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Everything posted by ex52k2

  1. Went to casey council this morning enquiring about the tickets. You can only obtain the tickets online at Casey council website, click on EVENTS and follow the directions. These go on line and they put you on the list for entry. They are online from tomorrow {9-11}and you need to be double Vax to get in. They are free.
  2. Question, how many times have you watched the GF replay? I cant get enough of it. After the GF I stood out side on the front lawn yelling as loud as I could for the mighty DEES, all the while crying. I think all of Pakenham heard me.
  3. State gov phase two wont be announced until mid next year.[my opinion] State election November next year, so hold it till then to announce it . Bribe the people and hope they forget the 801 deaths.
  4. Just got my 2 tickets for Sat game. Had to go through ticketec, they are hopeless. No seats were av anywhere, and we have reserved seating M52. Rang the club ,finally got through, they said they were still on 25% cap. They went away and finally got us seats in M16 . Ticketec and the AFL couldnt run a brothel in an army camp on pay night, they would lose money.
  5. For all those people saying just train to Richmond and watch training at Goschs. After the new train underground goes in no trains from the SE suburbs will go through Richmond. None, no Pakenham or Cranbourne trains through Richmond. I still cant figure out how all the people on Anzac eve game going to the SE will get on the Frankston train.
  6. Compare this to the MAY strike. May broken eye socket and concussion from a Hawkins errant elbow and May dosnt even get a free kick. Thats right folks, its play on.
  7. After having problems with TICKETEC for rd1 and todays article by Nth Melb official on members embrassing technogly for games admissions. How do we as a club enable long time members get into games if they dont own a smart phone or computer. As a club we owe it to members who have paid for decades, supporting the club through thick and mainly thin to watch their DEES. Please dont label these fellow members, Luddites or tell them to pay many hundreds of dollars for a smart phone. They cant phone the club as the club is just overloaded with calls and you cant get through. If they cant get to the games they will just cease being members and we need everybody on board. HOW DO WE HELP THESE MELBOURNE SUPPORTERS.
  8. Can anyone please help this techo dill. On line trying to download tickets for sat game. We are members eligable to receive tickets after 1500 today. Going through emails sent to us and connecting to ticketek allows us to download the 2 tickets for this saturday, on line. We did this and the two pages came up and were saved. On printing the 2 pages the bar code ,black and white square, didnt appear on the printed pages, Now if it dosnt appear but the little numbers beneath the code appear can I present these pages to enter the ground? I dont own a mobile phone.
  9. I have them all but the 87,94 and 2000 are all name a game the rest are all from the TV. I cant transfer them but let me know if you have any ideas.
  10. In the past we have seen the man on the mark starting to run in to the mark and jump to make it harder to kick a long goal. If a kicking player is on his kicking range a tall defender runs from behind the mark and jumps thus making the kicker kick higher. No more, if a defender jumps it now must be vertical and he must land in exactly the same spot. If he lands only close call the ball back and award a 50m penalty. The risk is just too great , no more jumping guarding the mark.
  11. Both my wife and I will be going (if allowed), we are 70 and we trust the science. The science of maths, at present you have a much higher chance of drowning than dying of covid 19. If you dont go when you can, how do you know if you will be able with all these rule changes. Take what you can because....... I cant say the rest as it would be deemed personal politics.
  12. Simple solution for 2021 draw. Just make it the same as the real 2020 draw, we just skipped a year. So we would play the eagles in RD1 in Perth and proceed from there. So the QB and Anzac games would be ours. Simple really.
  13. Lets do something of an exercise, lets look at the season so far. No media person seems to be. This is the most pure draw we have seen, play each team once. We started out playing WC in Perth after being told that the season could be over, a hard way to start. The eagles in Perth. As of now we have played one game less than everybody except druggies. We have only played in our HOME STATE twice, which is also less than everybody else We have played 5 of the top 6 teams. We have only played 2 of the bottom 7 teams, Haw and Carl and we beat them both. We have just played the top 2 teams in 4 days, nobody else has. We got pansed by the ladder leader after a 4 day break. The effort was horrible, the skills nonexistant. The next 2 games not weeks anymore will tell us where we stand.
  14. SWYL I have the papers as I saved MFC papers. It makes interesting reading all these years latter. When we get back to playing with crowds I will photostat them and you can pick them up at the game. I sit in 52K2.
  15. Again with the merger. Facts. ' The club is debt free, and at the end of this year will have net liquid assets of $1,300,000" SIGNED W E BALCAM Finance Director MFC . Briefing Paper - Finance: Blue paper supplied by the MFC to members. We've made profits of about $600,000 over the past two years and we will make a profit again this year. This club has no debt, it does not operate on an overdraft like a lot of other clubs and it does not have a CASH FLOW PROBLEM._ Ian Ridley, The Age 5.6.96. The new club would need a salary cap of $5 million if it was to take the best players from both sides, according to club sources.- Daryl Timms, The Herald Sun Salary cap 1996 #2.5 million in 1996. Blue Paper Finance_ MFC. AFL would allow an extra sum to the Melbourne Hawks 1997 $300,000 1998 $200,000 1999 $100,000.- Explanatory Notes MFC handout, four page white document. Also for all of you who think the Hawks would be submerged by the MFC please read the above white document concerning, Board Of Directors Of Melbourne Hawks. 7 existing directors of HFC. 5 existing directors of MFC. 2 Directors nominated by MCC. AN INDEPENDENT CHAIRMAN NOMINATED BY THE MCC AND APPROVED BY THE HFC. The Mfc had no say in the chairman of their club. All board members had full voting rights. Hfc veto until they get who they want. Hawthorns dire financial position has been estimated to be as high as $2.7 million. Significant additional debts to be incurred will include the costs of the expensive merger campaign, player and staff redundancies, the $30 merchandise gift, free junior ticket promotion and new corporate imagery and signage for the proposed new entity........The Demon Alternative. As you can guess I voted NO and I wont even get into the ILLEGAL Blue Proxy Form. All of the above documents will be available for looking at before the next home game with crowds at seat 52k2. GO DEMONS not hawks.
  16. If you want the 2018 finals dvd a shop at caribbean gardens sells it. I got the geel and haw games for $5 ea. His shop is in the main entrance turn right after the vegs and it is down about 10 shops.
  17. I asked the membership tent on the family day what was the 2020 total to date. They said the total before the family day it was 33000 approx.
  18. If we are going to do this proposed new venue lets do this big and right. We are fixated with training near the G, so how about this. Involve many stakeholders, spread the money spread the load. The club had a good idea concerning covering Jolimont rail line, but alas the toffs didnt like it. So right idea wrong location. With assistance and money from the following, MCC, state gov, Melb city council tennis Australia and the federal gov. cover in the rail lines from Richmond station to the Russel street extension. Metro can redevelop Richmond station with walks at station height alongside Brutton Av to the over rail line crossover near the AFL members gate. The covering can start as close to the station as possible. Office spaces and gyms etc can be built in this area. MFC can build a new shop at the junction of the station walkway and the tennis crossover near the AFL entrance prime location. The other interested parties can be lobbied for funds for a number of reasons, our womens team would play on the new oval, thats good for many millions from everybody, covering in the tracks has been mentioned for ever. Good project, state and fed. Houses and shops can be built along the nth. side near Spring St. The oval can be built East-West as close to the G as possible, full size.
  19. Why are we staring at a massive loss this year? Everybody on here says so I guess it must be correct. On what basis are you making that statement? We will have made a MASSIVE increase in inwards money owing to in excess of 6000 new members[ record]. As the break even figure at the G is 20000 people, over that figure approx. $10 to us a person. Each and every game we had over 20000 people, so we received a cheque for each and every home game at the G. Whilst we proberbly budgeted for more we still didn't lose money. MY source for the figures was on a walk to the G a couple of years ago I asked Cameron Schwab, he told me the rule of thumb way of working out how you make money was as above. The figures for Waverly was 14000 and Dockland 30000. I am only basing my statement on what I can see at games and not what I cant in relation to internal club accountancy. Also how much more merchandise do you think they sold this year and also membership upgrades how many people paid for guaranteed grand finals tickets. Two in this house.
  20. Did anyone notice the scoring and time keeping shambles at half time on Saturday? Well at half time the two goal umpires as per every game, went to the center of the ground and consultered each other. They checked their little books and agreed the score was correct. They waved their flags toward the scorers and walked off of the ground. The score on the scoreboard was Brisbane 9.6 to Melbourne 9.4 2 points difference, this score was in the Sunday papers. Sometime in the next 15 minutes a goal was awarded to Brisbane giving them 10.6 a difference of 8 points. This was even after the goal umpires declared scores correct at the end of the second quarter. To help Brisbane even more at the start of the third quarter the umpire bounced the ball and play resumed, the ball was in play for approx. 1 minute when Brisbane scored a goal. But guess what? The time keepers hadn't started the clock and with Brisbane kicking with a fair wind they had another goal on the board with no time off the clock . The ball went back to the center and was bounced down, and the clock started from 0.00. So between the score correct end of second qtr 9.6 and time restarting in the third qtr Brisbane were awarded 2 goals. Maybe that's why they call it a practice match!
  21. People saying supporters living in the SE[ Pakenham, Cranbourne] are correct saying we can get off public transport at Richmond station, FOR NOW. With darling Dan the hard hat mans new underground, NO train from the SE suburbs will go through Richmond or South Yarra. If you want to go to the MCG you either change trains at Caufield or travel to the new station beneath Swanston st.
  22. If you can look at the video of the Hawkins push. Two funny points are in the video, forget Hawkins and first look at the GWS player on the ground. Nobody is paying him ANY attention not even his team mates. One even steps over him to get at Hawkins. Second look at the Geelong player running behind the umpire, he stretches his right arm across his body and pushes the umpire. A very funny action. All the attention on Hawkins and forget everybody else.
  23. What national competition? Oh you mean the MFL Mainland Football League. Tassie is part and a state of Australia, so until it has a team the AFL is the MFL. Most club sponserships are from overseas companies, including owe own. So local money isn't the be all and end all.
  24. Just back from the family day at the G. The day was held in the car park just south of Jolimont station. I looked at the empty field it was being held in and imagined a training ground running NW to SE, its about the size of a little bit smaller footy field eg carltons ground. No trees to remove only level the ground and install goal posts and paint the lines. As cricket Victoria is now at our old training ground, its only fair we take their old training ground. Could we move our training gym and the rest to the now no longer used rooms of cricket Victoria? Also use the new levelled oval used today for the family day. Arnt we the football arm of the MCC? So train at the MCC.
  25. Ahh Waverly. Great ground, no harder to get out of than the MCG, if you are allowed to park there now. You have to remember, to most people the town stops at Punt rd, how dare peasants live east of the G 60klms away. As to all the trains stoping at Richmond, once the new underground is finished all the SE trains wont go through Richmond any more. All the people out east will have to change at Caufield both ways. Can you imagine the crowding after a big game on the frankson platform.
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