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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. Well said , articulated my thoughts perfectly . He's a class young bloke , he'll stay for sure and sign sooner rather that later . The media circus he's found himself in would be his worst nightmare IMO .
  2. Chris Johnson ... please , he deserved a send off spray . His old man was significant . Bruce demanded another year on his contract , the boss said no , tough . Junior was told by Bailey at the start of the season it would be his last . Unfortunately he didn't believe him . Bailey hasn't made a bad list decision yet and I personally hope he remains ruthless . Being nice has got the club no-where .
  3. Yeah , was weak , I expected more from it after the lead in (biggest ad Blah , blah , blah ) pfft. I also remember the drawn out MELBOURNE being a staple chant when comfortably leading games during the 80's . That was along time ago now tho' , thought they copied Sydney personally , who cares . We just gotta silence it .
  4. Not so sure about the silence , he'll cop heaps this year .
  5. Must be gonna share it with Grimes , Scully and Watts .
  6. A great 1st hitout in greasy conditions . We moved the ball with purpose and we looked bigger , big enough not to so easily get shoved off the ball . Loved some of Dunns bullocking work , Watts dishing the don't argue and Jurrah seems to have it on a string . I liked Spencers centre bounce work and Bennell and Jetta looked more assured . I thought our disposal was good aswell , not as many missed handballs or wayward passing . Make no mistake , we're headed in the right direction . Bring on the season and some dry grounds .
  7. He's all class , when he's got it something constructive is about to happen .
  8. The ones bagging Watts never looked past their own teams . If tonight in greasy conditions is any example he'll silence them all this year , bigger , stronger , more confident and will only get better . Just seeing him flying for pack marks without being intimidated by big bodies was great . Never Fear the #1 Draft pick is here .
  9. Even Robert Harvey went to the Blues for a couple of years before going back to the Aints .
  10. No footballer likes being told their time is up and he was given the word at the start of the season . It won't be the last lesson Bailey learns during his coaching career either .
  11. I thought it was great , something for Sheedy to suck on and Scully to ponder .
  12. We'll be better this year than last and for an up and coming club there was some exciting stuff happening last year . Strap yourself in . Go Demons .
  13. Jamar was brilliant value last year as 2nd ruck , I couldn't have been happier . This year I'll be going again with Sandilands 1st and try to pick another value second ruck ... won't be Jamar .
  14. We've all been raving about Scullys character since he walked into the club . He's gone about his business with understated dedication and I would say he is the last person who wants to be in the position he's found himself in . He isn't driven by money , he is driven by the love of the game and desire to be the best player he can be . I think he'll sign sooner rather than later just to get the unwanted spotlight off his back . There is no way his decision would largely be effected by the extra dollars offered by GWS . What young footballer would give up the chance to play in an up and coming successful side in his home town to play infront of no-one at Sydney and pitiful crowds back here . Thats NOT what he's been dreaming about since he could hold a football . Thankfully we have great level headed people in charge of the club at the moment that won't get sucked into the whining outbursts that Thompson did last year . It's just the supporters that need to relax and let Tom do what he does best till he again signs .... with us.
  15. Lets face it , if some other club was in our situation the majority of us wouldn't give a flying fig either . I know I wouldn't .
  16. Fair dinkum .... We demand mental strength from the players but how about we show abit ourselves . A little jab from Maguire and many are staggering around waiting for the coup de grace , mission accomplished on his part . It's gonna be a long year so how about we man up and let the list managers deal with it .
  17. Chalk up Watts , Jurrah and Scully as future Stars . Once Watts fills out he will tear oppositions apart . When Jurrah developes an engine , he will tear oppositions apart . Once Scully sorts the radar with his kicking , he will tear oppositions apart . Allowing for cameo's from the likes Grimes , Trengove , Jones and Sylvia thats alot of oppositions getting torn apart .
  18. This has been a looong off season and I'm looking forward to seeing how they go . Haven't been to a pub in years but may have to find me 1 friday night . I'm not sure this 1st game will have too much of a bearing on memberships but we do have to have a solid start to the season to get to the 40,000 members we're looking for. I learnt from last year that all won't be lost big picture wise if we don't come out blitzing early . Just no bad injuries please .
  19. Jurrah probably tries to hide himself .
  20. Read my lips america de cali . If the umpires (and even the MRP) could umpire the game like did through the last final series throughout the season I would be happy . Problem is they don't , we get lumbered with their BS whimsical interpretations of rules which are becoming greyer by the minute . If your at a game there can be times when frees are getting paid that the supporter in the stands has no idea WTF just happened . Just let 'em fricken play .
  21. I'm sick of rule changes . Name another sport that make up the rules as they go along like ours . It's becoming a bad joke .
  22. Still gotta be a surprise attack , no good consistantly kicking torps from a kick-in . Variety and hitting up moving targets is the key .
  23. My thoughts exactly RobbieF, if we want more members in the future we have to be in the competions face , and rubbing their noses in it . Will do no good being quiet acheivers , just ask North .
  24. Problem is the media will not let this issue ride out till the end of the season. They are dogs with a bone and will not let up until a contract is signed . If his manager was truly intent on letting his charge concentrate on just playing football , he'd be signed sooner rather than later. The longer it draws out the worse for us IMO , and the dogs in the media will love it .
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