get a break... that doesn't involve bones. Hopefully he gets up this week and goes another round at Casey. If nothing else, it puts pressure on the players getting a game in the seniors, which is always a good thing. The 'Colin Garland- Indefinite' line makes me sick to my stomach every time I see it!
  4. Happy friggin Birthday to us. We really are like the poor red-headed step-son that nobody likes. Worst.Birthday.Ever!
  5. I'm sorry but were we the only team on the ground? Are we the team trying to make finals? Have we ever played that sort of uber-flooding, 18 man rolling zone crap? Yes the game was [censored], and boring as all hell, but we did not dictate the style of play for three quarters! When we finally switched on in the last, we kicked goals and the game came alive. It just took us too long to work out that Adelaide were not at all worried about providing any meaningful contest, and were content to choke up the game and walk away with an ordinary win against an ordinary side. Credit to us for actually trying to compete for 120 minutes and turning the game into some sort of a contest. I didn't watch Footy Classifieds, but did Gary say he turned off because Melbourne were playing terrible footy, or because the game itself was terrible? Adelaide have to take a lot of the blame for the ugliness of the match. So far this year, we have played in some highly entertaining (if not poorly skilled) games.
  6. That's what I tell my cousins, respectively 5 and 2 years old, they have no idea how much it sucks for them that I've forced them to be Melbourne supporters now (well the 2 year old get bribed with cheese for saying "Dees" ), but by the time both have an understanding of football, we'll be winning premierships left right and centre, and they'll be thanking me (and laughing at their dad who is a Hawks fan. Yuck!).
  7. Bailey was interviewed on Ch. 10 tonight and said that if Robbo gets through training on Thursday he will play. Thank god, someone who can both mark and kick goals simultaneously (well consecutively more so than simultaneously... that would just be freaky! )
  8. Well I'm not an editor, I'm a moderator, so I apologise if I ruined this Shakespearean masterpiece Obviously we don't need to keep adding to this thread forever, but there are like 5 Michael Newton threads on the first page alone, which is so very unnecessary. I did not combine the little psychological analysis thread into this one, because it really doesn't suit, but a recent thread talking about Newton pulling his finger out did not deserve its own thread. By the way, the content in this thread is about as dilute as it is ever going to get
  9. As I said, yes it makes it hard to follow but we cannot have so many threads going on about the same subject. It gets confusing and frankly very annoying. Posters should know better than to start new threads without so much as scrolling down the page to check if a topic is already being discussed. Anyone who was having a conversation with someone, will be able to find it again and carry on. Otherwise, I assure you that no real substance has been lost in the merging of threads (only 2 were merged btw) Edit: Watch and learn http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting :D
  10. Speaking of scum, I believe we should put our brains together and come up with the most appropriate calls to make against Judd prior to our Round 21 clash with Carlton. If there is one player who deserves to be treated like absolute [censored] when they play against us, it's him! :angry:
  11. What the hell? I watched the vision, blinked and missed this apparent "contact". Pathetic.
  12. Please Note: As with the Sylvia thread, I have merged the other various Newton threads into this one. Yes it makes this a massive topic to browse through, but it beats having to rename Demonland "The Michael Newton Circus". Cheers
  13. You're right, and I was just pulling out some ridiculous figure to illustrate my point. They've won something like 46 out of 49 games, or something like that though, haven't they? The point is, they are beyond amazing and every single team in the competition has been beaten by them in the past 2 years, including premiership teams. We're on the bottom and we will lose. Hopefully we play well in the losing process.
  14. I found the opening post extremely interesting, and a view which we have never had before into players' psychology. Shame that the rest of the posts were completely and utterly irrelevant!
  15. When have I rideculed the club? Geelong have lost 3 games in 3 years and I would guess that most supporters go into Geelong games expecting to lose. Which is not the same as going into a game expecting to play poorly. I expect us to work hard but I know that Geelong is a 10-15 goals better side than us. They won't be forever though There is a massive difference between being realistic and being negative. But as you said, you barely read the forums these days, so it's a shame you chose to pick on this thread when you do. Go read my thread about the backline if you crave positivity. By the way, I don't think that you are any less "pessimistic" about Sunday's outcome.
  16. Are you comparing going out to a restaurant with going to watch your team play football?? That's like comparing being sick with a cold and choosing to miss a movie or choosing to miss an exam (except even Melbourne playing football is not as bad as exams )
  17. Oh please, I started this thread as a bit of fun. Given all the bloody complaining on this site about everything (which I happily take part in mind you), isn't it nice to sometimes just have a bit of fun? Footy is afterall about entertainment, is it not? Of course I'll be there on Sunday cheering us on, and I hope the players have every belief in themselves that they can give Geelong a run for their money. But come on, we are no chance of winning, and realistically we will all be there on Sunday just looking for signs of improvement as opposed to an end result that spells victory. So all you gentlemen guarding the moral high ground, I suggest you step down. Being realistic and being defeatists are two very different things. By the way, I don't think that I have ever shown anything but complete passion and support for this club, so I don't understand how anyone could possibly see this thread as tasteless, or defeatist or as attacking our club.
  18. Wow. Just wow. That has to be the stupidest thing I have ever read on Demonland... and I have read a lot of crap written by Yze_Magic. Amazing.
  19. I think we haven't missed Garland because we haven't played a team yet who has really good quality medium forwards (Nathan Brown is now average at best). I think this week, Steve Johnson is going to give us some problems. Although, if Frawley continue to nullify those types of players, then Garland may well end up playing as a forward. However, you underestimate the importance of Garland structurally. For one, Garland playing in defence gives us the option of playing Rivers as a true "quarterback" (for a lack of better description), and he and Garland can both alternate. That means we have one more player who can actually use the ball and drive us forward, which of course allows Davey to play further up the field. Amazing how one player can cause such a massive chain reaction. Alternatively, Martin could be the man to take that spare KP forward spot. He is a better contested mark, but Garland has better disposal.
  20. It's not even enough to be considered capable... or a forward... or an AFL player come to think of it. Putting aside his terrible performance in front of goal, he does absolutely nothing else too. Lets stop concentrating on how bad he is when the ball is in his hands, and talk about how terrible he is when the ball is not in his hands. Mind you, Bate isn't far off the mark either, but at least Bate can run all day. Didn't Newton confess to running out of gas in the last quarter last week?? He ran about 2meters FFS!
  21. At least you weren't moved to jump the fence and kick him in the head, which was my primary thought process last night (it's all about killing two birds with one stone; getting kicked out of the G' thereby not having to watch the game and of course inflicting the same pain on Newton as he inflicts on us).
  22. Can we not turn up and just say we did? The result is the same, we lose the 4 points, but at least we don't have to suffer. I guess we'll either put up a good fight for 3 quarters and they'll run all over us in the last, or it'll be on for young and old from the first bounce. To be fair, they really should rest Ablett, Selwood and Johnson this week... I hear they are all suffering from the debilitating Wintoomuch condition
  23. If Bock can be a tough man and hit a woman, he should also be tough enough to cope with the booing... which he did very well yesterday while racking up a million possessions While I didn't boo because frankly I just don't care to indulge the behaviour of moronic footballers, it seems to me like it is more appropriate to boo someone who hit a woman, than to boo someone who wanted to return home 5 years ago. I honestly can't believe people are still giving Scott Thompson [censored]. Get over it people!
  24. Football is a winter sport, and the majority of the MCG is undercover anyway. Seriously, I know we haven't had a real winter in about 5 years, but when did people get so soft? It's just rain/wind. Players are on the ground in shorts and a singlet, and not a single one of them has dropped dead yet (although I'm sure we wish some would ). People with young kids and the like may have rightfully chosen to stay home, which is fair enough. But what about those who could have come on their own, who didn't have anything better to do on such a cold, windy Sunday night, and instead of turning up chose to stay at home and watch the game on Foxtel? I think most of us are talking about those types of fans who only ever turn up when the circumstances suit them completely. When you think about being in a relationship (and I would say that most paid-up members are in a 'relationship' with the MFC), it's about give and take. We are not always going to win, we are not always going to play when it's warm, sunny or when the calendar says Saturday, so the club cannot financially rely on supporters who only turn up when we do. If supporters don't feel that they should sacrifice just a bit of comfort in order to cheer the team on, it's a real shame, especially given that we have a young team that is working extremely hard (watching our senior players cruise around in 07/08 was a lot harder than watching our kids turn the ball over IMO) and would definitely enjoy the support of the crowd... particularly when we play an interstate side. Remember the days when the G' was our fortress? It had as much to do with the support the boys had on that ground, than anything else. Maybe I'm a sucker for pain, and I'm not suggesting that everyone does stupid [censored] like I do and go to games while extremely sick or on crutches, but I can't imagine missing a game of footy because it's cold or wet. Big deal.
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