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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. It's very easy for people to say 'lets close schools', but the reality is our healthcare system and our economy are both under great duress. Some of us don't have the luxury of working from home, and we have small businesses which employ people. If the kids don't go to school, we have two options, close our business (so 6 people lose their livelihood, including ourselves), or have their 70 year old grandparents look after them. This is just us, but what about nurses? doctors? people working in food production? pharmaceuticals? If you close schools now, you are looking at prolonged closures, job losses, a greater hit to our economy and increased pressure on our already struggling health care system. Kids are the least vulnerable to this disease, and while there is a risk of infection within families, and while I applaud teachers for risking their own health, right now, this is the best option for the greater good. Schools are being extra cautious and have cancelled all incursions, excursions, assemblies etc. Everyone is doing their best in what is a very difficult time. The less armchair experts get involved, and sprout unnecessary fear and panic, the better. P.S.- if you can, please support small businesses during this time. A lot won't survive this otherwise.
  2. Carlton still suck. Richmond still excellent. We are having a social distancing party and watching with friends over video chat.
  3. No Jones (first time since when??) No Salem Worried about Salem.
  4. I’m confused. Is this a rhetorical question? Because I would hate for us to win anything. Please stay mediocre and irrelevant forever.
  5. We will 100% win a flag... that none of us can watch
  6. But good if they push multiple games in a short period of time
  7. Yep... we still suck Bring it on! Jesus we need something to do while the world shuts down.
  8. How hard is it to make a call FFS?
  9. First I couldn’t get toilet paper. Then popcorn. Now they’re taking footy away from me. What’s next? No wine?!
  10. Surely playing in front of no crowds is better than not playing at all, when you are looking at players who have trained for months and who are after match payments. The risk is minimal so long as players are forced into social isolation during the week (contact with immediate family only such as spouse, kids). And as long as we continue to test players and quarantine those who are unwell. I just don't see the point of cancelling the season.
  11. While I feel for the players, spare a thought to those of us running small businesses with employees and small children to look after. The stress is real. A 20 year old making $100k a season is not going to go hungry.
  12. It's been a weird year. I'll always remember 2020 as the year I got married and then couldn't get toilet paper or go on a honeymoon ? I'll take any success. Even if it's being the last remaining club not to contract Corona Virus.
  13. Financially this could ruin us. I just don't know how a club like ours is meant to cope with the season being suspended or cancelled. Surely our board will go to the AFL for a handout!
  14. Going to the supermarket today sure ruined my post-wedding bubble. Jesus people are insane. How much do people think they’ll eat if they get quarantined for 2 weeks?! The financial impact to the clubs, especially small clubs like ours, is really concerning. Surely the AFL has to compensate clubs for loss of gate receipts. I would hate to miss those Anzac and Queens birthday home games and then miss out again next year.
  15. You would have to be a real [censored] to call the club and abuse their membership department and demand refunds right now. This is not within their control and a club like ours can ill afford cancelled memberships on top of losing home game attendances. The biggest shame is our performance last year probably means lots of supporters were waiting to see how we perform in the first few rounds before deciding to renew this year.
  16. Massive chance to win this round 1 game now. #thankscorona
  17. Consistent goal kickers. I believe on GF day even teams without a strong forward can win, but to get to the GF without one, is very hard.
  18. Jesus we have 12 cases in Victoria. TWELVE in 5 million. The hysteria is ridiculous. Apparently schools are likely to be shut down from next week... you think Corona is bad, just wait until parents can’t send their devil children to school or go to work themselves. Welcome to the end of the world!
  19. Glandular fever is pretty serious. Not good.
  20. I reckon the worst part about this virus is being put in lockdown if you have small children. Forget stocking up on toilet paper, I’m going to go stock up on copious amounts of wine.
  21. If you’ve survived being a Melbourne supporter all these years, you’ll survive Corona virus. Covid-19 has nothing on MFCSS
  22. Yep because when the shelves are empty day after day, when you see something you just grab it. I’m asking everyone to bring me toilet paper as wedding presents. Forget the cash people. I need toilet paper!
  23. You know if any club has to pull the pin on the season due to a widespread corona virus outbreak it’ll be Melbourne #mfcss
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