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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-02-11/new-players-families-welcomed-into-club- Love this type of thing. Good work MFC.
  2. Or he self reported drug use and was deemed unfit to play Joke!
  3. And I hop the payer accused of taking peds is [censored]
  4. There was a while there when I thought we'd gone too early putting the boot into the bombers..... Seems like this is not the case! Happy days Rot in hell bombers 1871 - 2013
  5. I think the AFL would want to put the whole tanking saga to bed when they announce their decision next week. They went some way towards doing this when got rid of the priority pick, but If they dont want to hear the word in future then they should announce changes to the draft system (perhaps a lottery).
  6. I could deal with the club being hit if Carlton, Eagles, Pies & Tigers also got took the same hit. The thing that gets me fired up about this whole saga is the massive delay between 2009 and the investigation date and the hypocricy of the investigation being limited to our club alone. If the AFL announce that they are slaping us then fine, but they better damn well announce that they are going to investigate every other team that has been awarded a priotrity pick in the last 15 years at the same time.
  7. haha absolute gold, especially from BaxterKeyzy i'd post his comment, bust last time i did i got a warning from a mod!
  8. haha he should read this to refresh his memory http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/eagles-battle-drug-stigma/story-e6frexni-1111113211534 If they had been carying on like that these days there would be so many videos and pictures on twitter or facebook that there could be no denial.
  9. hows this one from bomberblitz, trolling at it's best! Mate of a mate knows Joe Daniher and he told him he will be having a 2 year holiday without even playing a game from injections he was given last year
  10. Satyricon, you sound like one of the posters on bomberblitz. This is not hearsay. A 12 month investiagtion has established that PED's are a major issue in australian sport. yeas we might be speculating about who is involved but the issue must be real for the government to make a stand like they did yesterday
  11. If anyone wants some light entertainment, then i'd suggest visiting the 190+ page thread on Bomberblitz, some serious denial in there ...
  12. I can see it now Vlad: "the revelations uncovered over the last 48 hours have reinforced the importance of running a competition of high integrity. As such i've come to the realisation that tanking does exist, is a major issue, and has occured in the AFL. We will be charging Melbourne with draft tampering and match fixing' Whole of Demonland: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
  13. My dream is for the Eagles to be implicated in all of this. I hate the Eagles and the way their fans carry on, more than anyother sporting club in any code, anywhere.
  14. Im just paranoid! Misson and Craig are cutting edge sports scientists afterall! But you're right, Morton didnt bulk up last year so we couldnt have been on anythig decent
  15. from bomebr blitz; Someone on another clubs coterie told me two Victorian clubs. One pretty wealthy club (assuming Collingwood, Carlton or Hawthorn) and one club that is known for being battlers (Melbourne, North, Doggies, Saints[?]). oh man i hope we arent involved!
  16. thast a terrible article. Sensational statements followed by disclaimers so they dont get themselves into hot water.
  17. I'll happily admit i'm a hypocrite. I'm loving the media trash talking the Bombers, but hated when the shoe was on the other foot! But part of me feels like the Bombers are accused of a serious breaches which deserve it, where as our 'tanking' investigation is based on a wishy washy 'rule' and is taking place 2-3 years after it happened
  18. any way you spin it, this drug scandal has brought the game into disrepute. I honestly cant remember a scandal that could equal the negative effect that this one will have on the public's perception of the game. Even if the club are cleared by the WADA, i'd expect the AFL to slap the bombers pretty hard
  19. Jose made a post early on which seems to be echoed by a bomberblitz poster; The substance is NOT prohibited under the WADA code unless it’s used in a certain way (known as an intravenous infusion). I don't think anyone is alleging we have illegally administered the substance to our players - it’s definitely allowed to be injected, subject to certain limitations on the amount and the frequency of the injections. Based on what I've been told, I think we can ignore all the "injecting room scandal" stories. The problem is that although it’s not banned by WADA, it’s illegal to import, manufacture or purchase this substance in Australia. As such, I think the feeling is that the players may be safe, but the investigation centres on the fact that someone at the club (and I think I have an idea who) may be in some serious trouble for possessing and administering the substance to our players here in Australia. I’m pretty sure this is where the whole “criminal drug gang” angle to this story has come from. Doing my best Carro impersination (joining dots haphazardly) i'd say Dank has been investigated by the Fed's for possessing and administering the substance in Aus, the bombers caught wind of this and called the press conference to get the WADA involved. This way the players will be cleared as its not a banned substance. You think that Dank and Wepon and perhaps the club will be smashed for breaking the law though.
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