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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. I'm sorry but does anyone listen to Neeld and Misson about Cook? they have said repeatedly said that his body is not ready to play AFL at this stage.
  2. "I hope this doesnt turn out to be Schwab overriding the footy dept. Ive had enough of ignoring the needs of the football department...we just cant afford to get left behind again". Lmfao.........would love to seem him override Neeld and Co, thinking that would not happen even Schwab is not that silly!
  3. If you knew something about the game you could answer that yourself.............
  4. So bored I suppose that you stayed for the free food?
  5. Would have to agree with you on that side of things RobbieF
  6. Would have thought the more Melbourne sites the better, there are the same amount of nuff nuff's on this site as with Ology.
  7. And lets hope some posters here finally understand what Neeld is doing, it still might take some time but it's the right time to do this.
  8. Gee did not see it, shoot me.
  9. Have a listen, about time someone had a crack at King!! http://www.sen.com.au/audioplayer/Audio/The-Ox-hits-back-at-David-Kings-comments/4684
  10. ST, please don't make any sense because this site could get scary if it catches on.
  11. Krazy, HOW dare you use common sense on this site it is not good enough so let this be a warning to if you do this again you will be banned for life!! On a serious note the warning signs were there when Misson first started, he had his data from the Swans and the Saints and found that we were miles behind on running, core strength and physical strength and you can see that on the field and we will be a different side towards the end of the year.
  12. Going by the doom and gloom on this site I would say most of the posters fit the title......
  13. What a load of crap jimcor, what about Victory, Rebels, 3AW and the large power company's who went with them, are they all incompetent to so lets not lay all the blame with CS, gee would hate to be in a bar room brawl with a lot of posters on this site they would all be under the tables hiding when [censored] happens.
  14. Have a look at it on the MFC website, for what he has had to put up with, does a great job, the man has balls of steel.
  15. demon3165


    LMFAO......will give you that good comeback, if you listen to MN I think the players will soon realise that these type of performances will not be tolerated and about time, but I also think that it is hard to change a culture in such a short time.
  16. demon3165


    All this proves is 1, you are a troll, 2, no nothing about football, 3, just come out of the mental ward, 4, you are just reaching puberty, 5, no nothing about football, I know which one i'd pick.......
  17. If I remember correctly Misson was shocked at the overall shape of the players strength and fitness wise of the group, bet one JW's body shape will change a hell of a lot over the years, the same goes for Cook and company he will prove to be the recruit of the year. Neeld getting him will help him in the long run.
  18. What is confusing about what he Cam said, he has explained the clubs position and that is it, what are you or any other supporter are going to do to change it, I will tell you nothing, so what is the point of going on and on about it. When the balance sheet come in then one can go to the AGM and vent their spleen until then we have to trust the club.
  19. Ever thought you have no idea what you are talking about, the man has come on here and explained the position of the club, ever so simply , you are stating to become the Andrew Bolt of the MFC just going on and on with the same thing.
  20. No, just making a point that some posters keep going on and on with the same conversations over and over with out knowing any facts.
  21. Hey Cam thanks for this update hopefully some posters will now shut the hell up and let the club get on with it's agenda, it has become a bore reading the same posters saying the same damm thing over and over again.
  22. Had the same problem, rang Telstra complained and got $20 off for the month, and I only joined on Friday afternoon.
  23. Love the way some people think they know or know someone who told them this and that, the real truth is only those involved know and the rest belong to the Schitt family, "don't know schitt, jack schitt. pisa schitt and fulla schitt" why cannot we just move on as the club has!!
  24. Can we please move on about Cook v Darling, it's become boring as for Cook the club now has a guy that WILL build them up over this year instead of waiting to build them up over a couple of years Misson has got a track record on this!!
  25. We have had a leadership vacuum for a long time but that is being addressed now, unfortunately we will have to be patient this year.
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