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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Any idea why they’re not wearing proper training gear? Not important but just curious. They do all look homeless. It’s odd.
  2. Look isolation has been tough on everyone. I literally went from the glam of my wedding day, to trackies and regrowth in the space of 2 weeks. I assume track watchers aren't allowed? Or is someone game to try and hide behind a bush and send a report through?
  3. Stef Martin for me is a regrettable trade. We didn't get a whole lot for him, and we have been struggling to get a decent backup ruck since. Jeremy Howe can eat a bag. We wanted to keep him after plucking him from obscurity. He wanted big cash, and then went chasing Buckley like a little puppy. He had zero loyalty to us.
  4. Anyone around his age who went out in Melbourne CBD when McLean was both at Melbourne and Carlton, could tell you that he wasn't an angel. I used to see him out quite often while I was out with my friends. He was always off his face, but friendly and happy to chat. You definitely wouldn't guess he was battling depression or an eating disorder behind closed doors, but I suppose this is why people use drugs and alcohol. It helps to mask the things we rather not talk about. The biggest tragedy here is that we got pick bloody 9 for him (a steal!) and then immediately proceeded to [censored] it up.
  5. What an utter ****show our club was. Toxic environment under Neeld is an understatement.
  6. I can't thank you enough for the work you do as a nurse. It sucks that you have to endanger yourself everyday for the benefit of everyone else. I think what players are saying is that they never signed up for being away for 20 weeks from their family. Unfortunately as a nurse you do sign up for the position of putting yourself at risk for the good of others. It's why nurses are so selfless. They have sacrificed their wages, and many of them have lost their job security (rookies, players on match payments and bonuses, players on the fringe, older players close to retirement etc). While I don't feel for them like I feel for you guys who are in the medical profession, or supermarket workers and those who are out of a job completely, I do understand completely their worries and their reservations. At the end of the day they are all people just like us, with families, mortgages, and so on. They are worried and feel like if the AFL goes into a hub situation they would be left with little choice but to comply or lose their livelihood. It's not a great situation and one I don't think they are fairly being thrown into.
  7. So if your work said to you that you need to leave your family for up to 20 weeks so you can continue to work, you'd say yes? I mean that's cool if you would, but there are lots of players with young kids, partners who also work, players who are expecting new babies and so forth. I am sure most of the single players would be fine to do it, but when you have a family your decision making can't just revolve around you. You want to tell Jack Viney he won't be there to meet his newborn? Coz I sure as [censored] don't! They have handed back some of their pay, but they still are required to train every day and follow their strict regime so they are ready to resume work at the drop of a hat. Unlike everyone else who is unable to work right now, they aren't eligible for jobseeker, they can't sit on the couch and drink and get fat. They have contracts, they live within the means of their contracts, and now these circumstances have thrown their life into chaos. They are not different to anyone else, but nobody else is being told to pack up their life and leave their family behind so they can keep their job. The hub idea is ridiculous anyway, because there are plenty of people involved who aren't even full time employees, who would be expected to leave their day job to be in this hub (umpires, physios, runners, volunteers etc). Is the AFL prepared to pay to match their wage? Best to wait until the state governments are happy to allow the clubs to charter flights on a fly in - fly out basis, and until we have enough testing kits available to the whole community to ensure we are able to test all players regularly. Then we may be able to have some sort of season.
  8. The AFL is exploring options with the ATO for club members to get tax refunds on their memberships. Interesting concept. https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/tax-refunds-for-afl-club-members-reportedly-on-the-cards/news-story/da44934ee3a5de34b906eb560844b9c4
  9. Great letter and nice to get some more personal communication from the club, in a time where we all feel greatly disconnected.
  10. Great, I'm so looking forward to a day off from sitting inside my house
  11. Nothing about 2020 makes sense. Someone ate a bat in China and now I can’t watch football.
  12. Terribly tragic. Hope they’re both found alive and well.
  13. That's wonderful to hear. The world is in a bad state. To lose our footy club on top of everything else we've already lost and will lose, would be devastating.
  14. Yeah I tend to agree, while I LOVE my club and want it to survive more than anything, people are fighting for their livelihood. To ask us for money right now would just be plain rude.
  15. 10 days ago I got married and it was the best day of my life. Today my husband and I were making decisions on if, and how, we can keep our business going and our employees (and ourselves) in work. It has been a truly awful few days and sadly I think things are going to get much worse before they get better. To have lost the escapism of footy on top of it all is just a final kick in the guts. I hope everyone here is doing the right thing, distancing as much as possible, staying safe, looking after themselves and their families. When this week is over and there is no footy on, do something for yourself. Go sit under a tree. Read. Drink. Have a bath. Do anything that for a minute makes you remember what it’s like to live in a normal world. This too shall pass and hopefully the world comes out of this having learnt a lot and made some serious changes to way we all live. At least our environment is finally benefiting for all of us sitting indoors for a bit. This is mother nature’s holiday.
  16. I want to be angry and annoyed about this game, but in the grand scheme of things it’s so insignificant. I have nothing left in the tank to allocate the MFC right now. In many ways I’m happy this season is on hold.
  17. Who’s job is it to select and then coach the players so they are ready to play, if not the coaches? I am unsure what the job of the coach actually is if not to ensure the players come to play
  18. Goodwin is the only person who’s job is safer due to Corona Virus.
  19. Langdon has also been wonderful. The rest to the tip.
  20. Goodwin is the only person who’s job is safer because of Covid 19
  21. Sheed has had no opponent all day either.
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