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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. 18 months older, to be accurate
  2. Resting? How about being busy kicking a few sausage rolls?! Btw, thanks for the reports Dazzle and Kev. Much appreciated
  3. Question without notice: If Sloane retires after 2 or 3 years, do they have to keep him in their salary cap for the remaining years of his contract?
  4. Is Harry McKay worth an offer? What's the story with Harry McKay? Not getting a game with Carlton. Anyone have any intel on him?
  5. Anyone have a problem with $8mill over 8 years? He'd be 29 then, with 4 x premierships, 3 x Norm Smith's and a couple of Brownlows.
  6. Or on-trades pick #1 for an A grader. Dylan Sheil anyone?
  7. Carey was either joking or he's injected his Botox straight into the brain. For that deal I'd even throw in Pedo
  8. 13 contested. He's no longer just an outside player. Still 5-6 years left in his career
  9. I think he called Jeffy's soccer kick a goal but wanted to see if Trac hit the post with it immediately before. That was my understanding anyway. If it's a behind when running into the goal post when holding the ball, then the correct decision was made in review, which should be all that matters
  10. I too thought that if you hit the goal post whilst holding the ball it was a point (or out of bounds if it were the behind post). Might be mistaken, though
  11. Sure I watched the game, Uranus. Jeffy was underwhelming in perfect conditions for him to kick a handful and remind us of his capabilities. But I guess we should be happy with 'he ran and chased'
  12. Was inside 50 count 78 to 28? Lots of useless long bombs again, forward congestion, perfect opportunity for a specialist zippy little forward to show his class and get 20 possies and a handful of goals. If the best compliment we can give Jeffy is to say he laid 6 tackles in slippery conditions, then we need to seriously reassess his value to our club.
  13. Hey Bitters, can you tell us if Jeffy Garlett is at the ground tonight? In the selection thread I mentioned he had done little at VFL to warrant being picked at senior level. I'm now thinking he might not deserve selection at Casey either
  14. Once again the long bombs inside 50 are killing us. Clear out the forward 50 and create space for lowering of eyes. Too many go up and too much congestion inside 50
  15. You've been hanging around Bitter for too long, Biff
  16. Women's game before men's. Pic courtesy of Uncle Bitter. I believe they were about to run away from him...
  17. Wonder if they serve banana smoothies at this fine establishment
  18. I was under the impression you were to do some interpretive dance as the half time entertainment. Probably get a guard of honor by the players as you leave the arena
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