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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I've deleted all the rubbish posts on this thread. Take a hint guys!
  2. Most embarrassing sign I saw today... "Didak is my hero". Dear god!
  3. The sign of a player who believes he is bigger than the club. He has talent, nobody is doubting that, but he plays for himself.
  4. We MUST get the first pick. If you don't finish first, you may as well finish last.
  5. I've always wanted him to play in the midfield, and I believe that's the position he was drafted for. He is really really struggling, especially with his disposal under pressure and he needs time back at Sandy. Maybe he can get some game time in the midfield with Sandy, and return to replace Moloney in a few weeks?
  6. Yze_Magic, get your damn hand off it. How can you give Sylvia more votes than McLean and Garland? He kicked 3 goals, and missed 2 seaters. Big deal. Yes he was good but if it wasn't for McLean's 9 clearances Sylvia wouldn't have got a single possession. McLean, Garland and Warnock were the standouts today. Colin Garland is awesome!
  7. From where I was sitting it felt as though the crowd was split 50-50. Melbourne supporters certainly turned up. Not a chance this [censored] is going to take the game off us because we fell 400 short of 60,000.
  8. Ch.10 said Moloney had a wrist injury. Rivers looked to have re-injured his hip. Would someone please give him a break!!!
  9. Very strange that Nathan Brown didn't make the team, but some other ordinary players did. In all my time watching the MFC, few players have shown as much passion or dedication as Brown has. He is really someone who embodies what football, and indeed our club, is all about. Very surprised he didn't make it but someone like TJ did.
  10. I want this club to be successful and to grow as much as any of you, and I respect Jimmy's contribution to both our club and the community, but I am terrified that we are losing a business-savvy president for someone who has little understanding of how a multi-million dollar organisation needs to be run. I will support whoever is in charge of this club, but this might not end up being the fairytale that some people are hoping for.
  11. That is gold! The three evils of the world Sounds like it was a fantastic night. It's great every once in a while just to reflect on the fact that our club has created an Australian tradition that is now an integral part for so many Australians' lives.
  12. Bell might be struggling for form, but Bell has NEVER shown anything but 100% commitment. And if Yze, Bruce and White are getting a game this week, Bell is not the only lucky one.
  13. Don't tell me Colin Sylvia has taken out an AVO against Yze_Magic....
  14. Fair enough. In 2 years Rivers has been mostly injured, and Davey mostly disappointing (recent form aside). I still would rather keep them both ahead of Sylvia or Green. Sylvia has done nothing and Green won't be around in 5-7 years time. Our window to trade him is running out. Rivers is still young and trading him could be an option in one or two years as well, especially if we're traveling well and we are desperate for an early pick (Sylvia may not be at the club in 2 years the way he's traveling). We'll have 3 picks inside the top 20 as it is, another one would be great but not completely crucial. There is absolutely no guarantee that a top 10 pick will yield the superstar you crave for. At least I know that Rivers will be, at the very least, serviceable for the next 10 years. I would also love to try him as a forward before we decide to put him on the market. If a club offered us a top 10 pick for Rivers then it would be irresponsible for us not to look at a trade. Anything outside the top 10 is not really worth the risk IMO, especially if we could get a top 20 pick for trading less valuable players. Again, this all comes down to which clubs end up with early picks, whether any of them are willing to even contemplate parting with it and what we think we can get with another top 10 pick. Put it this way, if the shoe was on the other foot I wouldn't want my club trading away a top 10 pick for someone who has OP and is apperantly slow (although I completely disagree that this is a weakness of his). At the moment I believe that Rivers is more valuable to our club than to other clubs, as opposed to someone like Travis Johnstone who was never going to do anything while at the MFC. Maybe the same is true for Sylvia too.
  15. Is Davey an A Grade footballer, even though he's done nothing in finals yet? I would rather offload a young player such as Sylvia or Bell or Dunn or even Green and combine that with a pick in the 30's and see if anyone will give us pick 19/20/21/22 for that. Maybe they won't, maybe they will. But if Brisbane were willing to give pick 14 for a 27 year old, lazy, underachieving, injury-prone Travis Johnstone, why can't we get a top 20 pick for Green? or for Jones? Our list management of previous years has been deplorable and has got us to a stage where our senior players are worth nothing. 2 years ago we would have easily got a top 20 pick for Bruce. Yze too perhaps. Now the only players worth anything are those we are not willing to part with. It's a very difficult thing, deciding what would be more benefitial to the club in the long term, trading an established player for a speculative draft pick, or holding on to the few players you have who you know can cut it at senior level. It's also hard to sit on your hands and do nothing when you're sitting pretty on the bottom of the ladder. But I look at clubs like Collingwood, who rarely trade away their core group (Tarrant aside), and just use whatever picks they have and develop them. And they always seem to be thereabouts. I'm sure Geelong was tempted in 06 to trade quite a few of their players, including Mooney and Johnson. They didn't and it payed off. I certainly don't envy our coach or the football department. Deciding who to keep is going to be almost as hard as deciding who to throw out. Any chance a stupid club like Freo will give us a first round pick for Michael "MOTY" Newton?
  16. I never advocated trading Rivers or Davey. I was just asking those who believe it will take us 7 years to be a realistic chance at a flag, why we should keep Davey and trade Rivers (both around the same age, both extremely important to our structure). If the club is planning for a flag in 2015, then we can trade a number of players who will be in their late 20's or early 30's by the time we're ready to challenge, and who will most likely not be getting a game or influencing the results of a match by then. We could probably trade McLean who definitely won't be any faster in 7 years too. Thankfully I doubt very much that the club plans to be unsuccessful for another 7 years. It might take us that long to win a premiership, but it is certainly realistic for us to play finals in 2010 and when you're playing finals you want the likes of Davey, Rivers and McLean by your side because anything can happen in September. And while I completely support the need to get another first round pick, it cannot be done at the expense of some of our most important players structurally (it's not as if we are blessed with smart defenders), because odds are, whoever we pick up could very well end up another Luke Molan and then we traded a valuable commodity for a dud. Besides, I think it's too dangerous to plan so far into the future in AFL, because honestly you just never ever know what will happen. Of course you have to keep topping up your list with talent, especially when you are on the bottom of the ladder, but whatever talent you acquire should compliment the talent you already have, not be at the expense of it. Rivers is one of the few footballers in our club who has both a football brain and beautiful disposal.
  17. Well Davey and Rivers are around the same age, but you don't think Rivers will be a contributing member of our side in 7 years, so why would Davey? A couple more bad hamstrings, or heaven forbid a knee reconstruction and his best attribute will be gone. He won't be running them down from behind in 7 years.
  18. So Davey will still be a vital part of the team in 7 years when we're ready to challenge for the flag?
  19. No Newton... the mystery continues.
  20. At least Jamar makes a physical contest in the middle. That's more than we can say for either White or Yze. Either way, he is named in the squad, so we'll see what happens.
  21. Amen Rhino, amen. Give a kid the opportunity to experience the great atmosphere of the day and stop rewarding senior players who are not pulling their weight just because of their past glories. That goes for Bruce too. His disposal and decision making are now a liability. The minute our kids start carrying our senior players, you just know something is wrong. I rather see Jamar drop 10 sitters, than Yze toe-poking his way through yet another game.
  22. Just because a player is surplus at one club, doesn't mean they are not good enough to become a core player at another club. Still, I agree that we probably wouldn't get a top 15 (or top 20) pick for Jones. So you ask which player would get us a first round pick? I would say Davey, McLean, Rivers, probably Morton (not that he could even be traded) and Bate are the only players we may get a top 15 pick for. However if the draft is as good as everyone says, we might struggle to get a top 20 pick for anyone. The thing is, you have to look at which teams are on the verge, or around the mark, and what they are looking for. Davey would be happily welcomed at Geelong and Sydney. The Dogs will probably love McLean to replace West and Bate as a tall forward target. Who would realistically give us a top 20 pick for Rivers? Probably Adelaide, except they will not part with their first round pick, and their second round pick will be a late one given they'll finish in the 8 or maybe even in the top 4. At the end of the day it all comes down to perceived value versus actual value. I still can't believe we got pick 14 for TJ, but I'm filthy that we gave Thompson away for pick 12 (although we weren't in a bargaining position on that one). If we get a top 30 pick for Bruce I'd be over the moon, but anything higher than pick 10 for Rivers would be criminal and I just can't see any club parting with a top 10 pick for a player that has struggled with injury for over a year now. We need to look at other avenues, perhaps trading a mid-aged player (Green?) plus our second round pick might get us a top 15 pick? I mean the Lions were crazy enough to give us pick 14 for a lazy, injury-prone, mid-age player. Green is a lot more stable, more versatile and less of a tool.
  23. I want to see a premiership before I go overseas to work dammit! But seriously, Port had a really quick mini-rebuild and they played in a GF last year. Brisbane, god knows how, but they are slowly coming back. We could easily be playing finals in 2 years, and when you play finals, anything can happen. Fine ok, I'm delusional.
  24. I completely agree with that, and some people are delusional if they think that we'll get a top 10 pick if we trade Sylvia or Bruce. However, I think we need to look at trading our surplus. I love Jones, he's great, but if we lose him we still have McLean, Moloney, Valenti and maybe even Grimes. So assuming we use his pick on a dud, the net loss won't be too great. Question is, can we get a top 15 pick for Jones? At the end of the day we have to be smart about which young player we choose to trade because our perception of how long it will take us to rebuild and be in premiership contention could prove to be wrong. We could be in contention within 2 years, or it could take us 8 or 10 years. If it's going to take us 10 years, we can easily trade away Rivers, McLean, Davey and so on because they won't be around to witness a flag anyways. However if we manage to perform a much quicker turnaround (and in reality we've started our rebuild at the end of last year), than trading away a player whos qualities are unique, could really hurt us. That's why trading someone like Rivers really does scare me because you just never know where you'll be in a year or two.
  25. Bell very much remains one of my favourite players, however I am not completely blinded by my love for him and nobody comes ahead of the MFC. If we can get a good draft pick for him, then I think it would be to our benefit to take the deal. Bell will be a serviceable player for us, and if he stays I'll be thrilled, but I'd be even more thrilled if we got a good pick for him and used that pick to get a key forward or a pacey midfielder, which right now we are desperately in need of (more so than a player who carries Bell's attributes). Robbo has been my favourite player for 10 years, but had we traded him last year for a good deal I would have accepted that and moved on. Not because I'd enjoy watching Robbo in a different jumper, but because at the end of the day the club has to do whatever it can to move the list forward. Bell could be an integral part of a premiership team, and his form last year showed that he is capable of being a very good player, but at the same time he is not irreplaceable and his form right now does not justify putting him on the 'untouchable' list. When you're on the bottom of the ladder with 1 win and a miserable percentage, you really need to drop the sentiments and have a good hard look at who is dispensable and which player offers a market value that is equal to or greater than the value they provide to the team.
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