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Winners at last

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Everything posted by Winners at last

  1. I think it's more a case of we will have to agree to agree!!! Like you I'm quite happy with these signings. But I was making the point that they weren't big signings in the sense that there was much competition for their services. Cheers.
  2. Now come on kids. Settle down, or you'll both have to go to your rooms!!
  3. The past is a foreign place. They do things differently there. "The Go Between", L.P. Hartley
  4. The only really good "get" has been Clark. Collingwood clearly no longer rated Dawes and Byrnes couldn't get a game at Geelong. Attempts to get Ball and Warnock were laughed off. Can't quite remember the scenario with Cloke but if MFC's offer bumped up his salary then there was at least some upside. I'm still amazed (and pleased!!!) that we got Clark, but MFC doesn't seem to be viewed as a desireable home by top players.
  5. Perhaps one could also ask When is a man not a man? When he's a freak in a sideshow ... @"The Freak" by The Zoot
  6. I was always one of the last picked. Thanks for reminding me.
  7. How could Cale Morton fall into the "Below Average" category when there is a "Poor" category?
  8. Clearly a ripping bloke. But repeated turnovers are soul destroying for a side. Hopefully he can improve that part of his game. Otherwise I agree with the majority that a tagger with poor skills is a relic of a bygone era. On that same topic, my favourite coach was Swooper Northey. He got the most out of the playing group. But football's way more sophisticated these days. The days of ranting and raving are pretty much over. (Alan Killigrew RIP). It's about developing plans and systems. Not so many one on ones these days. It's more about excellent skills and keeping possession which is why turnovers are murder.
  9. Chook, with the utmost respect, I don't think that's a great analogy. I think it is a slightly bigger ask for a medical student (let alone a team of highly professional and experienced medical researchers with massive financial backing) to develop a cure for cancer than for Brian Royal to improve the MFC midfield. if a med student could improve the standard of the MFC, then perhaps that option could be investigated? And Mr Royal could work on the cancer cure.
  10. As for Australian films, I agree that Wake in Fright was a ripper. Lantana was great, and I didnt mind some of those quirky films in the early 80s like The Big Steal and Death in Brunswick.
  11. I am ridiculously fussy when it comes to films. One of the worst films I have ever seen is Red Dog. Corny, dreadfully overacted. If I hadnt taken my daughter to that film, I would have walked out half way. I re-watched The Elephant Man the other day. Now there's a film! John Hurt's performance was brilliant. He was beaten to the Best Actor Oscar by De Niro in Raging Bull. The film was beautifully made and acted. Another one i really liked was American Beauty. As for comedies, my favourites are Napoleon Dynamite and Groundhog Day.
  12. In the words of Frank Woodley "I wish that hadn't happened" (contemplating his unfortunate experience).
  13. I think that wearing gloves is clear evidence of tanking.
  14. Not an actual quote? Really? I could imagine Mitch using the word "smite".
  15. I've been watching Real Humans on SBS, Saturday nights. Really good.
  16. The Club's record over the past 5 years speaks for itself. There is only one way to change perceptions, and that is (sustained) success.
  17. For some reason, Gilies reminds me of Clint Bizzell. Hopefully he performs as well. It could be hard to break into the backline, but if so Garland looks to be the player under the most threat.
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